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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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$65k is good buying assuming all is reasonably well with it

Certainly looks nice in the pics, and that red leather could no doubt be dyed black!

My eye is not sufficiently well trained to determine if it's an import/convert.

Now listed as unavailable, though.

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This SC owner looks to have had a busy day reading inquiries/offers/suggestions on his car yesterday:  https://www.carsales.com.au/private/details/Porsche-911-1980/SSE-AD-3513075/?Cr=1


  That was 3 years ago I reckon 

It was originally listed at $35k or something crazy like that, then with the amount of calls he got, he whacked the price up to $65k and sold it pretty quickly

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When was the last time we saw 997 GT3 CS under $200k?  Good spec and white.   Mmmm.

They all seem to be sitting a while and prices are falling weekly - even Gods toy (sic) has dropped in price.  There are now 6 white 997.1s on market, 3 being club sports.

Rob knows the market, competition is hot, he's leading the way down.  Keep up the good work Rob!   When it gets to $150k, give me a call ?


2007 Porsche 911 GT3 997 Manual MY08

  • 55,357 km
  • Coupe
  • Manual
  • 6cyl 3.6L Petrol

Dealer Used

For more information on this vehicle please visit:


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I'm a fan and about to embark on my own build with all the repro 914/6 parts arriving in a container end of the month (less P motor at this stage). 

A lot of money for this one though but appears well set up

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....They all seem to be sitting a while and prices are falling weekly - even Gods toy (sic) has dropped in price.

The first 997.2 to drop below $100k?


Nice looking narrow hipped 3.6, PDK with Chrono with 106,000km.  

Flat market and a flood of 991's coming off lease causing the downward pressure? 

Yes, I was surprised to discover that every 3rd Carrera on Carsales is now a 991, almost double (!) the number of the second place getter 996's. 


Keep 'em coming please!

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When was the last time we saw 997 GT3 CS under $200k?  Good spec and white.   Mmmm.

They all seem to be sitting a while and prices are falling weekly - even Gods toy (sic) has dropped in price.  There are now 6 white 997.1s on market, 3 being club sports.



Is the thinking that the downward movement of 'normal' 997 is affecting the GT prices? Or is it more age or the new found ability to purchase a manual 991? You'd have to think that as the 7 GT3s drift lower, pressure will also be applied to the 6 GT3s.  Anyone follow the GT2 market?

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Anyone follow the GT2 market?

 Our GT2 market followed the run up in prices OS. Over the last 3 years I reckon a third or more of Aus 996s appeared on market - they were down in low100s in 2014 and reached as high as 400 (asking price at least), then settled back at low to mid 200s late last year.  The limited number that actually sold during this time were probably low 200s (mine) to mid 200s.  I am less familiar with 997s but I know they peaked at 500 and are now back to mid 300s.  

Overseas Prices are all over the place.  Cheapest from a quick look is just A$120k.  Others are priced at double that, similar to our most recent pricing.  very few delivered here and a VERY small market for them so it's tough to read.




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Is the thinking that the downward movement of 'normal' 997 is affecting the GT prices? Or is it more age or the new found ability to purchase a manual 991? You'd have to think that as the 7 GT3s drift lower, pressure will also be applied to the 6 GT3s.  Anyone follow the GT2 market?

the 997 GT3's did pretty good in dodging the bottom of the barrel, I think the cheapest I ever saw a 997 was in the $130's, the cheapest 996's at the time were probably $80-90k range. 

I think $200k ~ is about where they will sit for the near future, I doubt 996's will drop any more, in my opinion they're already too cheap! 

The 991.2's success will mostly affect the 991.1 market I feel.. 

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Where do you reckon 997.1 GT3 CS will head over the next few years.  Like you I suspect 991.2 will mostly impact 991.1.  Robust engine and manual Vs grenade and PDK only.

While I'd selfishly like to see 997s driven down further, they are quite different cars from 991s and with relatively low delivery numbers perhaps they settle at high 1s to 2?  

What was the split CS/Touring of the 111 997.1 GT3 delivered?

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that gives the RS split but I was after how many of the 111 not RS were fitted with Coubsport pack.  I had hear about 30 as Edgy says but for some reason can't find a definitive table like there is for NZ and for 996s about the web.   

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Where do you reckon 997.1 GT3 CS will head over the next few years.  Like you I suspect 991.2 will mostly impact 991.1.  Robust engine and manual Vs grenade and PDK only.

While I'd selfishly like to see 997s driven down further, they are quite different cars from 991s and with relatively low delivery numbers perhaps they settle at high 1s to 2?  

What was the split CS/Touring of the 111 997.1 GT3 delivered?

I reckon 180k for a 997.1 GT3 CS is astute buying  if you can land one in good condition for that headline number  and gives you plenty of time to slowly change out the  rubber bits for a bit of change behind the wheel if you need to freshen it up a bit over the longer term.   Me thinks with your gt2 watercooled foreray and sticking to your initial 125k outlay, you have a partial free carry (I'm more into bottom line numbers as opposed to headline numbers - based on my bank account, even tinkering with megzer motor parts at the fringes adds up quickly) and you probably only need to stump up circa Toyota camry run out dollars to incremenatally step into a 997.1 gt3  cs in relative terms if you have a mindset shift and that 125k is thought of as sunk.   All about timing with your Minister of Finance as I see it, and time to strike after your family OS Junket.   (eg bear with a sore head, eg  been working your ass off and need a newer toy to see the fruits of that labour, plus reckon much better to convert time looking on line for something to actually getting behind the wheel and tinkering with one (but not straying too far from strictly genuine factory part numbers).  Me thinks  if I had circa 200k to drop on one car, its on a 997.1 gt3 cs at a headline number of 180k  that  represents best bang  for buck  (never driven one and don't subscribe to the need to drive one if your done your homework, particularly if your got one that ticks 8/10 boxes and the price is right where if you snooze and you loose).  Yes screw aircooled hotrods and laggy slow arse turbo's, just buy a factory watercooled hotrod for best butt dyno bang for buck).  A  180k headline number gets you to circa 200k bottom line number, and reckon no need to ever go below that number on you personnel net assets ledger anytime in the future..  Me also thinks mezger motor is cost agnostic between 996 or 997 compliance plate stampings in terms ongoing maintenance, preventative maintenance or any tinkereing,  so no extra  P model tax there.

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I know this car has been mentioned before, but not sure if anyone has looked at it or knows something about it's history?


It's the Carrera 4S with a TPC supercharger. Was initially for sale by a private seller for around $90k, then a dealer listed it at $110k... then $100k... now back to $90k...

I know a lot of buyers would be put off by the supercharger... what's everyone's thoughts on this? If properly installed and serviced, is it really an issue?

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