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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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hang on Simon... Dbl take are you suggesting a LHD 3.2 converted import is worth more than an original RHD targa ??? ??

I am not sure I would use the word "worth", but the market is saying they change hands for about the same money. As has been pointed out above, an Oz delivered Targa is currently around the $80k mark, and therefore, a UK import is worth noticeably less. Unfortunately, if you take a less popular spec car and then take something off for it being an import (even RHD), you have to take off more than you would for a more desirable spec. So we have seen  properly converted 3.2 Carrera coupes selling for about $75-80k when their Oz equivelents are selling for, say, $105-10k which is 25% discount, while we see from comments above that a UK Targa at Buik is offered for about $50k when the Oz equivalent would sell for, say, $80k, making a 37.5% discount:oBut it very much depends on the individual car and you have to judge it on a case by case basis.

There is an argument to say that Targa's are very good value for money when compared with the coupe, if you like them. If I was lucky enough to have a collection of cars, there would be a place for a Targa in the garage, but for what i want and only being able to have 1 Porsche, the Targa wasn't on my list.

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Also would you knock a car thats non original colour 5% or 10% of top prices ?

Im gonna use the assumption that the top top price is CTS or DUTTON and most of us arent ever gonna pay those ??

Like wise , how about a non matching number car -- 5% or 10% knock down  .. whats your measure?

Lastly , as 356's are signifcantly older do those of you that have had them or own them normally get history .. full history .. log books , owners manuals.. or is this just a rare few cars.. im guessing although ideal .. unlike 911s again age plays a big factor in what paperwork s reasonable to not have ?


Sorry i can't help you with the 356 values, but i simply don't follow them, only following IB cars currently. And seeing that nobody else has taken a crack at this, here are my comments. I do try to track what seems to be market values, although it is tough to know exactly how much certain cars sell for. One thing is pretty certain - people don't tend to pay more than the asking price! And in the same vein, peaople don't tend to accept significantly less than the asking price, because they are more likely to drop the price (often slowly) to meet the market, therefore, I assume most cars sell for between 5 and 10% of what they are advertised for (special cases excepted).

On that basis, starting with the easier question first, non matching numbers seem to concern the market a fair bit on the IB cars. Non matching but correct engine seems to hit the values between 10-15% while non matching "upgrade" engines (say 3.2 instead of 2.7) hits the price by up to 25%. That assumes the rest of the car is equal to a matching numbers car, which rarely happens. In many cases, there are other factors than drag down the value of non matching number cars. I think that the bottom line is that most of us believe that engines are pretty strong and that the reason for an engine change is either because of abuse, or because somebody wants more power, which in turn suggests they want to drive the car harder!

As for a colour change, that really is a tough one. Let's assume that the colour change was done really well, because if it wasn't, who knows the value. Then it comes down to just how good the car looks. If it is drop dead gorgeous in a colour that is either very rare or you cannot get, it might have very little impact. If it is, say, a change from white to red (why?) then you can see up to 15% off. However, what clouds this is that most cars that have been colour changed in recent times are usually very good overall because to do that colour change, everything has been stripped and rebuilt. I personally am less put off by a recent, well done colour change with the rest of the car unmodified than I am any other "change".

Of course, the above is only my opinion and I guess there are probably many of those. There are probably a whole host of sales done away from the public eye that could blow all my watching out of teh water!

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Is anyone tracking 356 prices? Coupes ?

Indulge me a little 

A's seem to be right up there 180-250's , no real concern if they are imports or not

B's , 135 imports , 150 Auscars - 200

C's ?? Any comments 


Also would you knock a car thats non original colour 5% or 10% of top prices ?

Im gonna use the assumption that the top top price is CTS or DUTTON and most of us arent ever gonna pay those ??

Like wise , how about a non matching number car -- 5% or 10% knock down  .. whats your measure?

Lastly , as 356's are signifcantly older do those of you that have had them or own them normally get history .. full history .. log books , owners manuals.. or is this just a rare few cars.. im guessing although ideal .. unlike 911s again age plays a big factor in what paperwork s reasonable to not have ?


Youve pretty much nailed it

The silver B that sold recently for $147 ( that's what he was asking ) was an oz delivered matching numbers ( I confirmed with PCA ) Im surprised the  B at CTS hasnt sold for somewhere in the 140 range

There's some good buying out of the US if you like LHD - Great 356 sold for 58000 

Have a look at the classifieds on the 356 registry USA

I love em

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Toilets are also good for some peace and quiet!

Get in , get out ASAP.

If not the case , you may need some dietary or sanitary advice. Or a bigger shoebox to live in.

Some Pommy guy has an urban outhouse


Edited by tazzieman
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does look like a bargain. I wonder what it needs. "The condition of the car is as expected for its age and needs some TLC". "There are some items that will require attention and as such I have placed the price much lower than market value. "

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does look like a bargain. I wonder what it needs.

It doesn't need a Maccas cup in the door pocket.Probably got used johnnies under the seats.

Why not spend a little bit of effort , better pics not excuses - and go for 10k extra. Easy money.

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Well, the 2.7 guy is un-contactable.  Probably at Maccas.  :blink:

Anyone after a early 4.5 928 $4650!! Needs a bit of work http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Porsche-928-/262560835682?hash=item3d21d86862:g:-bQAAOSwZVlXoazI

Could be a good basis for getting an early car cheap.....

Did you?....

Yes, but not about the car with your link - the one we were discussing yesterday...which is here:


6.5k - would have been a nice car once upon a time but has suffered some serious neglect - full leather interior is in sad shape (leather dash pulled away from vents, seats rooted, carpets sad); body damage in various places; paint reaction on quarter panels; unknown engine issues causing 'failure to proceed'; engine work by unknown workshop; no history at all; was purchased off the side of the road where it had been sitting in someone's yard for a while.  If it was in Sydney I might take a look, but it sounds like a money pit of the first order.  I have additional pics from the vendor, which I would be happy to share so PM me if it floats your boat...


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Well, the 2.7 guy is un-contactable.  Probably at Maccas.  :blink:

Yes, but not about the car with your link - the one we were discussing yesterday...which is here:


6.5k - would have been a nice car once upon a time but has suffered some serious neglect - full leather interior is in sad shape (leather dash pulled away from vents, seats rooted, carpets sad); body damage in various places; paint reaction on quarter panels; unknown engine issues causing 'failure to proceed'; engine work by unknown workshop; no history at all; was purchased off the side of the road where it had been sitting in someone's yard for a while.  If it was in Sydney I might take a look, but it sounds like a money pit of the first order.  I have additional pics from the vendor, which I would be happy to share so PM me if it floats your boat...


Yeah that is the one that I meant.

So sad that these great cars get neglected and end up like this.... hopefully it can be saved.....

Sounds like he needs to put the pics on carsales that he sent you??

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Yeah that is the one that I meant.

So sad that these great cars get neglected and end up like this.... hopefully it can be saved.....

Sounds like he needs to put the pics on carsales that he sent you??

I couldn't agree more.  They weren't flattering pics so I suspect that is why they weren't included in the original advertisement.

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Dutton Garage has been doing this with NZ cars for some time. As discussed elsewhere, since Brexit they are also peddling UK cars to help stimulate the British economy. But, by so doing, I can't help thinking that they're undermining the massive premiums they're asking for the AUS cars they have.

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It doesn't need a Maccas cup in the door pocket.Probably got used johnnies under the seats.

Why not spend a little bit of effort , better pics not excuses - and go for 10k extra. Easy money.

Is this the one that was for sale in Camberwell about 1 year ago? The stolen and recovered one in the 80s that was rebuilt using parts from a doner LHD jap import

Not sure but the tail reminds me of the Camberwell one

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