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Careful mate, it's completely legal...

Yes, I'll cop the two abreast, but not three. Unfortunately there was no courtesy shown as suggested by Vic roads below.


  • Bike riders are allowed to ride side by side (two abreast) but no more than 1.5 metres apart. If the road is narrow be courteous to other road users and ride single file to allow vehicles to overtake safely.
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What sort of parent suggests to their kid of 18years of age that getting drunk all day and night, trashing their rented apartment and getting into fights is a good way to celebrate the end of school.

These kids are so young, so full of drunken bravado. We have already had smashed bottles in our communal parking area...just coz.

What happened to parents teaching their kids to respect other peoples property, other people, and themselves.

And why is grog just assumed to be OK ? Why do parents allow underage drinking.

Cmon people.....set some bloody standards.

Better stop now.

  I just watched the news with the SA schoolies on there. Cops are saying they hope the kids drink responsibly. So whats the legal drinking age officer? Not all of them are legal drinkers i imagine

 If I had kids, there is NO WAY I would let them go to a schoolies week, yet some on the tv today are flying out to Bali with the parents blessing!

HELLO!!!!! Sending them to what is probably one of the most corrupt countries in the world is not a good idea in my opinion

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Sunday triathlon at Kingscliff.

I oversee the part of the road closures. We have one lane closed for the event, the other normal flow of traffic one way. A group of cyclists not a part of the event roll up and just ignore the assistant and proceed into oncoming traffic. They're not all like that, but these guys are the dicks everyone hates. Justified IMO. Their mate rolls up just after the others are out of sight and asks if I saw them. "Yes, they broke the law and disrupted the traffic." So he says, oh and chose the foot path to use. Not a shared path. Pedestrians everywhere. Mums n babies included. Dick.

If you're out for exercise why not obey the rules and suffer the inconvenience like all the motorists do? Towns are built in blocks, go around one.

I'm not angry about this. But these guys know they are uncountable. The law needs to catch up.

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Worked at a client's for 6 hours, then got called in to my office to help one of our guys finish a small design job. Note the word small.  5 hours later, at 7pm, I get out of there. Everyone else had shot thru by 5. Then, in the rush to order and then pick up dinner, and get home before it got cold, I forgot to get the money to pay my house cleaner.  So that means I have to go out again. 

I need a holiday.


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Council decided it was a good time to close one lane of Main North Road when the northern expressway in Adelaide was closed due to bushfires and everyone was trying to get home to get ready to evacuate. 

Does not surprise me with the council up that way.  Some serious shit going down with those fires too. 

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You've got a house cleaner?

Yeah.  After my wife passed away I thought, as it's quite a big house, I'm never going to be able to keep it clean.  My kids do their rooms and their shared bathroom, but the cleaner does the rest.  Otherwise my house would be a continual pig sty. 


Now for my vent.  I went to the supermarket on the way home from work today.  I parked my car quite a way away from the store where there were no other cars, as I usually do.  When I came out there was a shitbox parked each side.  I could hardly get in the car.  Park somewhere else FFS!



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New Turbo to be fitted over the weekend. Airfreighted at a premium overnight from Sydney on Thursday for guaranteed next day delivery. Call up and after an hour on hold all I get is sorry yep it should have been delivered today but seems it was not put on the truck at Melbourne airport. It was scanned in Melbourne at 5:13am so WTF. Seems the courier is either completely incompetent or they took my money, with a premium for air freight, with no intention of delivering as promised. 




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New Turbo to be fitted over the weekend. Airfreighted at a premium overnight from Sydney on Thursday for guaranteed next day delivery. Call up and after an hour on hold all I get is sorry yep it should have been delivered today but seems it was not put on the truck at Melbourne airport. It was scanned in Melbourne at 5:13am so WTF. Seems the courier is either completely incompetent or they took my money, with a premium for air freight, with no intention of delivering as promised. 




Same problem here.

They drop off the "general" freight at the P.O, no attempt to deliver, then drive across the road to drop off at the panel beaters, then drive 300 metres to drop off at the roller door business…..which is only 300 metres from home …..but they still take the delivery fee !

The P.O get a handling fee….I just get PO !! 

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  • 2 weeks later...



There, Ive said it.


Bloody PPI.

Some of the notes they make scare a first time buyer......things such as "engine tay missing" and "heater control knobs starting to fade".


Compression and leak down are OK, which is better news for me.

A couple of things to actually fix (will cost a handful of dollars) then she'll be back on the market for more money.

Still, it appears the buyer was after a 993 in brand new condition, rather than a car which has been driven for 135,000 km.


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There, Ive said it.


Bloody PPI.

Some of the notes they make scare a first time buyer......things such as "engine tay missing" and "heater control knobs starting to fade".


Compression and leak down are OK, which is better news for me.

A couple of things to actually fix (will cost a handful of dollars) then she'll be back on the market for more money.

Still, it appears the buyer was after a 993 in brand new condition, rather than a car which has been driven for 135,000 km.


I had the same problem,which to be fair to to the  mechanic, is what he was paid to do, HOWEVER  a 20 year old car is 20 BLOODY year old, so I had to explain to the prospective purchaser that every single component of the car is WORN and that if he would indeed like an unworn car he would have to buy a new one, But as they no longer make manual coupe 993`s he was shit out of luck.

I really think PPI should just be a case of 

Good car, Buy it

Fair car, needs X to make it a good car

Bad car ,Run away

too detailed a report frightens the shit out of people who know nothing about cars



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too detailed a report frightens the shit out of people who know nothing about cars

The guy who organised this PPI was a really nice guy, but this was his first Porsche and only his fourth car ever.   He is being guided by the report, and was scared by the comments.   The important things are all good.  Compression , leak down, aircon was rated as "very cold", interior is good for the age (except for one seat which is getting repaired) and Oh well, was not meant to be. 

Of course, the mechanic was doing his job, and he did pick up a few things which I will attend to this week.  However, they should not as you said - its a worn car and things wear over 20 years.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the kids Granny takes our girl down the M1 to Bangalow today. Byron road works and new alignment confuses her and she misses the turn off. She realized she's headed to Ballina and spots an emergency turning lane. Not aware it is an offence to use it she does. Woooooooooooo, Mr plod is all over her. Bla bla bla $248 and 2 demerits. "I don't make the laws, I just enforce them".

Well he has to, he's recording the conversation.

Gone are the day's.......

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What pisses me off? The manbun , that's what.

It's not smart , handsome , sexy , useful - or nowadays even trendy.

I'd take 100 mullets for one of those atrocious "fashion statements".. Fellas , women reckon they look ridiculous , even if they don't say it to your face.


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