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It is not a motorist vs cyclist issue, it is just that dumb people do dumb things.....


Cyclists represent a cross section of society,  so naturally you are going to get a certain percentage of wankers on bikes. Just as there are wanker motorists, motor cyclists, truckies and pedestrians.


Its way past time cyclists had to have a license.

I, and I dare say the majority do - it's called a driver's licence. Some of us even have comprehensive insurance!


My big vent.... Cyclists.. ... Up the inside at the lights, move into the centre of the lane and wobble like a drunk at a King St nightclub while they clip their peddle in.  

As a cyclist (formerly competitive) I hate it when people do that. Gives the rest of us a bad name, something which it seems is peculiar to cyclists i.e. they all get tarred with the same brush, but when people see a motorist do something stupid, they don't think, "oh those bloody motorists, they are all the same". 


Cyclist runs red light = all cyclists run red lights

Motorist runs red light = that bloke is a d!ckhead


It's an ego thing, shows us all how cool and fab they are, as if any of us give a fuch ....

nah, as ANF said. Some people just do dumb things and in my experience it's the commuters who are the worst offenders, not serious (lycra-clad) cyclists out on a training ride.


Shot was taken from my dashcam on a recent drive through the Adelaide hills.

Perfectly legal, but inconsiderate and potentially unsafe. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should I say.


There is a place for cyclists - velodromes, bicycle lanes, bicycle paths and parks (and gyms when there's need to just cut loose on the pedals) .... Oh and Wet On Wellington, free entry in lycra:o:huh::mellow::P:lol::D:rolleyes:

Because there is a velodrome in every suburb, right? :P

Bike paths and parks are way more dangerous than riding on the road. There's all manner of meanderthals do deal with, not to mention off-leash dogs and children (actually those long extendable leashes are worse).

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While I don't know the exact circumstances of the dashcam shot, the angle makes it look like they are riding wider than they actually are. And for all we know the rider on the left of shot was passing the others. 

Having said that, I agree with your sentiments. Also courtesy goes a long way - move to single file of you're holding someone up. By the same token if your driving in the Adelaide Hills, or somewhere like Bobbin Head here in Sydney, expect to encounter cyclists and have some patience. 

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I, and I dare say the majority do - it's called a driver's licence. Some of us even have comprehensive insurance!



Based on the logic that a drivers license is adequate for riding a push bike we could also assume that a drivers license is good enough for a motor bike? Or how about numerous other vehicles such as a large bus or any heavy vehicle or articulated vehicle or even a boat. Having a drivers license does not show that you have demonstrated the skills required to operate a push bike.

But having a license for some other vehicle misses my point. A cyclist license needs to be removable for consistently bad behavior to get them off the road. If you want to tie a cyclist license with your drivers license and cop the points from both activities I would have no problem with that.


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  Spot on Jeremy

 That day, there were MANY cyclists in the area we were in. I had been told they do frequent the area, though didn't expect THAT many. Have you seen the Vegan cyclist that goes off at car driver that went viral? He was with a bunch of other dickheads. That was the same day we were there. Mr Vegan knobhead would have got his head caved in if he touched my car! Fair enough to all hills cyclists, theyre entitled to be there as much as I am, yet I'd rather stay away from the area personally, as we did encounter 2 abreast around blind corners sometimes that woke us up. We were doing well within the 80kph speed limit too. They were 3 and 4 abreast in my dashcam pic. Very stupid riding if you ask me

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have you seen the Vegan cyclist that goes off at car driver that went viral? 

 I knew he was a knob even before I saw that footage. 

Based on the logic that a drivers license is adequate for riding a push bike we could also assume that a drivers license is good enough for a motor bike? Or how about numerous other vehicles such as a large bus or any heavy vehicle or articulated vehicle or even a boat. Having a drivers license does not show that you have demonstrated the skills required to operate a push bike.

But having a license for some other vehicle misses my point. A cyclist license needs to be removable for consistently bad behaviour to get them off the road. If you want to tie a cyclist license with your drivers license and cop the points from both activities I would have no problem with that.


The skills to ride a pushie are something most people learn shortly after they learn to walk, so comparing it to heavy machinery and motorbikes is not a fair comparison. 

I agree that serial offenders (of all forms) need to be dealt with, however your premise that having ones licence cancelled will get them off the road doesn't hold water. How many unlicensed drivers are out there? Not that the requirements to hold a licence and have rego deterrents to breaking road rules in the first place. You still have to get caught in the act, the liklihood of which is very low.  

Having said all that, my motorbike and car licence (and points) are linked so would have no problem extending that to a pushie. I'd welcome a separate test and nominal rego fee if that is what it is going to take to earn come respect. At the very minimum it will kill the old, "youse don't pay rego so don't belong on the road" argument fallacy. 

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The skills to ride a pushie are something most people learn shortly after they learn to walk, so comparing it to heavy machinery and motorbikes is not a fair comparison. 

I was a demon with a pushbike, motorbike, go-cart, paddock bomb and tractor all before I was 12. So while I may have (arguably) had some vehicle control skills I was in no way ready or had any of the skills necessary to operate safely in the complex multi vehicle environment that is our public road system.

When it comes to the safety of yourself and those around you proper training and competence testing is important no matter what you are operating from a pushy to a truck. Being able to stay upright on a pushy does not make anyone a safe rider. 


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Shitty Design.

This is the sump from my GSX1400 Suzuki, doing my first oil change on it, I need a long ring spanner and lots of person metres to undo the drain plug. Plug comes out with the threads full of the above sumps alloy as it had been installed too tight and stripped the thread.Check out the design of the boss, where the cut out is to drain the oil there is only three threads. Without looking at the book, I would have done it up tighter than required as well, not as much as it was, but more than the required piss ant 17 Ft lbs.

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Shitty Design.

This is the sump from my GSX1400 Suzuki, doing my first oil change on it, I need a long ring spanner and lots of person metres to undo the drain plug. Plug comes out with the threads full of the above sumps alloy as it had been installed too tight and stripped the thread.Check out the design of the boss, where the cut out is to drain the oil there is only three threads. Without looking at the book, I would have done it up tighter than required as well, not as much as it was, but more than the required piss ant 17 Ft lbs.

That's a shit design, designers should only be allowed to sign off on design once the maintenance guys have ok'd it. Or the designers should have been made to perform maintenance/service work BEFORE being allowed to design.

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That's a shit design, designers should only be allowed to sign off on design once the maintenance guys have ok'd it. Or the designers should have been made to perform maintenance/service work BEFORE being allowed to design.


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Time for a group hug? Perhaps the next DAK DAK meet should be a Lycra only event.  



Any familiar faces from the Canberra PFA crew here?


Don't recognise any, but Canberra is a great place to live if you're a rider...

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Cycilst vs motorist debate always leaves me astounded & really sad. Riding a bike is one of the few freedoms (and best!) you can enjoy as a child or adult, anyone can do it and that's the point. 

The world would be a much happier, healthier and safer place if we all rode bikes. 

Worth noting that a large (probably larger than you think) number of the membership on here are also cyclists so venting hate related posts probably won't generate anything other than uneducated generalisations at best. 

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Some good comments re cycling and some not so good.

I was a mad keen cyclist when i was younger, always had a racing bike up to my mid 40's now just a MB. In my mid 20's I took up triathlon and this required lots of training which in turn saw me riding up to 14,000km a year some years.

The things i have seen on the road and also the hate directed at cyclists sometimes for just being on the road is just disgraceful.

I'm not that stupid to know that it is not one sided either because i have also ridden with cyclists that are just idiots.

So i guess it is angst from both sides and everyone has a story to tell and i have many from the beer bottles and food and also a pumpkin that was thrown at me once that almost caused me to veer into the path of an on coming truck, what an end to my life that would have been.

I have never intentionally held up any driver on a road illegally and many people do not know how much of the road a cyclist is entitled to ride in, just a little more patience and a couple of seconds of your time may be all it takes to get around someone who is holding you up.

Personally i think people should all ride a bike before they get a car license just to know what it takes to ride on the road, to me it's very similar to riding a motorbike, always planning that someone has not seen you.

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It's so easy; live and let live, drive and let ride (and vis-a-vis).  Idiots come in all flavors and colors.

Sorry @LeeM for the term I used, even though it was the happy pub drinking version, slurred even, I really should have just called you an Assclown.  As that's seemingly ok...

Glad the discussion developed from my low point.

@JV911, I spent 20,000km+ a year for many years on a road bike, something we might have in common.  Thank you for your highly intelligent contributions.  I couldn't be bothered, but you were. Kudos.

By the way, the good old SMT, let's look at that concept through other eyes...

Balance, lads, balance.





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I worked for Bosch in the early 2000's developing keys heads and remotes.   I don't know the actual $ value but they were cheap enough to be able to take a handful (free of charge) of new Porsche remotes and chop them up to use the badges on a few model display cases.  I think retail they're in the several hundred dollar range.  

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The story here forgets all the R&D that goes into the technology.  Sure, the parts might cost $3 to make from Tandy (anyone remember Tandy ?) but the company who designed and took a risk and made these initially needs to be paid.

A bit like saying an iPhone contains only $60 worth of parts.  What about product development, marketing etc.


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