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Why Porsche?


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 Further to the video of Jerry Seinfeld explaining his passion for the brand, and I've often thought to ask it here, so why do you love them, and why is there such a passion for a Porsche around the world? 

 I know it's probably sad for a 50 year old bloke to think of a Porsche every other minute of the day like I do, and to be honest, it has consumed most of my thoughts and goals in the past 3 years more than I care to think about.

 I know I'm not alone throughout the world with people having even more passion than I have, be it a 356, 914, 911 or a 918, yet what the hell is it that makes me and many others have this obsession with Porsche?  

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Great question, but a really hard one to answer.

I've never been a brand snob, but I think for me, it's always been the simplicity of engineering and how that makes the car feel when driving it. You could always go and buy a cheaper car with a bigger V8 and more power, but the Porsche ended up being faster from just a 6 cylinder.

I've owned many fast Fords in the UK and tuned WRX's here, but it was always Porsche I dreamed about and coveted.

I think it's the reason most of the supercar manufactures when building their car to rival especially the 911 go out and buy one then strip it to see how it works and what they can gain from that in their own model.

I'll probably think of heaps of other things once I've posted this !


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Frank Sinatra said you buy a Ferrari if you want to be somebody, but if you are somebody, you buy a Lamborghini. I bought a Porsche because I am enthusiastic about driving experiences above all else!

Furthermore, and I realise this topic is not 911 specific, but if you look at all of the other sports cars and supercars in existence, they all follow a very similar form. The 911 styling has always been completely unique and remains so. It really is a product of form following function, yet it still looks pretty, and I love that.

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I love the practicality, the engineering, the solidity, the reliability of Porsche. I like other brands too but if I could only choose one, it would always be Porsche. I don't care for the sedans and SUV's however. You can keep them. For me, Porsche begins and ends with the sports cars.

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I think if you buy a Ferrari or Lambo, it is more to be a statement (look at me!). A Porsche is a bit more understated. It's about having a sports car that works and gets used as such.

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I think if you buy a Ferrari or Lambo, it is more to be a statement (look at me!). A Porsche is a bit more understated. It's about having a sports car that works and gets used as such.


i didn't know anything about them, and as such had no particularly strong feelings towards them either way before getting one purely as a track tool. 

might be why i'm a little cynical about the craze for them right now haha.

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Their uncompromising deign and engineering know how. They make the best of what they have and refine it constantly. It is not about symbols or status, but about how they make cars. Their attitude. It is very German which explains why I love the other great German car brand with the 3 pointed star :)  by and large both deign, create, engineer to be the best :)

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Their uncompromising deign and engineering know how. They make the best of what they have and refine it constantly. It is not about symbols or status, but about how they make cars. Their attitude. It is very German which explains why I love the other great German car brand with the 3 pointed star :)  by and large both deign, create, engineer to be the best :)

That is why at one stage I had 4 of the 5 German makes in my garage together... ;) 

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That is why at one stage I had 4 of the 5 German makes in my garage together... ;) 

Which one are you not counting.... there should be 6. Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Opel, Porsche and VW....? And which ones did you not have... Opel is one guess...

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Which one are you not counting.... there should be 6. Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Opel, Porsche and VW....? And which ones did you not have... Opel is one guess...

I wasn't counting Opel, as that is just another Holden ;) . I didn't have a BMW at the time, but I have owned one in the past.

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I have a Porsche, a Merc, a BMW & a VW in the drive. (ok they don't all fit but you get the idea)

And the other is a Holden Combo (is that an Opel?)

There's a theme here I just can't work it out

They are all white except the Cayman, maybe that's it. B)

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