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the letter did call out a line item called "other" for which $3494 of my tax was spent. I suspect this rather ambiguous "other" line item is where the expenses for whores and coke are booked

lucky we are not in government mate... ?

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I use a little Vitara for my towing vehicle. Just yesterday I noticed signs of old age in the tyres. I checked the manufacture date, 2009. Hmm, I purchased them supposedly new in 2013. I did business with a tyre place I don't usually go to.

Once bitten, shame on you. 

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I use a little Vitara for my towing vehicle. Just yesterday I noticed signs of old age in the tyres. I checked the manufacture date, 2009. Hmm, I purchased them supposedly new in 2013. I did business with a tyre place I don't usually go to.

Once bitten, shame on you. 

business can be slow in the northern rivers. 

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I use a little Vitara for my towing vehicle. Just yesterday I noticed signs of old age in the tyres. I checked the manufacture date, 2009. Hmm, I purchased them supposedly new in 2013. I did business with a tyre place I don't usually go to.

Once bitten, shame on you. 

Time for a big burnout and for you to put a post in whats putting a smile on my dial ;)

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Dealing with Telstra over 3rd party charges.

Thousands of people suffering the same bs.

They give me the ph contact number of the 3rd party. I ring. I get an automated system. Choose one of two options with the sms number to stop subscription. I have no number as I've not been contacted by this 3rd party. No option to speak to a consultant. 

Telstra tries and gets the same response. I google the company name and there is only the same contact details.

Who are these pr1cks? No one knows.

ACCC?  It's not a lot of money, but a lot of little charges they are gathering. 

Telstra live chat is riddled with complaints and most  just pay it.

Clever d1cks


Now resolved, finally through telstra live chat. A consultant who went the extra step.

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So here's the thing. As some of you know, I recently bought a Renault Megane RS.  I've had it just under 2 weeks.

I was driving along the Southeastern Freeway just after 6.00 last night between Stirling & Crafers, on my way to dinner at the Belair Hotel.  As I came around the bend there was a car in the emergency stopping lane, and a guy standing on the road waving me down.  He had a couple of young kids with him – probably around 12 & 14.  I slowed down because it was hot, and the fact he had a couple of small kids there - well I thought he may have broken down or something and needed some assistance.  Then I noticed that the kids were smoking.  I looked at the guy and thought “something not right here”.  So instead of stopping I slowly went around him.  As I passed him the bastard punched my car.  He must have had a ring on, because he put a sharp dent in the panel, right on the upper beltline crease, and a big arsed scratch that goes right to the steel.  Probably a couple of grand damage.  I reported it straight away on the phone and they sent a patrol out.  I turned around and went back, and it looks like he had basically stopped all of the traffic, including some semi's, as they were all taking off again when I got back there.  I noticed that there was an older woman at the front of the car, and a young'ish dude with a van stopped about 100m further up the road, looking a bit perplexed.  Probably thinking whether he should go back there or not.

The car was still there on my way back past at 10.30 last night (and this morning on my way to work).  I thought about bricking all of his windows, then thought a) traffic camera will bust me doing it, and secondly, it's probably not even his car.  I stopped and got a few photos of the car, including the rego number, make & model, then I went to the police station on my way home to make a report.  Turns out they’ve arrested him and held him on various traffic and other offenses.  He’ll appear in court “very shortly”.  They asked me if I’ll give a statement today, to which I said “hell yes – the f%@#er damaged my brand new car”.  Cop A will contact me and come over later today.  Then they’ll also charge him with damaging my car.  They’re also going to review the trafficam footage of the area today.  There had been other reports about this car and a bloke fitting his description, so they’ve  been looking for this bloke.  Cop B said “he’s a serial f-wit”.  No license, outstanding warrant, etc. While cop B was taking my traffic incident report cop A went out and looked at the car.  Came back in and said "nice car - what an a-hole".  I asked them what his motivation was for doing what he was doing they said they hadn't been able to determine that at that stage, but they indicated that he "appeared" to be under the influence of "something". 

So now I have to get my new car fixed.  What a hassle.  This is what you get for caring about other people.  Creep.

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Bloody hell Stew. There are many words come to mind. But I can't choose one.

Sooo sorry to hear about this for you.

Oh wait, here's a few.

I saw a blurb years ago written on a white board in a doctor's waiting room.

"The gene pool needs a little chlorine". ?

Hope you get a good result, and it doesn't cause you too much grief. 


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Stew welcome to the world full of morons.

This is what happened to my fence last Thursday morning at 1.55 am by four of the above described cretins.



As they say in the classics...Enquiries Pending.


Needed to have one of these handy.

http://i1272.photobucket.com/albums/y383/fuchsfamilyphotos/Whoop Ass_zpspklmeskj.jpg





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Thats shit mate! I dare say if you had stopped, you wouldn't have seen your car again, and probably woken up elsewhere! 

 I know there's a couple that were doing something similar near Murray Bridge a while ago. These grubs should be erased from the planet.

 I can look after myself pretty well, yet with the amount of brazen dickheads car jacking and hurting people, I lock my door ALL the time whilst driving now, and carry an easily accessible crowbar. For work reasons ofcourse!

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Thats shit mate! I dare say if you had stopped, you wouldn't have seen your car again, and probably woken up elsewhere

 I know there's a couple that were doing something similar near Murray Bridge a while ago. These grubs should be erased from the planet.

 I can look after myself pretty well, yet with the amount of brazen dickheads car jacking and hurting people, I lock my door ALL the time whilst driving now, and carry an easily accessible crowbar. For work reasons ofcourse!

With Vaseline on my bottom...  I didn't go back, because I'm not really a confrontational person.  But when I am I tend to lose my shyte.  Trouble is nearly everyone is tougher than I am, and I'd probably have the crap beaten out of me.

I just had a call from Cop C.  a woman reported having her front screen smashed by a rock last night.  Same approximate time, and same area.  Cop C asked for a description.  After I gave him a description of the joker, car, situation, et al, he said that pretty much matches what she said.

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With Vaseline on my bottom...  I didn't go back, because I'm not really a confrontational person.  But when I am I tend to lose my shyte.  Trouble is nearly everyone is tougher than I am, and I'd probably have the crap beaten out of me.

I just had a call from Cop C.  a woman reported having her front screen smashed by a rock last night.  Same approximate time, and same area.  Cop C asked for a description.  After I gave him a description of the joker, car, situation, et al, he said that pretty much matches what she said.

Prick will probably only get community service(which he won`t do) and a fine (which he won`t pay)and his warrants and charges will just go on a pile (which nothing will be done about),until he actually kills or maims someone. Then he will get a couple of years and his head patted by some group of bleeding hearts and be let out early to do it all over again.BRING BACK FLOGGINGS AND THE DEATH PENALTY.

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And in the meantime, I have to shell out my excess, which I'll probably never get back, because my insurer won't be able to recover it from the clown.  And this time around, based on the assumption that I don't intend having an accident, and if someone hits me they are covered, I elected to have a higher excess to reduce my premium.  Fortunately I get a hire car for up to 21 days as part of my policy.

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  A bloke I used to work with, Max, his son copped a rock in the face as he was driving on the southern exspressway a few years ago that nearly killed him, yet the kids got off very lightly because they had a bad upbringing and were 'kids'. I was bashed senseless in Hindley street about 20 years ago after I didnt hand over a few dollars resulting in a broken jaw, eye socket and a few teeth missing, yet the offenders (make your own mind up who they might be in the city!) were caught, but were only charged with common assault and didnt even get a fine because of their background! Thats why I havent, and will never go to the city again at night.

Thats what I'm tired of in the community now. It seems as long as you are a dole bludger, have had a 'bad upbringing', society has done poor poor you no favours, you're a drug addict, ex con etc etc, you'll be right. Its us mugs that bust our arse every day to earn a living, only having to support these gronks in the lifestyle theyre accustomed to with handouts, or have the ATO on your arse because they believe you should pay more every year! I've lost $8000 a month and a substantial amount of cash over the past 12 months, yet do I get any assistance? No, I just have to work harder

 I've lost any compassion for people who don't help themselves, yet I will vigorously defend myself against anyone who tries to hurt me, my loved ones (including my dog), my friends or my property.  Do gooders have forced the courts to be more lenient, and lawyers seem to bargain with the judge so as to get their client off.  What should happen is these offenders get phone booked a few times around the head by the cops, locked up for a while and forced to get a job

Rant over, I need a Chivas

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The real problem is in my joke.

People that have no business having children ARE. 

I earn enough to get me out of the precincts where those that can't do life well are, to safeguard my loved one's. I'm not saying that's my only reason however. 

On the other hand I come from less fortunate, and so does my partner and kids. One stepson who is Autistic, or ASD autistic spectrum disorder or aspergers. Without a decent mother who is fully equipped to deal with him he would be in juvenile detention or.....

A few of the special needs boy's that he has been associated with through the programs our government run are in juvenile detention. Unfortunately they have parents that struggle with 'normal' human societal functions.

I'm not making excuses, but there are reason's. Real reasons, that if not addressed create a greater problem. 

We are ill equipped to deal with the drug use epidemic which is growing in society.

I too stay away from area's where drunk or drug affected people are. Except my home. ?


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Something about Adelaide.  I have a friend who had another driver get upset at her driving on the freeway near Stirling.  The guy  agressively pulled in front of her and slammed on his brakes.

She swerved and ended up rolling her car down the embankment. A truckie  saw the whole thing and pulled over to help her. The guy that did it took off.

She had several surgeries  and now has extensive scarring on her face and body.

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Yeah firestone, I understand where you're coming from. I come from a humble family background.  Hardworking people that went without (and still do in some cases) so they can provide the best for their families.  My dad had his own business.  He used to go to work at 4 AM on Saturdays just so he could be home in time to take me to my sports.  My wife & I worked our arses off to achieve what we have, and to bring our kids up to be good people.  I expect people to respect that, but sadly that's not the case.

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