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Gotta love the 4x4s with the huge lift kit and headlights converted to HIDs without the lenses.

They can see the road. Who cares about any one else right...

This mod idea has spread like a rash here.

Hey sunshine, if I suddenly veer into your path it may be because I can't fn see, or I'm trying to tell you something. hehe

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People who use timing devices or ave lap speed readers in their GT3s while doing the PCV Regularity event at Sandown.

If you can't compete fairly - then dont compete.

I didn't think this was allowed.

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People who use timing devices or ave lap speed readers in their GT3s while doing the PCV Regularity event at Sandown.

If you can't compete fairly - then dont compete.

Slamming on brakes down the straight when the team board says slow down so you can gain an extra 2 seconds is a stupid move too.

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While getting solar panels fitted, there were a few guys in the garage yesterday installing the inverter.

This morning I got in the car and went to back out. F*%k me if both the coat hooks at the tops of the B pillars haven't been souveniered. They were there Tuesday, gone Thursday. The only place the car is left unlocked is in my garage. Of course I can't make a direct accusation but on the balance of probabilities some resentful little bogan has pocketed them.


After looking at Pelican Parts, it'll cost me ~$160 to replace them.


I am just seething but short of having the car fingerprinted there's nothing I can do but wear it.



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This morning I got in the car and went to back out. F*%k me if both the coat hooks at the tops of the B pillars haven't been souveniered. 

Coat hooks? Seriously? What sort of sick bogans do you have there? Ours take the car and leave the coat hooks.

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So one of the installers maybe owns a 996? or I am assuming they can/can't? be fitted to other cars?   


Now these blokes would be sub contractors from who you purchased the panels from I would think.


I might be inclined to mention your concerns to the company/salesman your dealing with,


you never know, you may not be the only one who has lost something with these electricians.


Some tradies are........well we've been down that VENT before haven't we..

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I can't imagine any of these guys knows a 996 from a 356, so I'm pretty certain it was just vandalism. I think the thief would have been happier with the bonnet badge but that would have been TOO obvious.


I spoke to the salesman who was horribly embarrassed, and will do his best to make it right one way or another. Next time I talk to him I might suggest that the subbies pass around a hat to compensate me - that might encourage the thief to drop them in my letterbox.


I got the feeling that this bunch of subbies might not get too much more work from the solar company.

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Report it to the police also. I know you're probably thinking it's a waste of time, but you have a few suspects, which is mor than most petty theft investigations start with. And those would need to be spoke to, to at least write the file off. I know proving it is another matter, but at least it will cause them a little grief and discomfort. Hopefully they are at a job when the coppers turn up to 'speak' to them, which in turn will cause them more grief..

I'm one of those people who like to push issue until I've well and truely made my point!

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While getting solar panels fitted, there were a few guys in the garage yesterday installing the inverter.

This morning I got in the car and went to back out. F*%k me if both the coat hooks at the tops of the B pillars haven't been souveniered. They were there Tuesday, gone Thursday. The only place the car is left unlocked is in my garage. Of course I can't make a direct accusation but on the balance of probabilities some resentful little bogan has pocketed them.


After looking at Pelican Parts, it'll cost me ~$160 to replace them.


I am just seething but short of having the car fingerprinted there's nothing I can do but wear it.



Report it to the police also. I know you're probably thinking it's a waste of time, but you have a few suspects, which is mor than most petty theft investigations start with. And those would need to be spoke to, to at least write the file off. I know proving it is another matter, but at least it will cause them a little grief and discomfort. Hopefully they are at a job when the coppers turn up to 'speak' to them, which in turn will cause them more grief.. 

I'm one of those people who like to push issue until I've well and truely made my point!



and further; the coppers will have to approach the owner or manager of the solar company to obtain the sub-contractors details, which is better than just informing the salesman. 


Now i'm really on my soap box!!

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I'm a tradie, and I've had tools stolen from under my nose whilst onsite by other tradies.

I found them in the back of a ute under a tarp owned by 2 foreign tilers that hardly spoke English.

Dunno how their tyres went flat and sand in their fuel tank though. Work sites can be a hazardous place for all concerned unfortunately.

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I'm still not working.  I think part of the problem is outsourcing OS,  there's just no work for me.   So companies here who are hiring an Incident Manager, want an Incident Manager that can do other tasks, tasks that don't really fit in with the regular type of role an IM performs.. so I don't have experience in these types of tasks.  Talking IT here.


Starting to think I need a part time job or a job, some $ is better than none and it will be better for my sense of self.  I'm finding it hard to come up with ideas on what I could do, other  than working in a shop or ?


I have a lot of IT experience, makes me wonder how young folk cope getting into the work force.

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they're just warming up Niko

good luck with their projects.    


They would want to have something a lot better than those incompetent ASADA people had. 


Maybe their motto should be  "whatever it takes" 

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good luck with their projects.    


They would want to have something a lot better than those incompetent ASADA people had. 


Maybe their motto should be  "whatever it takes" 


as you know mate, i'm sure there's a big difference between what you know and what you can prove 

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Ugh! The missus just got notice she will be unemployed in 2 weeks time.

SA government, suck a big one for outsourcing civil works to the lowest bidder!

One bloke I would love to meet in a pub is our idiot premier. Wanker

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