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Sydney real estate agencies... why can't you just put a price or an auction guide on things FFS? No, I don't want to sift through RP data to get a feeler for values of numerous areas... they constantly keep you guessing with this crap and its just plain annoying! What happened to good ole fashion transacting? You put a number on it, I either walk away or we negotiate a deal that we're both happy with and get it done. 


Price gouging thats why.. 

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Just this morning for a few seconds wasn't staring at the speedo (as I was distracted thinking about something else) while going down a fairly steep hill. glance at the speedo just quickly and see i was doing 67 in a 60 zone, just as i noticed the policeman at the side of the road with a Trucam. :(


goodbye $154 and 1 point :/


not sure what they've achieved by fining me, I know it's a 60 zone and I'm normally fairly good at observing speed limits. I was also the only car on the piece of road at the time

It will achieve you looking at your speedo instead of the road in the near future.

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I don't get the aggressive nature of lots of Australian drivers.. its just so uncalled for and gets nothing done in the end.


What is ti about getting behind the wheel that turns normally level-headed people into raving lunatics?!

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Because most peoples actual abilities are way below their perceived abilities!!

1. Anybody who drives faster than you do is a fool.

2. Anybody who drives slower than you do is an idiot.

3. 50% of all drivers have below average skill levels.

(For absolute clarity, "you" above used in the general, not an attack on espskk.)

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^ That is very true JustJames. Anyone that isn't doing what 'you' are doing is just an idiot. That goes for more things than just driving.


Oh I had a cyclist absolutely yell and yell at me the other day. Why you ask? Well I was driving down a steep hill, about to do a left turn. She's passing the intersection on my side of the road, I make eye contact with her, stop and roll forward maybe 50cm if that.. just to see if there's any traffic coming after her. She lets fly with every name under the sun at me - whilst I'm making eye contact with her! WTF she must have thought I was going to deliberately run her down or something?  If you are so scared of traffic, don't ride a bike!  The mind boggles. I could see clearly she called me a see you next you know what!  How rude.. 

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This isn't a vent so much as something horrible I saw this morning...


About to cross over Kensington Road in Kensington this morning and notice the Police have blocked Kensington Road off.  Look a bit closer and see and a tarpaulin covering what I assume is a body right in the middle of the street. 


Seems that 3 Motorcycles at 2am were traveling along this road and somehow one of them hit a car head on, killing the motorcyclist.


It was such a sobering and disturbing sight. 


Please be careful out there my PFA friends, its a big bad scary world... 


EDIT: And in hindsight also  makes my vent above about the cyclist seem silly. I should be more respectful of other road users and not judge based on the fact I'm in a big tin box and she's just on a bike!

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EDIT: And in hindsight also  makes my vent above about the cyclist seem silly. I should be more respectful of other road users and not judge based on the fact I'm in a big tin box and she's just on a bike!

Amanda, my first response, as a keen cyclist, was to point out that the consequences of a minor bump are disproportionate for cyclists and motorists.

But then I remembered that numpties (or stronger word of your choice) are distributed evenly across all sub-groups of society, so it is just as likely that the cyclist was in the wrong. And excessive spleen venting should be reserved for acshil crises.

TL;DR - Don't be too hard on yourself.

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Amanda, my first response, as a keen cyclist, was to point out that the consequences of a minor bump are disproportionate for cyclists and motorists.

But then I remembered that numpties (or stronger word of your choice) are distributed evenly across all sub-groups of society, so it is just as likely that the cyclist was in the wrong. And excessive spleen venting should be reserved for acshil crises.

TL;DR - Don't be too hard on yourself.


I'm not hard on myself, just good to have the capacity to re-evaluate one's behavior. Learn from it and move forward.

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Warning, explicit language ahead. - Sorry in advanced. 






Me and mum where on the way home from work in the same car, And there's a section of road where it goes from 2 lanes into one then to a roundabout to a smaller road. (it separates industrial to residential.) We where in the left lane with minimal traffic about to change into single file... Out comes this taxi driving one of those shit eco boxes from toyota comes flying past us to get in front. Almost caused an accident. Mum started yelling and saying what a fucking idiot he was. 

She didn't react correctly, so i got on the horn and held it so i could indicate what a complete fuck head he was. Then he proceed to stick his finger out!! 
Lucky my mum was driving.. because if i was driving, i would have turned off where he turned off, followed him and forced him to stop so i can verbally tell him how shit his driving is and explain to him if i caught him doing it again (The Rock quote) "That I'd shine it up real nice, turn that 'sumbitch' sideways and shove it up the taxidrivers candy ass"


Nothing annoys me more when someone endangers my or my families lives. 



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She didn't react correctly, so i got on the horn and held it so i could indicate what a complete fuck head he was. Then he proceed to stick his finger out!! 

Lucky my mum was driving.. because if i was driving, i would have turned off where he turned off, followed him and forced him to stop so i can verbally tell him how shit his driving is and explain to him if i caught him doing it again (The Rock quote) "That I'd shine it up real nice, turn that 'sumbitch' sideways and shove it up the taxidrivers candy ass"


Nothing annoys me more when someone endangers my or my families lives. 





This is called road rage isn't it.

Ive been a victim of this twice it aint nice.

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