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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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Currently a dearth of top shelf Porsches (air cooled) available. Every time I think it's time to compromise and just buy one of the tidier cars on the market I look at some of the photos from porsche club show / display outings and the awesome pristine air cooled cars that are around (somewhere) and I just get more depressed. Where are these people buying them from?

I see a couple of the tidy(ier) cars have disappeared from carsales, the Mexico blue 1973 RS tribute and the white wide body Carrera coupe with the eighties slots/fins, assuming they have sold did anyone here pick them up?

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If its an '89 turbo then it will have been originally delivered outside Australia.

This is something else to factor in for pricing.

Yes im aware of that , but if you look closley, around 50-60% of all porsche cars have been imported. they were all made in the same factory.

The only imported car i would NOT buy is one that has been converted from left to right hand drive , as ive never seen any that were top notch jobs. I think this particular car has been imported from Japan, but i could be wrong.


Being said, if it turns out to be a good car, (having a look this arvo,) a 930 for 55k is a bargin if it is in great shape.I know the owner keept ALL his toys in pristeine condition and i know he spent over 70k on this car just before he went away.


the ones for sale now are between 75-100k for a convetrable 930 in good nick. I could buy a hard top 930 for 55k, but i would be buying a car that needs 55k spent on it as well.


Ive seen and test frove 930s in the 50-60 k mark, and they are far from being good cars. they all needed miniumum 25k spent on them just to make them mechanicaly sound, let alone body and interior defects.


If i were to invest my 55k budget on a 911, there are planty of fantastic cars out there, but you cant get a mint 930 for anywere near that.


speaking of convertables, do or can you get a hard top that clips or bolts on to the car?? I had a clip on hard top for one of my corvettes, it was a great thing to have.


Cant anyone give me any positive feed back about buying a convertable 930??


I will post the condition of the car and a couple pics tomorow after i look at it .

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yeah you can get a factory hard top, they're rare as rocking horse poop and expensive. There's an NZ SC with one in this thread a few pages back I think




Cabriolets and Targas are always going to be the poor cousin of a coupe, they get scuttle shake that you're always going to get without having the structural integrity of having a roof. I'm not sure how the hardtop would change that (it'd probably just rattle and move like a targa)

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yeah you can get a factory hard top, they're rare as rocking horse poop and expensive. There's an NZ SC with one in this thread a few pages back I think




Cabriolets and Targas are always going to be the poor cousin of a coupe, they get scuttle shake that you're always going to get without having the structural integrity of having a roof. I'm not sure how the hardtop would change that (it'd probably just rattle and move like a targa)


If they are anything like a hardtop on a NA MX-5 they greatly reduce the flex and roll of the cars body. On a MX-5 a hardtop really improves the car.


I'd imagine the only noise it would make would be the seals to the windscreen moving and rubbing, and of course the rear of it too.  but keeping a good sticky rubber protectant on all of the seals would help.  Just like the SLK roof, it needed to have a good coating of this stuff (name escapes me now) to establish a good seal between the roof and the top of the windshield


Be a good way of having your cake and eat it too :D

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saw that last night, was drooling all over the keyboard. would have to think its a little overpriced as 997 GT3's are changing hands at 130k


Most 996s seem to be priced about right, but this one definitely seems high to me. More likely to find a buyer under $120k.

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Check the history carefully


Is that with regards to the black 6.2 Simon? Or 7.1's changing at $130k~ 


I noticed that speed yellow 6.2 for $139k is gone... only 6k km's on it though, legit car I believe.

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The black 996. I can't be sure as to which car that is but you should speak to PCA with regards to any black WA registered 996 GT3 as several black ones have a story to tell. PM me in need

Thanks Simon, will keep it mind... I am not in the market for another 6.2 but if I know of anyone looking that is useful info!

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Check out this Porsche 911.


The photos are great...especially with the police car blurred in the background. Kinda looks like the police were chasing it but it managed to hide in the long grass.

loving that 911, seems really well priced also

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