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The story here forgets all the R&D that goes into the technology.  Sure, the parts might cost $3 to make from Tandy (anyone remember Tandy ?) but the company who designed and took a risk and made these initially needs to be paid.

A bit like saying an iPhone contains only $60 worth of parts.  What about product development, marketing etc.


how do you think I paid for my Porsche??

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The story here forgets all the R&D that goes into the technology.  Sure, the parts might cost $3 to make from Tandy (anyone remember Tandy ?) but the company who designed and took a risk and made these initially needs to be paid.

A bit like saying an iPhone contains only $60 worth of parts.  What about product development, marketing etc.


As an approximation 5 x parts cost = retail. So a key fob should be less than $150.

As far as development cost goes volume is all important and at the large volume these are built in development, tooling and regulatory compliance cost would be a few cents per fob. 

You will find that the internals are made by only a few companies specifically for the task and these are commodity items and there is no man that needs to be payed. 

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What's with:

1. People driving at 10 to 20kph under the posted limit ?

2. Do gooders now wanting female figures on pedestrian crossings/lights because the present figures are sexist

3. Do gooders wanting ear protection for the little darlings at parties in case a balloon bursts and hurts their delicate ears !

4. people not turning off their phones when boarding / while on board aircraft

5. Police not booking people that drive with their fog lights on.  " If we booked everyone with fog lights on, we would be writing tickets all night" was the response I got when I asked the friendly cop. Well Derr !!

I've had a bad day<_<


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  • 2 weeks later...

What a big let down.....DR probably not starting.  Damn...:Sweating:

he must be shattered.:PissedOff:

hope they can do some magic and get it on grid....but not looking good:(

well I'm going for Seb or Max....anyone but HAMILTON.....


O oh, box of neutrals for DR Niko!!!

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Especially sitting there watching them go by!, with 30 metres min between most cars 99% of the time. Was my first GP and had good seats just past corner 1 thinking I'd see lots of moves etc near the end of the straight - I saw one! I'd go again as the 4 days cost a grand for me and took my son, mate, and girl on 3 of the days, money well spent overall. Rode a bike in everyday so no traffic for me and parked outside gate 1. Pretty boring around the event saw it all in 3 hours. loved the line up of historic racers, some very rare -  but can see more at an historic meet (and watch them race). loved the F111 shooting overhead, loved the old MInardi V10 cosworth doing a lap here and there - now that is how they should sound! supercars and GT cars and Carerra cup cars sound angrier, the F1 need to back off on the mufflers. I think it's a great TV event to take in all the logistics and strategies and visuals and team personalities over the entire season. Would I go again, yeah, but I could just as soon stay home.......  

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 An F 111? Errr  FA 18 maybe? ;) 

Coupla F1 fanatic friends went on the weekend. They left after Saturday, as they said the place was dead with no vibe, even outside of the circuit. They'll never go again

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 An F 111? Errr  FA 18 maybe? ;) 

Coupla F1 fanatic friends went on the weekend. They left after Saturday, as they said the place was dead with no vibe, even outside of the circuit. They'll never go again

Hhahaha FA 18 Yes! You can see my plane and defence knowledge ....

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F1 is boring 

......and has been for years.

The year Mark Webber stood on the podium, when only a few cars were left running, Alan Moffat said to Mark "that was a boring race", to which Mark retorted "have you ever raced Formula one ?", thus giving a perspective from a driver and a spectator.


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......and has been for years.

The year Mark Webber stood on the podium, when only a few cars were left running, Alan Moffat said to Mark "that was a boring race", to which Mark retorted "have you ever raced Formula one ?", thus giving a perspective from a driver and a spectator.


Simple to fix, just make them run wet weather tyres all the time, or reduce the width by 30% of all dry and intermediate tyres - and or let em use DRS whenever they want ....

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Simple to fix, just make them run wet weather tyres all the time, or reduce the width by 30% of all dry and intermediate tyres - and or let em use DRS whenever they want ....

My fix is across the board, all categories. Give control back to the drivers. Manual everything. 

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Not really a vent.....BUT THE RAIN !!!!!

In 12 hours to 9pm The Channon in the Richmond valley has received 339mm,  Lillian Rock 302mm, Nimbin 280mm and Lismore 279mm. In 1 hour to 9pm Lilian Rock has had 57mm and Yamba 44mm.  

339mm in 12 hours !!!!!   This is at The Channon not far from Byron Bay.

It's 1am here and we are being hammered with horizontal rain and water which I have not seen this high in the 15 years I've lived here.

Just tied a car to the fence post outside our place so it didn't float into anything else.


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It's almost over Chris. Radar shows it leaving the coast .

I've had 330+ here in 12 hrs. I say + as my gauge filled to 130 in 3 hours to 12 so I don't know how much I really had. Power out all over the tweed and I'm sure/ hope no one is out there to fix it. Hope you and your cars safe.

It's only the first cyclone this season. Ocean temps are still high so likely well get more imo

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