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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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It's a cool car. I knew the prev owner - anyone considering 901 ownership and can afford the ticket price don't dilly dally - rare colour combo and current owner put $$$ into it.

Ticket price just jumped a good 30% - hot hot hot - now listed at 130k
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It's a cool car. I knew the prev owner - anyone considering 901 ownership and can afford the ticket price don't dilly dally - rare colour combo and current owner put $$$ into it.

The 911T badge looks to be on the wrong place on the glovebox lid? I've only ever seen it on the outside.

Also,.is that aircon under the dash? How effective is it (I need some)

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Understand it sold for $130k . . . which is unbelievable for a 69T in "very good driver" condition.  Every time I think this market has peaked I have to recalibrate . . . 993TT at $200k+, 993TTS at $500k, 73RS at $900k . . .  it just keeps getting crazier.  Grateful I got into my 71S when I did.


Anyone who doesn't believe this is a bubble hasn't lived through a bubble yet.  There's a LOT of borrowed money and home equity drawdowns going into these cars . . . when interest rates go up a few points there's going to be blood on the streets.

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Wow I always assumed only cashed up buyers could afford to take these big plunges.

You're telling me someone borrowed money/used home equity to buy a $550k 993TTS? If true then certainly that would be a very risky move and any shift in rates would have an impact as you say. I struggle to comprehend how anyone could think this is a good idea. Probably also means the car will be tucked up in a garage as you couldn't risk damaging it under that funding model.

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I would also assume these are cash sales. I can't see a bank being on top of/ believing in the market, enough to let someone borrow this kind of cash, but maybe wrong. I have been a buyer recently at the $50k - $100k level and have picked up some amazing investments that I would estimate have put on 20-25% growth in less than 6 months, and that is after costs. It is not surprising that those with a lot more money are getting into the market and picking up the really rare and good conditioned examples. No share market is going to give you these kind of returns, and at the same time give you something you can touch, love, and hopefully drive.

Another way to look at it. It would cost $500,000 for a new TTS, that would depreciate $50k at least per year over the first 5 years and take at least other 20 years before anyone would (if ever) think about this car again. That leave a lot of room for a bubble in buying the 993 which Is a lot rarer and more iconic as the last of the air cooled.

I say good on the the blokes that can afford to do this. Lucky buggers.

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plenty people before out on a limb and will do again when all thing align...

Everyone remembers the oz muscle car hysteria ..a love whose name should not be spoken...except they were a small pool of buyers and sellers driving the market- p world different - though blood is the same colour

NPV I'll correct you an oz delivered 73 RS is currently in Switzerland? With a price tag of 1.3 million..

In 2010 I was offered the car, as were some others - way out of my pay grade. Though I did pitch it to the Kollektiv - yes you know who you are :) - 10 shares.. woulda coulda shoulda

Well patinated unrestored one owner it sold sgain 12 months later 480k again -12 months later 800 odd . 5 yrs on... Meant to be same condition. Not sure what my msg is. But would have loved to have been able to say I owned an RS once

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Anyone who doesn't believe this is a bubble hasn't lived through a bubble yet.  There's a LOT of borrowed money and home equity drawdowns going into these cars . . . when interest rates go up a few points there's going to be blood on the streets.

Do you know anyone who has remorgaged their home or taken a loan to buy a 20+ yo old Porsche? I can't say I know anyone who has and I know a large amount of owners + recent purchases.

P.S If your in finance and know how I can this can be done we need to talk!

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