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At the risk of being called elitists,(Again which really pisses me off)  I am posting up a few photos from last weekends 3 day High Country SMT.

12 participants with various models of the P marque, which was a perfect number.

Only two vacancies opened up for this run, so it was a warm welcome to the two that had put their name down last year.

Higgo and Davet.

We had a sensational weekend, the weather perfect and everyone having a lot of time and kilometres bonding with their car.

Only damage at the end of the run, was a puncture (which couldn't be repaired unfortunately) and two cracked windscreens.   

I am sure we will be doing this one again.   We did 620 k on the Saturday and it was like combining 20 normal SMT's all into the one.

The boys without power steering now look like Arnie Shwartzenakker.

Anyway without further adoooooo


L to R.  Harvs...D-banger...Chris...DaveT...Eddy...Gary...Niko...SteveP...Bafe...JB...Tman...Higgo


The start point at Launching Place Friday afternoon....or as another thread mentioned Launching Pad



First piss stop for the day one....


Day two....Big Day   Omeo


Harvs, Bafe, Tman




JB and Eddy


No shortage of Bugs, plenty to go around...


Foggy and Misty in dem dare hills...


Another Wee stop and catch up for a head count....



Arggh technology ain't it great.   


Disaster struck on top of Mt Hotham.


The Brains trust in action...



Just Like council workers...


Nice Selfie...


Myself and JB burying the hatchet with a cool refresher on the Elitist debate....


BAFE stirring the Elitist debate up again.....

Anyway great weekend as I said, apologies to anyone who may have wanted to come along on this one.

Because this is sensational, and in our own backyard, it's probably going to be hard to get on the next one..... unless someone can't make it 

or as discussed over Vietnamese on Saturday night, someone falls off the perch.

I would be first in line for that, so keep you eye on the death notices and if I'm in there...get your name down on the list ASAP.

THANKS to all who participated and for Chris and tman for organising all the details, so it ran like clockwork.

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Not sure where to post it but if anyone was unsure if the "Porsche Roadside Assistance" is any good?

I T  C E R T A I N L Y  I S ! ! !

Car collected from the summit of Mount Hotham in less that two hours from first contact.

Taken to the "nearest Porsche Dealership"  PCM in my case

with the offer of accommodation and free hire car to get me home...

Not bad service / support / back up i'd suggest

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Not sure where to post it but if anyone was unsure if the "Porsche Roadside Assistance" is any good?

I T  C E R T A I N L Y  I S ! ! !

Car collected from the summit of Mount Hotham in less that two hours from first contact.

Taken to the "nearest Porsche Dealership"  PCM in my case

with the offer of accommodation and free hire car to get me home...

Not bad service / support / back up i'd suggest

Next drive stop trying to rack up pacman points by running over every stone, rock or piece of chewing gum that you see.

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Great write up and photos @Niko. Not sure how Chopper Reid could be called "Elitist" without the accuser losing an ear. :lol:

Good work @T-Man & @Chris-p on the organisation. Sounds like it ran really smoothly.

@BAFE sounds like that roadside assist paid off. Did you get a hire car off PCM at all while they sort out the tyre?

Between this and the Tassie crew with all the posts coming up on instagram I really need to get my arse into gear and on one of these trips.

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Great write up and photos @Niko. Not sure how Chopper Reid could be called "Elitist" without the accuser losing an ear. :lol:

Good work @T-Man & @Chris-p on the organisation. Sounds like it ran really smoothly.

@BAFE sounds like that roadside assist paid off. Did you get a hire car off PCM at all while they sort out the tyre?

Between this and the Tassie crew with all the posts coming up on instagram I really need to get my arse into gear and on one of these trips.

Do yourself a favour

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Looks like you guys had a great weekend. Was there much interest outside the elite group that went? I'm wondering if there was enough interest to run another later in the year for the peasants, run by someone else of course. 

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So who now agrees the Omeo Hwy is the best drivers road in Aus? The tin shed Toilet is the giveaway it was traveled also the camper looks like the same one that was there a month ago.

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Looks like you guys had a great weekend. Was there much interest outside the elite group that went? I'm wondering if there was enough interest to run another later in the year for the peasants, run by someone else of course. 

To be truthful Simon, we didn't go all that public with it on the forum, due some disappointing comments made at the time.:(   

Except for announcing it, when we had decided to explore (exploit:P) Victoria, and not go to Canberra this year.

We really only had a couple of people who showed interest,  and it was unfortunate for a couple that had to drop out, but that gave Higgo and Dave a guernsey.

6 of us had done a recce in November last year, and even then we couldn't get to where we wanted to go, due to road closures.

Then with the previous years committed people that gave us 10 with two newbies on board.

I'm sure you would get the interest.   The two that couldn't go with us this time may even be starters. (Pete and Mark)

The problem with the run, is it is going to be prone to weather conditions, and once the cooler climate starts some of the places/roads may be closed.


So who now agrees the Omeo Hwy is the best drivers road in Aus? The tin shed Toilet is the giveaway it was traveled also the camper looks like the same one that was there a month ago.

No argument there....

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@BAFE sounds like that roadside assist paid off. Did you get a hire car off PCM at all while they sort out the tyre?


I received a phone call from PCM< at about 2pm this afternoon to tell me the car had arrived and they ordered a tyre as soon as they inspected it.

The tyre was due to be delivered within the next 90 mins and the car would be available for collection this afternoon.

I couldn't get there today "do you mind if i pick it up tomorrow morning?"

"Absolutely no problem that will give us time to get the bugs off the front give it a wash and a vacuum.

Yeah reckon that's what service is about don't you?

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Nice photos. Looks like a great drive! Is there a map anywhere of the route taken?

Looking forward to heading out that way shortly myself.

Start in Bairnsdale and head north.   You won't be disappointed. It's a brilliant mix of mountains, valleys, tight and twisty, fast and sweeping. Something for everyone. 

Thanks to Niko, Chris, Theo and anyone else who had a hand in organising this weekend. Loved it !  

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Yes mate, it appears full and I have no idea of how to trash them.... I will try and sort it out some time tomorrow.

I don't have a map unfortunately for the run.   maybe someone else can help you with that.   I just followed the procession.

If no one else can, I will try and put something together when I get a chance.


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Yes mate, it appears full and I have no idea of how to trash them.... I will try and sort it out some time tomorrow.


Think you just have to 'end conversation' with each topic in your inbox Niko, otherwise you may delete every message you've received like I did a while ago

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To be truthful Simon, we didn't go all that public with it on the forum, due some disappointing comments made at the time.:(   

great to see the mileage you're getting from that little chestnut. I'll now be looking for a cut from T-Shirt sales as your creative director.

Anyways, looks like you all had fun which was the important thing.

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No I am not departed !       I look forward to the next one, I know how much fun they are.

"So who now agrees the Omeo Hwy is the best drivers road in Aus?"

Sorry, have to admit I know of another one close by that is better !!

Only 5 of us I know of have driven it but it will be revealed in a future drive I am sure.

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"So who now agrees the Omeo Hwy is the best drivers road in Aus?"

Sorry, have to admit I know of another one close by that is better !!

Only 5 of us I know of have driven it but it will be revealed in a future drive I am sure.

Does not exist unless it is named. 

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No I am not departed !       I look forward to the next one, I know how much fun they are.

"So who now agrees the Omeo Hwy is the best drivers road in Aus?"

Sorry, have to admit I know of another one close by that is better !!

Only 5 of us I know of have driven it but it will be revealed in a future drive I am sure.

Ooooh...you are going to upset the elitists :o

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Ooooh...you are going to upset the elitists :o

Mark is dreaming there is no better Drivers road than the Omeo hwy from Omeo to Mitta Mitta. Perhaps I have driven the mystery road  and did not rate it as highly but we will never know as the Elitists are not sharing.

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