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I have a "no junk mail" sign on my letter box. Works pretty well but not 100% effective. 






Im thinking I should have two mail slots... one marked "Mail" the other one marked "Please put junk mail here" and right inside that second slot I'll install a paper shredder... I've got to introduce some efficiencies into my daily regime I think.

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Im thinking I should have two mail slots... one marked "Mail" the other one marked "Please put junk mail here" and right inside that second slot I'll install a paper shredder... I've got to introduce some efficiencies into my daily regime I think.

I actually had a mail box with a slot and on the other side of the path a round hole type opening (plastic pipe with a trim kit), for newspapers etc.. The junk mail only ever ended up in the round pipe, so it was easy to deal with.. Straight in the bin.

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Shannon's Insurance... those guys are a bunch of jokers.


I rang yesterday for a quote on my existing two cars plus a car I am buying...WITH multi policy discount = $8241.51  :lol:


From what I pay now, They wanted an extra $800 for the 911 and an extra $1600 for the Audi... 


Most disturbingly they wanted just shy of $2900.00 for the car to be purchased, which is currently insured with them... I spoke with the current owner and he said its only costing him $500.00~ PA. He actually called them to give them an earful as he recommended me to them and they're way off what he is paying, essentially screwing me over.... they put it down to our "postcodes"  :lol:  I must live in the ghetto or I'm getting Sydney tax. But it was nice of him to do that..  B)


Back to shopping around for insurance, my favourite task in the world  :rolleyes:  you just cannot be loyal to any of them OR get any benefits from multiple policies..... 

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Back to shopping around for insurance, my favourite task in the world  :rolleyes:  you just cannot be loyal to any of them OR get any benefits from multiple policies..... 

A few of us were having the same conversation recently.   LUMLEY'S might be worth a try..Sydney 02 9248 111

I am about to ring the Melb office to compare with the SHANNONS for my Box.   


Good luck

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A few of us were having the same conversation recently.   LUMLEY'S might be worth a try..Sydney 02 9248 111

I am about to ring the Melb office to compare with the SHANNONS for my Box.   


Good luck


Thanks Niko,


I'm with Lumley's Special vehicle now for the 911 and have been for two years almost.. they've been good to me overall, so I'll let them quote at the new rig. 


Try contacting your nearest Porsche dealer too as Porsche insurance has been quite competitive lately. 

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I went down that track with them (LUMLEY's) and although I am not in the PCV I am a member of the Nissan Car Club.  


So they did quote with the club discount.


Also when I checked my current policy with SHANNONS I am down as Extreme limited Use.   Which is twice a month.


Limited use... was three days a week.  


The extra premium on that one was about $90.00 more, than what I was paying for Extreme Limited Use.


So I actually changed the policy to let me have more driving time, without having to worry about banking the days.


Although remembering.... It is a Boxster so the extra K's are not going to effect re-sale price as it would if it was an air cooled collectible.

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Therefore Boxsters are disposable.

OH HARVS......


Haha, Boxsters.....


They are the ones that when you drive to places like Canberra and it is extremely hot, you can put the roof up and put on the airconditioning.  


You can do little things like that in your Porsche can't you?    


Oh No... thats right you cook in yours.


Or if you do happen to have one like yours that has air con....aarrhhmmm it doesn't work.    


Sort of takes the fun out of driving in 40 heat....


Why would you dispose of one (Coxster) when you can enjoy all the mod cons as well as the aircon and still drive a car that really is ....


Well...... pretty well perfect.


Lets not start a air cooled vs water cooled thing


Love you...(like a brother)

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Alliance was cheaper than both Shannons & LSV for me...


and better benefits.


and from a mate who's a prestige car panel beater, still the best people to deal with, with regards to proving claims

Thanks Ian, just gave them a try, (ALIANZ) and they were still $70.00 dearer than Shannons with a $200.00 higher excess than Shannons.   (They were better than LUMLEY's though)


That was for 10000 k per year.   I wouldn't do any where near that, but the other option was not enough.


Looks Like I will stick with Shannons.


Thanks for the feed back from everyone, it is worth checking out other options.

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You know what I really really HATE.......When you give yourself a haircut, "number 1" all over. :D


Looking good... ;)


Then.... because you have eyebrows are getting a bit out of hand...resembling John Howards, you decide to


trim them up. :D


BUT.....you forget to change the No 1 Blade thingy and before you know it.....you realise you no longer have


any eyebrows. :o   


No body to put sh#% on me tomorrow at DAK DAK please. :wacko:  


Apparently they will grow back in time for Canberra :ph34r:

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You know what I really really HATE.......When you give yourself a haircut, "number 1" all over. :D


Looking good... ;)


Then.... because you have eyebrows are getting a bit out of hand...resembling John Howards, you decide to


trim them up. :D


BUT.....you forget to change the No 1 Blade thingy and before you know it.....you realise you no longer have


any eyebrows. :o   


No body to put sh#% on me tomorrow at DAK DAK please. :wacko:  


Apparently they will grow back in time for Canberra :ph34r:


Two weeks does miracles for a bad hair cut...


I would worry about Dak Dak Niko...


 we'll be hanging sh1t on you way before then...  :D


So was that a No1 all over or do you wax ?  :ph34r:

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NIKO, why would we want to put Sh1t on you?,  You've got that nailed all by yourself.   Enjoy your burgers at dakdak. I'll be elsewhere enjoying the summer heat in my non-cooled-air-cooled old jalopy.  At about 60deg cabin temp. the mind starts to wander and it's all about becoming one with the car and road ahead.  Everything goes all zen like, man.



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Promise I won't put sh#% on you tomorrow, just might make a comment about your eyebrows though  :P


I will have a pair fo sunnies araldited to my head.




So was that a No1 all over or do you wax ?  :ph34r:

I expressed my self badly there.....No 1 on my boof head....

But I still look pretty damn good even without eyebrows.


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You know what I really really HATE.......When you give yourself a haircut, "number 1" all over. :D

Looking good... ;)

Then.... because you have eyebrows are getting a bit out of hand...resembling John Howards, you decide to

trim them up. :D

BUT.....you forget to change the No 1 Blade thingy and before you know it.....you realise you no longer have

any eyebrows. :o

No body to put sh#% on me tomorrow at DAK DAK please. :wacko:

Apparently they will grow back in time for Canberra :ph34r:

what really happened ? Because nobody is buying this little fairytale

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