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This morning I had to do a few things and do some banking, So i went to Highpoint (major shopping centre) in a hurry, walking fast past those stands in the middle of the walk way. And i still get asked "hi how you going would you like to.." 

Seriously. I am in a damn hurry, i am walking at jogging pace past everything. How blind do you need to be to realise i'm in a hurry. But not do i only get asked by 1 stand. another 3 more thought they'd ask. I am busy.... leave me alone. 

<_<  <_<  :angry:  :angry:

One of my pet HATES is these people.

Some bloke trying to stop me to sign up for the RSPCA (thats the only charity I donate to) grabs my arm as I'm walking past.

Told him to .... off, then AGAIN as I am walking back past, has the audacity to try and stop me again by asking what I had bought at the shop!


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I used to work with bankers in a previous life and agree......... Scheduled payments sometimes get stuck.

Thanks Chris, definitely just pay them when they are due in future., and not set it up for future payments, lesson learnt there.

I know lots of people don't check their bank statements, and that being the case, especially with no issue of rego labels now

It could lead to you driving an unregistered car for months ......scarey stuff.

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One of my pet HATES is these people.

Some bloke trying to stop me to sign up for the RSPCA (thats the only charity I donate to) grabs my arm as I'm walking past.

Told him to .... off, then AGAIN as I am walking back past, has the audacity to try and stop me again by asking what I had bought at the shop!


do not donate to them,they have more money than they know what to do with it...FACT!

lost dogs home get no funding...just read yesterday the government wants to audit them(putting down to many animals)...give them some $$$ ..ffs

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a smoker Chris, and I totally understand how non smokers feel.

I was onsite today, and the house REEKED of cigarette smoke. It was shocking even for me, and the old couple were chain smokers walking in and out of the room I was working in. My eyes were stinging!

I don't smoke in my house, only outside or in the man cave or in the garage (connected by a wall).

My mate owns a guitar shop, and he's very anti smoking, and I took an acoustic guitar to him to sell that had been in the cave. He had to air it out and put some Chrystal grains in the soundhole to remove the 'stench' as he called it.

Fair enough, as I couldnt smell it.

I have started using a 'Vape' vapourising thingy to gradually ween myself off the cigs, and I can say here, its saving me atleast $60 a week already, as I dont smoke nowhere near as much, and I am starting to realise how ....ing terrible it does smell to non smokers.

I'm tired of smoking, and if anyone is trying to quit but failing, try an Emow Vapouriser. They bloody work, and theres no nicotine in the fluid, and you van use them anywhere there is no smoking allowed.

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This morning I had to do a few things and do some banking, So i went to Highpoint (major shopping centre) in a hurry, walking fast past those stands in the middle of the walk way. And i still get asked "hi how you going would you like to.." 

Seriously. I am in a damn hurry, i am walking at jogging pace past everything. How blind do you need to be to realise i'm in a hurry. But not do i only get asked by 1 stand. another 3 more thought they'd ask. I am busy.... leave me alone. 

<_<  <_<  :angry:  :angry:

I have perfected my 'don't even try' thousand yard stare. Most don't start, those that do give up when I don't change tempo, facial expression or focal point. May the rust of a thousand hyundais works its way into their shoes.

One of my pet HATES is these people.

Some bloke trying to stop me to sign up for the RSPCA (thats the only charity I donate to) grabs my arm as I'm walking past.

Told him to .... off, then AGAIN as I am walking back past, has the audacity to try and stop me again by asking what I had bought at the shop!


Simple rule of thumb - never donate to a charity that can afford television ads, or who has 'directors' that go to junkets.

Best place for charity money is people who help out in your local area, and those places that provide entertainment to kids in hospital.

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Today my 911 just became a daily driver.  


Thanks to an inattentive driver piling into the back of my daily hack.  My son was driving and I was in the passenger seat.  While stopped waiting for a car to reverse park we were hit hard from behind.  We cannoned into the car parking which in turn hit a parked car.  Result was 2 cars towed, 2 still drivable...just.  I copped a bit of whiplash and a few bruises, thankfully my son and all others were not injured.


Our old Honda stood up to the impacts remarkably well.  From the outside the damage looks minimal but closer inspection showed serious damage to the  floor structure in the back and some deformation in the front rails.  It's drivable but I know it's a goner. 


The worst part is now having to deal with car salesman again.


btw Nurofen + and cab sav. fixes any aches and pains  

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Thanks Steve & Hugh. Junior took it in his stride. I'm pretty pleased with the maturity he's been showing lately.

The driver who hit us will have a visit from Vic police soon for a "please explain". While he did everything required by stopping and exchanging details etc. when he heard police were on their way he called a cab and made a quick exit. Just left his car on the roadside for the tow truck. The rest of us had to give statements and do a prelim. breath test. By leaving he avoided the PBT. Something to hide ??

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Bugger also Harvs,   there are morons out there....  Good that you and the young fella are ok, that's the main thing.


It's amazing how many morons are out there..... on drugs, Booz or of course their very important phones..... As I said.....Morons

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Thanks guys.  Needles to say that the police officer was NOT impressed that he now had to chase this guy for a statement.  He was very careful with what he said but we all got the idea.  Kind of what Niko said ^^


Bad luck Harvs, but with all the cheap S/H cars out there, think of it as a way to upgrade to a better Shit box dd possibly with airbags and double the power.

It's been a while since I shopped for a new car.  Lots of good gear in the modern cars compared to 15 years ago.  I'll just have to park the porker around the corner when I go shopping so I don't get the rich wanker tax added to any car deals.

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It's been a while since I shopped for a new car.  Lots of good gear in the modern cars compared to 15 years ago.  I'll just have to park the porker around the corner when I go shopping so I don't get the rich wanker tax added to any car deals.

I know where there is a sensational Boxster up for grabs.... :P

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That sucks Harvs, Son an L plater? 

Glad everyone is ok. 

Cheers Pauly.  Yes, he's on L's since start of Feb.  No problem with that for insurance etc.  He did everything right, just unlucky to be in the driver's seat at the wrong time.   The guy that hit us was totally at fault.   


He's got a good story for school tomorrow. 

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