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That's sucks Niko!! If they have a warranty then someone has to honour it! Maybe look at the legal avenue, small claims tribunal? Ombudsman may be able to help? just because you leave the state does not take away your responsibility.

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My daughter had 16 solar panels installed by a company named BRAEMAC in August 2014, which was based in Melbourne at a cost of $7000.00.  

I had previously had panels installed on my house a couple of years ago and recommended BRAEMAC to my daughter.

There is a ten year warranty on the panels.

Large electricity bill arrives early last month, and shows the panels appear to have a problem.

(It is a normal one (low) income household with two kids)  The bills are causing financial hardship for them.

Works out that ten out of the 16  panels are no longer working.

Contact the seller/installer BRAEMAC early March for assistance in having problem fixed.

BRAEMAC have now moved to South Australia and no longer have an office or representitive here in Victoria 

Numerous emails and phone calls where we were put in touch with the electrician, who was then going to contact someone else etc etc etc.

Then various people were going to get back to us, which they never did, it just went on and on.

I even spoke with the electrician who installed them, he didn't want to know about them.

He also threw in, if you want me to have a look it will be a $160.00 service fee but I won't be able to get there for some time.    

I said, I was happy to pay the fee.   Then told no, actually can't get there, he had a van to load up and abruptly hung up on 

Complete run around by both BRAEMAC and everyone else involved, now lasting over a month.

Cutting a long story short, yesterday the manager at BRAEMAC finally tells us (after we again rang them)

that they no longer have an interest in the panels that they sold in Victoria. 

He added that ...we are on our own, and suggest we now get in touch with the company that make the panels BENQ, because they cannot help us.

So we have emailed BENQ and hopefully will get a reply and offer of assistance from them.

If they give us the flick, I don't know where to turn to from there.

So anyone contemplating fitting solar panels be very careful who you purchase them from.

The worst thing is, I recommended this disgraceful company, BRAEMAC to my daughter and Son In Law.

BRAEMAC are still selling solar panels from their S.A. office.




10 year warranty ,get a lawyer 

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Thanks guys, I will wait for BENQ to reply and see what, if any plan they may have.

We had spoken with Consumer Affairs, and they are very good with advice (send a letter give them 10 days etc, which we did) but they really are a toothless tiger.

They cannot enforce anything.   They have suggested it may end up having to go to Vcat.   I think Vcat only does Vic stuff though so not sure there.

Steve, I think we may have to Lawyer up, eventually if BENQ don't come to the party.

I still reckon BRAEMAC should be the ones sorting this out.

They took the money in the first place. 

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Australian consumer law says, products sold in Australia must be fit for purpose for a reasonable life.

He sold them, he is responsible. Not the manufacturer. 

This is like air conditioning. There is so much work installing new systems, you can't get a service guy to come out.

The solar panel industry would be the same. 


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I know nothing about solar other than with my setup there are two strings or arrays over my 24 panels.  This spreads the load into say 2 & 3 KW inputs into my inverter.  If setup similarly, could it be that one of the arrays has become disconnected somehow..?  I mean its obviously a job for a sparky but it really doesn't sound like a panel fault to me..? 




F*ckwits that want to park RIGHT next to you.  I purposely park away or with space in between..  Did the same today when visiting the bank just then - 3 vacant spots either side of me..  Guess what..  Some clown who has NFI..  blah blah..   ( I'm on the right BTW..  ;) )



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I know nothing about solar other than with my setup there are two strings or arrays over my 24 panels.  This spreads the load into say 2 & 3 KW inputs into my inverter.  If setup similarly, could it be that one of the arrays has become disconnected somehow..?  I mean its obviously a job for a sparky but it really doesn't sound like a panel fault to me..? 




Thanks Woka,

This was a new system they talked us into and it actually has an inverter on each one of the 16 panels.  

Unlike most (and mine) which all go into the one inverter.


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  I would have thought that regardless if they have no interstate interests, they're still trading under the same name, so they would still be liable, and the warranty still apllies!



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Easy. Consumer affairs.


The installer is  liable through the sales chain. They have to then return them to the manufacturer etc.

I dealt with a very similar case......the prior owner of a business who F£^*}*d up a job and then sold the business......he paid out of his own pocket to fix.

Gp back to the installer and tell them to fix it. They have to pay for the sparky to visit and they have to fix it.

Vcat is the correct Avenue, as you ate in Vic, the job was done on Vic. 


And this is in response to NIKO.   LEEM just seems to want to hang around....

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Nor do I..  The CLOWN parked next to me  ;)

Welcome to the world of porsche ownership. It will always happen. I try and park next to a pole or on the end and if you have a choice park with a car which looks like its owned by someone who loves their car on the otherside. Works most of the time. Parking on your own with spots either side in a popular place brings in double the risk

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