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Gratuitous Porsche Pics

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Got to get there one day..

Sorry K911, and others I have hijacked this post a tad....but I just thought i would whet your appetite a tad. 

I was there in 2008.   I have to say it is wothout doubt one of the greatest experiences I have ever had.

I went with a NZ team as their photgrapher.  Spent close to a week on the salt, unbelievable.

Both doing the speed trials and the spectator fleet.   Great people great cars and bikes and complete visual candy

If you get the chance to go.......take it.   UNREAL.....





















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@Niko Thanks for sharing those pics. Lots of respect for those guys and what they do. Planning to go with a mate of mine in 2019.

You will love it.   I would go back in a heart beat.   Plus they love Aussies and kiwis even though the kiwis tend to steal a lot of their records, as we did.

And after each day the casinos are constant hot rod shows, outside with 50's music going and you can walk around with a beer and chat to the participants.

Some advice.    wear jocks that you are not fond of....at the end of the day you just chuck em out.   They get very eerrrr "woofy"

Drink as much water etc as you like while your on the salt.   You won't go to the dunny, it just all sweats out of you.   It's quite incredible.

You can buy sunnies on the salt made for the salt.    They were about $20.00 a pair.   The blokes running that make a fortune.

Gym boots and similar footwear will also will be just about ready for the bin after a few days there.

Obviously a good hat and needless to say lots of sunscreen.    If your wearing shorts make sure you go right up inside the legs of the shorts.  

The sun reflects of the salt and you can get very badly burnt around the nether regions.

If you can fit in HOT AUGUST NIGHTS which is normally a week or so earlier that is also a fantastic event.   Sparks/Reno Nevada

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