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Enjoying the new features since the forum upgrade and appreciate the work thats going on behind the scenes but the "new post" function is shitting me.

Trying to click on the tiny little numbers on the ipad to navigate to the most recent posts, only to find you got the wrong page, click back try again, find you got the last page but the last post you read was a page back, click back again, miss the page number again, back again get the right page but have to scroll all the way to the bottom of said page. ahhhhhhh, why doesn't it just take you to the last post you read like other forums. Must be a box to tick somewhere in the settings or is it just me?

Oh, and don't get me started on a topic that is onto it's second page.

I need another drink.

Keep up the good work Kerry, it only drives me nuts because I spend so much time here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why do companies (in this case Microsoft) make it so bloody difficult to contact them?? I just wanted to ask a simple question but there are no contact email on the Microsoft site. I had to sign up for an account that I didn’t want just to contact them and even that was painful…the password format* is 2 caps, 2 lower case, 2 symbols; no repetition and no consecutive numbers…WTF! I finally got an account and got onto their live chat but of course they couldn’t help me. Told me to call some call centre and couldn’t provide an email address.

*why is it that every online account seems to want a different password format?!

If anyone knows how to permanently disable simple mark-ups in word 2013 please let me know. Every time I open a doc that I’ve been working on it defaults to mark-ups, even though I turned it off and saved it last time I was in the doc.












Edited by JV911
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Why do companies (in this case Microsoft) make it so bloody difficult to contact them?? I just wanted to ask a simple question but there are no contact email on the Microsoft site. I had to sign up for an account that I didn’t want just to contact them and even that was painful…the password format* is 2 caps, 2 lower case, 2 symbols; no repetition and no consecutive numbers…WTF! I finally got an account and got onto their live chat but of course they couldn’t help me. Told me to call some call centre and couldn’t provide an email address.

*why is it that every online account seems to want a different password format?!

If anyone knows how to permanently disable simple mark-ups in word 2013 please let me know. Every time I open a doc that I’ve been working on it defaults to mark-ups, even though I turned it off and saved it last time I was in the doc.












Try this:


If you have used track changes:

Have you clicked “accepted all changes” that should remove the existing mark-ups 
In 2013 there should also be a delete drop down box and “delete all comments in Document”

If mark-ups start up on every file when word opens

Go to File > Options > Trust Centre > Trust Centre Options > Privacy Options. Clear the checkbox for "Make hidden mark-up visible when opening or saving".

If this doesnt fix it let me know and I will go back to my guys 

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I was giving the 964 a once over this morning and go my sleeve caught on the rear wiper blade (whilst up). It slammed down and broke (typically) where it was bent from what I can only assume was a similar incident prior to my ownership. 


It's been an expensive Porsche week I can tell you! 


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Is that a subtle hint Hugh? Fess up if it is! 

On another note. Whats the go with the amount of dickhead lowballers wanting to buy a car? 

Since posting my little Honda S 600 on Stalkbook, I've had numerous messages from people in Oz and around the globe asking if I want to sell it. They've mentioned how 'rare' it is, can't find them etc, yet when I give them a realistic price, they abuse me saying I'm dreaming etc! 

 My retort has been 'Well go find a rust free coupe, then comeback to me you see how much a restored one costs to buy!'  Everything is for sale at a price, yet these wood ducks want everything for nothing! Thats just made me more stoic with my price! Idiots

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On another note. Whats the go with the amount of dickhead lowballers wanting to buy a car? 

Since posting my little Honda S 600 on Stalkbook, I've had numerous messages from people in Oz and around the globe asking if I want to sell it. They've mentioned how 'rare' it is, can't find them etc, yet when I give them a realistic price, they abuse me saying I'm dreaming etc! 

 yet these wood ducks want everything for nothing! Thats just made me more stoic with my price! Idiots

At least your getting "real people" ...Your doing better than me trying to sell the yellow one.  

I keep getting scammers from Chripes knows where asking me if the car is for sale (errgghh it's on CARSALES) and if it is they want it.  

Could I reply to an ....email address.   Don't think so. 

Then I had one who would only buy the hardtop.   I told him the price of the hardtop was 28K and I would throw the car in. 

Even had someone wanted to swap their HARLEY for it yesterday.   I was a bit nicer on that reply.  

Might have been a HELLS ANGEL or similar, but then I thought, I doubt if it would be.  

Going from a H.D. to a yellow Coxster, probably not...But it would be a gutsy effort on his behalf if he did.      

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I was giving the 964 a once over this morning and go my sleeve caught on the rear wiper blade (whilst up). It slammed down and broke (typically) where it was bent from what I can only assume was a similar incident prior to my ownership. 



Ouch...I hate the rear wiper on the 964. Mine broke for a similar reason and it is a $350 to $400 replacement:(

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Decided to service the other half's 2008 Astra since she hasn't serviced it since I've known her and telling her to get it serviced wasn't achieving anything. It was well overdue by multiple years and couple of 10000 kms. Started with the sump plug not wanting to come undone, a ratchet and a spanner combined together with a lot of force with some concern that I was going to round the T40 socket it finally came loose after about 20 minutes. The oil filter cap proved to be the next issue and wouldn't budge without the breaker bar being applied on the plastic cap! Five minutes later with progressive force on it, it came off. Had dinner whilst he oil drained and thought I was on the home straight. Oil filter clipped into oil cap (one of those paper type inserts similar to the ones you find in air boxes), tighten by hand, grab torque wrench as it was supposed to tighten to 25nm half a rotation later it was starting to feel really tight so decided to stop and see how it felt by hand and how easy it was to turn back with the wrench.... *crack*


Now I've wasted the whole night trying to get the dam thing off so I can head to the wreckers tomorrow and get a new one. Still not off, going to attempt to chisel & hammer it off tomorrow. An hours job has turned into a days job. Either I accidentally overtightened it somehow although the torque wrench says otherwise or I most likely weakened it when trying to undo it and once I started tightening it again it then failed.

Somehow I've never needed a hammer or chisel, until now and need to buy one. I feel like Hal from Malcom in the middle right now.

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That's a tough one Mike.  I have followed my brother in laws astra  woes over the last few months and they have been nothing short of ridiculous. 

MMy advice would be to cut your losses and turf the astra as far away as possible,  never to haunt you again. 

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That's a tough one Mike.  I have followed my brother in laws astra  woes over the last few months and they have been nothing short of ridiculous. 

MMy advice would be to cut your losses and turf the astra as far away as possible,  never to haunt you again. 

Wow sounds like some story. What's been wrong on his Astra? The earlier ones do have a few issues, particularly in the engine mounts with Australia's love of speed humps but as far as I can tell the later ones are a bit more reliable.

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I had to just double check that. Thankfully every 150,000km. It's the Z18XER engine.

Went to centre road wreckers this morning and all the AH models have had their oil filter assemblies ripped out. I'll try pick a part later today, but I might have to go and get one from Holden and pay their exorbitant prices ($170) for the cap as I can't seem to find any on the net.

All I've managed to do this morning is graze skin, draw blood and give myself a sore arm. Next time I'm just going to hand tighten and if it pisses oil so be it.

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Still waiting on parts to finish the AC project.  I need a cable which operates the recirc/fresh air flaps.  BMW quoted me 3x the US price and told me they had to come from Germany, had to be paid for up front, and would take 2-4 weeks.  Why do they even bother?  Why not just laugh at you for asking for parts?  Hopeless.

Here's all the bits which are currently not in the correct place



I resisted the urge to sit on the concrete and make 'brrm brmm' noises.

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Wow sounds like some story. What's been wrong on his Astra? The earlier ones do have a few issues, particularly in the engine mounts with Australia's love of speed humps but as far as I can tell the later ones are a bit more reliable.

Hell of a story and quite an expensive one.

Timing belt, followed by MAF, followed by main computer, followed by cat. But it's really an unfair comparison and I probably pulled the trigger somewhat early on the comments.......this was a 1999 model!

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