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Cheers Pauly.  Yes, he's on L's since start of Feb.  No problem with that for insurance etc.  He did everything right, just unlucky to be in the driver's seat at the wrong time.   The guy that hit us was totally at fault.   


He's got a good story for school tomorrow. 


Years ago my sister had an accident on her L's also. Never a good things. The lack of knowledge on the roads is really a shame. 

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Hey Harvs,

Just read this for the first time glad to hear everyone is ok.


I reckon skimming the pages of careless would be a delicious agony with all the options  that are available at the moment.


Hopefully the Insurance company get the sh1t together and prices it quickly.

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I'm not a religious person, don't have a problem if others are.


Never felt the need to "believe"


But that changed on Friday morning last week when i went outside to find someone had keyed the side of my daughter's car.


She hadn't been in any road rage arguments etc etc just some pillock had decided that that was the best use of his time i guess...


Now I really really want to believe...


is KARMA really a thing? 

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More morons mate,....the place is full of them.   That word describes them perfectly.


 lets hope Karma is a real thing and when the morons grow up, their pride and joy, gets similar treatment, and they then think back about what they did.


Make sure you report it to the coppers, if there has been more of it going on, you never know they might get an offender.(s)

lots of CCTV and things out there now a days.

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That totally sucks Harvs, pleased to  hear that the only damage was to the car :))  car easily replaced. 


Bafe - that also totally sucks. F'ing a-holes that damage other peoples property - infuriates me!  As Niko said, maybe the Police will find/know who they are which will also help with an insurance claim.

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I don't know if any of you use (or have used in the past) SolidWorks 3D modelling software by Dassault.  I've been using it since release 1996.  From Release 2010 onwards it seems to have gotten worse every year.  It's gone from being one of the best mainstream 3D packages to near on the worst.  :angry:  It gets so frustrating.  Sometimes I feel like picking up my computer and throwing it down the stairs. 








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I feel your pain, Stew. I've been using UG NX since early 90's. Every year or so there's an "upgrade". Usually it's just a reshuffle and new graphics which just gives you sh1ts as you relearn it all.

Every so often they add a new feature that we've been waiting for (asking for) for several years, then next release they shuffle some icons around and rename them so you can't find them.

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Problem with solidworks is that it tries to be too bloody clever and too bloody helpful.

Then it doesn't work.

I call it Solid may works

My employer knows I've been using it for a long time. When we get a Solidworks job I seem to get it. Yes, we call it solid doesn't works.

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My employer knows I've been using it for a long time. When we get a Solidworks job I seem to get it. Yes, we call it solid doesn't works.


Problem with solidworks is that it tries to be too bloody clever and too bloody helpful.


Then it doesn't work.


I call it Solid may works

Same for UG - Ugly Graphics

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Anti Vent


Never thought I'd see this...


This morning I'm batting along the Hume Hwy towards Mittagong.  Medium traffic.  Saw at least 6 patrol cars between Syd and the Highlands and a truck that had been pulled over by an unmarked police car (White, non-descript Toyota) with flashing red/blue lights.  VERY heavy police presence.


Anyway, I'm getting along at about 120 passing some cars, getting passed by others.  Guy in an older (>10yrs old) white sedan (Toyota, Mazda - something) comes up behind me quite quickly - 130-140 maybe.  I pull into the left lane and notice there's a newish SUV following him.  They pass and I pull in behind them to get dragged along.  We come up to a truck in the left lane with some wally beside him in the right lane.  Wally inches past over several km and once past the truck keeps in the right lane.  After a little while, white sedan gets jack of wally and pulls into the left lane to pass.  Expecting SUV to do the same, I'm getting ready to follow suite.  Next second, SUV lights up like a Christmas tree.  I thought to myself, - 'guy in white sedan's toast'.  Unbelievably, SUV pulls over wally for hogging the right lane!  Can you believe it?   I'm still getting over it - there may be a god after all...  A bit concerning with all the unmarked patrol cars though.

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Anti Vent


Never thought I'd see this...


This morning I'm batting along the Hume Hwy towards Mittagong.  Medium traffic.  Saw at least 6 patrol cars between Syd and the Highlands and a truck that had been pulled over by an unmarked police car (White, non-descript Toyota) with flashing red/blue lights.  VERY heavy police presence.


Anyway, I'm getting along at about 120 passing some cars, getting passed by others.  Guy in an older (>10yrs old) white sedan (Toyota, Mazda - something) comes up behind me quite quickly - 130-140 maybe.  I pull into the left lane and notice there's a newish SUV following him.  They pass and I pull in behind them to get dragged along.  We come up to a truck in the left lane with some wally beside him in the right lane.  Wally inches past over several km and once past the truck keeps in the right lane.  After a little while, white sedan gets jack of wally and pulls into the left lane to pass.  Expecting SUV to do the same, I'm getting ready to follow suite.  Next second, SUV lights up like a Christmas tree.  I thought to myself, - 'guy in white sedan's toast'.  Unbelievably, SUV pulls over wally for hogging the right lane!  Can you believe it?   I'm still getting over it - there may be a god after all...  A bit concerning with all the unmarked patrol cars though.

That NEVER happens!!


Next you'll be telling us you saw Bigfoot ;)

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