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Stupid to run the gauntlet in aggressive traffic.

There are rules for a reason. The trouble is everyone thinks they're for someone else. ?

 It's well known in workplace safety at roadworks that a lower speed of impact with a (worker on foot) will reduce injury and rehabilitation. 

Drive and walk and cycle appropriate to the conditions. Be kind, everyone goes home.


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Jaywalking as a concept was really the creation of a law when there was none before.  Not all countries actually have it as law.

makes for intersecting reading:


i wouldn't mind lowered speed limits on smaller roads in exchange for higher limits on controlled access highways.  You lose more time at 100 instead fo 130 for 4 hours than you do doing 50 instead of 60 for 20 minutes.  I typically drive around my suburb at 50kmh instead of 60 because I know many of the kids who share the roads with their skateboards and bikes.  That I don't mind.  But we have lots of 4 lane restricted access divided road with 70 and 80 kph limit when it could be higher.   So I'd happily swap one for the other.

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Having just been in New York city I was quite amazed by pedestrian jay walkers, virtually all pay no notice to the lights and just walk across! They do have what seems to be a good system over there where it counts down how many seconds are left on the crossing, yet people still run out late! Amazingly no one appears to get hit. This happens even with police standing right next to them, the police do nothing.....

Cyclists don't stop for anyone or anything, all run red lights - you have to keep your wits about you!

Meanwhile over in Canada there is literally a pedestrian crossing (no lights just signs) on every intersection and you MUST stop for them - this system seems to work quite well.

Edited by ANF
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Every intersection is a pedestrian crossing whether marked or not...where?

Correct, if there is someone already crossing the road at the intersection you must give way, you don't have to stop if they are waiting to cross.

While I'm on the vent thread, why don't people move into the middle of the intersection when waiting to turn right, I do it all the time when i can and people look at me like I'm an alien, better than getting stuck the lights and having to wait for the whole sequence to go through again, another little known road rule that never gets used.

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While I'm on the vent thread, why don't people move into the middle of the intersection when waiting to turn right, I do it all the time when i can and people look at me like I'm an alien, better than getting stuck the lights and having to wait for the whole sequence to go through again, another little known road rule that never gets used.

Grrrrr! Don't start me on that! I was waiting for this ignoramus to do that, as I was in a hurry to get to site. Then ofcourse Ms Myopic Dumbass finally moved, I followed and got flashed by the camera I didn't see waiting for impatient clowns like me. $369 and 3 demerits thanks!

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Short fact sheet from vic roads. Seems they are aware that a lot of pedestrians do not know the road crossing rules at a roundabout. I think the fact there is an overriding (common sense) rule that you try to avoid running into a pedestrian does not mean they have any right of way when in fact they are probably obstructing traffic which I believe is an offense. 



My vent! Pedestrians (zombies) need to get ther s#%^ together. 


NSW rules

236 Pedestrians not to cause a traffic hazard or obstruction


(1) A pedestrian must not cause a traffic hazard by moving into the path of a driver. 

(2) A pedestrian must not unreasonably obstruct the path of any driver or another pedestrian. 

Edited by Redracn
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So, if you are in a suburb where you don't know the kids, is it foot down?  :ph34r:

at least 80.  More if there are any Victorians in the neighbourhood.  I see their pasty white legs and nail the throttle.

My young fella just got his license a few months ago and remarked, all pedestrians have right of way even if not on a crossing in NSW.

I didn't check the rules myself as he is very thorough. 

in California they have the same rule with added bonus civil lawsuits on top.  So you can slow traffic just by even looking like you might cross over.  Jut walk close to the kerb and traffic will start to slow down on smaller roads.   It's unnerving at first if you are used to 'mow 'em down' Australian drivers.  You have to change your behaviour and only look like you are crossing a road if you are going to do so.  I don't mind though - traffic in suburban streets and shopping centre car parks is a lot more sedate there.

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I know a kid who got sued by an insurance company for the damage bill to a car which he was hit by. He was attempting to cross the Sth Gippy Hwy at Cranbourne when he got hit.  Because he was within the distance where peds are required to use a crossing and didn't use the crossing, he was legally liable for the incident.  His parents were not impressed with the expense, or the fact that he was ditching school at the time.

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I know a kid who got sued by an insurance company for the damage bill to a car which he was hit by. He was attempting to cross the Sth Gippy Hwy at Cranbourne when he got hit.  Because he was within the distance where peds are required to use a crossing and didn't use the crossing, he was legally liable for the incident.  His parents were not impressed with the expense, or the fact that he was ditching school at the time.

Hope the kid was OK.  Other than that, good.  1 story in 100 where the person who did not take personal responsibility wears the consequences.

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I know a kid who got sued by an insurance company for the damage bill to a car which he was hit by. He was attempting to cross the Sth Gippy Hwy at Cranbourne when he got hit.  Because he was within the distance where peds are required to use a crossing and didn't use the crossing, he was legally liable for the incident.  His parents were not impressed with the expense, or the fact that he was ditching school at the time.

Almost Natural Selection.

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A pedestrian is just a lucky motorist who got a parking spot.

Lucky means you have your own spot in the basement. 


You survived the on foot part of you journey despite you best kangaroo impersonation. 

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Go figure , imagine if they put 1% of transport related taxes and fine revenue in to creating motosport parks , like they do community centres and football fields etc..

Wouldnt it be just radical of instead of us all having to fight to get into the few race tracks and we could have dedicated thrash centres we could all use our cars at….?

Imagine just popping out for a blast at the track .. instead of just going out the back roads , the industrial estate or bypass to express a few horses via ur right foot .

They wouldn't even need monitoring per say .. all these rules at tracks .. shit we dont have every road being monitored with a safety team on every corner.

I think we live in an a penalty based motoring country now ..  not a rewards and enjoyment based motoring culture.

Why they dont even allow private tracks in more places ..is beyond common sense?

The creativity in thinking in this country sucks.. just more rules and more laws and more penalties..

Lucky country..like lucky if you dont get caught in one of the regulations ..more like

 Hows about town planning and designing residential estates where there are central play areas and the roads go around the outside.. now that would be smart.

I think the problem with Australia is its lazy copying of other countries models .. take landholding.. this insnts a land of scarcity especially space ,  its about literal thinking rather than lateral thinking. Do we have a space issue , only if you want to control it all.

So many motoring farces here in Australia.. fuel levys when we have our own resources, still single lane highways across most part of the country..Pacific Hwy is the WORST what year is this.. Speed limits ..we wont mention them , the protection of the motoring industry - Import duties and LCT - protecting what

Slowly becoming a Police state , you wait for more terrorism and less civil rights .. that will be the next things.. especially after Manchester .. common sense aint so common hey ..  we need more rules..


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Nice idea, but we are seen as hoons and the naysayers would be all over how $$ could be spent saving something obscure.....

On speed limits, my recent trip to the US, max speed limit is 75 mph, 121 km/h, most go way over this (I sat on 78/ 79 mostly and was passed consistently!) so you can easily do 80 mph without being booked.... 129 km/h (say 130)... makes our mostly 100 limit (sometimes can do 110) look like a joke!!

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Weapons , car tracks , cutting people nuts off who screw with peoples private property, supporting economical growth by creating tax havens for those that create employment and squeezing the nuts of the global tax dodgers, making our politicians/councils and local govts accountable for their atttrocious management of funds.

Shit sounds very difficult hey.. who would have thought this is an intelligent country..  I have decalred this country the best in the world for many a year now.. i think no longer the smartest

And when you think about it .. good water , good food .. or should we sell all that to foreign investors along with our personal sovreignty 

This and PFA Paid membership are a must for today ;)  Oh shit I didnt just rattle the can on that old one!!  

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