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Discussions with the Constabulary...

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Had my first discussions with the constabulary last Friday in 5 1/2 years of Porsche driving.  113kms in a 100km zone.  At least I now know how inaccurate my speedo is, it was showing 120kms at the time 🙂  Let off with a warning which duly arrived in the mail today, all OK as long as I'm a good boy for the next 3 years...

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23 minutes ago, TwoHeadsTas said:

Had my first discussions with the constabulary last Friday in 5 1/2 years of Porsche driving.  113kms in a 100km zone.  At least I now know how inaccurate my speedo is, it was showing 120kms at the time 🙂  Let off with a warning which duly arrived in the mail today, all OK as long as I'm a good boy for the next 3 years...

Warning? In Victoria that was fazed out 10yrs ago I reckon....

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32 minutes ago, Philbee said:

Warning? In Victoria that was fazed out 10yrs ago I reckon....

Yes, interesting, VIC is the nutbag state for road rules/ enforcement but the road toll is still rising, maybe stop looking down at the speedo & look at the road, I’m sure you mexicans already are raging at the machine.

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 So Victorian cops have the same mentality as SA cops in that they dont consider the ever increasing population with the road toll? "We must curb the road deaths, so heres 30 more non revenue raising speed cameras"

Road deaths per capita is probably on par with 10 years ago. Pretty simple really, if you drive like a dick, expect to die like one. It's not rocket science

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2 hours ago, TwoHeadsTas said:

Had my first discussions with the constabulary last Friday in 5 1/2 years of Porsche driving.  113kms in a 100km zone.  At least I now know how inaccurate my speedo is, it was showing 120kms at the time 🙂  Let off with a warning which duly arrived in the mail today, all OK as long as I'm a good boy for the next 3 years...

Gotta love Tassie. We were stopped by hwy patrol in Feb near Ouse. Officer said there had been complaints from the motoring public about speeding sports cars. After a few minutes chatting about said sports cars, our officer was satisfied with a couple of selfies and we were on our way. Only in the Apple Isle.


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 Ask @Stew F about his neighbours dobbing him in to plod for speeding in his noisy sports car 😁

1 hour ago, mhh said:

Gotta love Tassie. We were stopped by hwy patrol in Feb near Ouse. Officer said there had been complaints from the motoring public about speeding sports cars. After a few minutes chatting about said sports cars, our officer was satisfied with a couple of selfies and we were on our way. Only in the Apple Isle.


 Saw you in the Mclaren coming towards us on Sunday morning driving like a lunatic as usual 😁 😉 

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34 minutes ago, flamingporsche said:

So the moral of the story is to use much higher speeds :ph34r:

Good point Flaming, that's why I always drive at  9 or 23 KM over posted speed limits (except for schools and built up area's) refer below for my logic 😉

Exceeding the speed limit Penalty (as at 1 November 2018) Automatic licence suspension
By less than 10 km/h $201  
10 km/h–24 km/h $322  
25 km/h–29 km/h $443 3 months
30 km/h–34 km/h $524 3 months




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19 hours ago, LeeM said:


You'll be on A Current Affair soon 

I had a current affair reporter in the court during my case... luckily it didn’t surface. They were more interested in following up on the young guy before me who got done for popping a wheelie through red lights on YouTube!

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21 hours ago, mhh said:

Gotta love Tassie. We were stopped by hwy patrol in Feb near Ouse. Officer said there had been complaints from the motoring public about speeding sports cars. After a few minutes chatting about said sports cars, our officer was satisfied with a couple of selfies and we were on our way. Only in the Apple Isle.


I had a similar interaction in Strahan. Driving the SC with 10 year old navigator and pulled into a road side breath test.  Cops apologized for delaying  us during our vacation and  just wanted to chat about the car.  

Breatho done, “have a good night sir”👍👍


Later back in Vicistan, 7km over and a fine and lecture from the quota filling HP plodder😠

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On 14/06/2019 at 03:55, mhh said:

Gotta love Tassie. We were stopped by hwy patrol in Feb near Ouse. Officer said there had been complaints from the motoring public about speeding sports cars. After a few minutes chatting about said sports cars, our officer was satisfied with a couple of selfies and we were on our way. Only in the Apple Isle.


And the rest of the world excluding Australia

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Well I've had two encounters with Hwy patrol catching me over the limit in the Porsche just give me a one finger wave. No not the middle finger. 🖕 😂 

I was slowing quickly on both occasions. Probably at around 10 or so over. NSW 

They've been blitzing our area since Friday so I'll stay under for sure.

I agree, you are more likely to have an accident at 2klm over because you're too busy checking you're speed. Dahhh!

The good old days when we had 10% you just drove watching the road. 



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20 minutes ago, firstone said:

Well I've had two encounters with Hwy patrol catching me over the limit in the Porsche just give me a one finger wave. No not the middle finger. 🖕 😂 

I was slowing quickly on both occasions. Probably at around 10 or so over. NSW 

They've been blitzing our area since Friday so I'll stay under for sure.

I agree, you are more likely to have an accident at 2klm over because you're too busy checking you're speed. Dahhh!

The good old days when we had 10% you just drove watching the road. 



Your comments raise a most interesting discussion. 

With GPS speed check available on any reasonably modern mobile phone, it is possible to get an accurate display of your actual speed, which I assume will be the same speed that Mr Plod has coming up on his speed checking device.  So, if we are reasonably certain of our actual true speed, how fast might one allow when traveling in different states?

It used to be that NSW allowed 10% on the reasoning that the courts would throw out a reasonable appeal because of speedometer inaccuracy, the differences whether a tyre was over or under inflated, parallax error reading the speedo etc.  I'm not so sure that this margin still works.   Has anyone any idea of how different states treat this?

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On 14/06/2019 at 19:11, Philbee said:

Warning? In Victoria that was fazed out 10yrs ago I reckon....

Same here in QLD.  Speeding is considered a LEO (life endangering offence) & officers are instructed to show no leniency.   You will get a definitely get a ticket if you are dealing with the Traffic Branch (RPU now) or a traffic oriented General Officer (Knob).  Many General Officers will still give a warning for under 20k's or so over.  This is becoming harder though as they may face disciplinary action for providing an "unofficial warning" & not taking action to enforce a LEO.  Sigh.............

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1 hour ago, Jason E said:

Same here in QLD.  Speeding is considered a LEO (life endangering offence) & officers are instructed to show no leniency.   You will get a definitely get a ticket if you are dealing with the Traffic Branch (RPU now) or a traffic oriented General Officer (Knob).  Many General Officers will still give a warning for under 20k's or so over.  This is becoming harder though as they may face disciplinary action for providing an "unofficial warning" & not taking action to enforce a LEO.  Sigh.............

I must’ve been lucky getting let off and told to make a sizeable charity donation when caught doing 127 in a 100 zone. Country cops are the best 😁. Highway Patrol / RPU / bike cops have no mercy

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The constabulary seriously wants to take a good hard look at its self if it thinks issuing fines over this sort of Bull shit is going to do it any favours with the public ......really wanker.gif

second one of these stories in the last  weeks ,first was a school girl using a laptop in passenger seat ...:rolleyes:


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4 hours ago, sydr said:

Your comments raise a most interesting discussion. 

With GPS speed check available on any reasonably modern mobile phone, it is possible to get an accurate display of your actual speed, which I assume will be the same speed that Mr Plod has coming up on his speed checking device.  So, if we are reasonably certain of our actual true speed, how fast might one allow when traveling in different states?

It used to be that NSW allowed 10% on the reasoning that the courts would throw out a reasonable appeal because of speedometer inaccuracy, the differences whether a tyre was over or under inflated, parallax error reading the speedo etc.  I'm not so sure that this margin still works.   Has anyone any idea of how different states treat this?

So, I can tell you that (here in QLD) it all depends on who the Cop is that pulls you over & where he works (RPU/ State traffic Support/ General Station, etc).

As to margins of error +/- 10% etc.  If you are doing 1 kph over the speed limit when targeted on a Lider/TruCam etc, etc you are technically speeding. 

Some Cops will pin you at 5kph situationaly dependent (General Duties Police generally work on 10% over before considering a ticket.  

If you get pulled by Traffic/ RPU/ State Traffic - expect no mercy - they have unwritten quotas to fill & need to justify their cushy existence & enormous budget support from the State Gov.  So the more tickets they write the more Gov O/T is supplied.  The more speed camera tickets/ detection's - the more O/T shifts/ Specials supplied by the Gov for the traffic officers to fatten their pay packets.  Vicious circle.

I was talking to an RPU Sgt recently.  Nice enough bloke but one of those fellows who would literally ticket his own mother.  I know this because he was telling me he once wrote a speeding ticket out for his brother!  He is a traffic zealot.  Truly believes that he is fighting the good fight.  I was whinging about a ticket that I had received & he gently admonished me & said, "Do what I do.  Drive everywhere at 10kph under the speed limit - no matter what.  Leave 15mins earlier than you need to so that you've no need to speed.  There's no excuse for speeding Jason.  Speed kills".  I invited him to fuck off.

General Duties Police - it's a lottery.  Most dislike traffic work/ some love it.  Some are nice blokes/ some are dirty Keith's.  Some are having a good day/ some are having a shitter.  Depends whether you are being a mouthy douche/ or being reasonable & tolerant.  Depends whether the Station OIC has received a Ministerial Complaint from a resident whinging about Hoons doing burnouts in their street.  The Boss must respond so the Boss makes you go write tickets so he can respond to the Minister/ Councilor & say we immediately did patrols of the area & wrote 19 infringements.  (of course these infringements invariably target Mum, Dad & the kids doing 11kph over in a hurry to get to the movies.  Collateral damage.

When I was a real Policeman I had strict criteria for who I would only write a ticket for - 

If you were a grub with real criminal history - fuck you - you get a ticket (maybe 3 - depends how tired my writing hand got).

Hoons always got a ticket because they make it worse for everyone.  They never do burnouts or drag race in their own street.  Pricks.

If you were a normal person & I pulled you over to give you a warning & you started mouthing off you'd always get one polite warning to pull your head in then all bets were off if you wanted to keep exercising your tongue - always regrettable.

If you were a normal person, responded to my politeness with equal politeness then you'd get a warning & a wave on your way & everyone's happy.  Community Policing at it's finest.

Alas those days are long gone.  These days it's all about statistics.  People say on one hand why can't Police be like they used to be a just give a warning or a cuff around the ears & on the other demand statistics to evidence the fact the Piggers are earning their tax dollars.

In summary - 

Avoiding a speeding ticket these days is less likely than receiving one.

Be polite in the first instance (even if you want to tell him what he can do with his mother).  He may just be a GD's cop that hates traffic & likes warnings - you might get lucky/ flies & honey.


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2 hours ago, Jason E said:

he gently admonished me & said, "Do what I do.  Drive everywhere at 10kph under the speed limit - no matter what.  Leave 15mins earlier than you need to so that you've no need to speed.  There's no excuse for speeding Jason.  Speed kills".  I invited him to fuck off.

  Wanker! People like him are part of the problem with these dickheads incessantly driving well under the limit causing frustration to others. Cops have a job to do and I'm cool with that, yet their collective cries of being a lunatic causing accidents 5-8kph over the limit is just stupid.

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