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8.30am, and I'm sitting here parked across the road in the van waiting for the client to arrive to site. 

 Old 'gent of middle eastern appearance' parks behind me, gets out of his car and says in broken English ' You move, that my spot everyday, so you move NOW'!

 Me being the devout smartarse that I am 'Yeah right mate, have a nice day'

Gent then kicks my van and throws a wobbly in whatever language attracting his son outside who also has a go at me. Told them both to 'go forth and multiply' at the top of my lungs!

 How I didnt punch the grumpy @#$/ I'llI never know!

 Theyre still eyeballing me now! Watch this space, shits gunna happen!!!

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bloody Russians (not you KGB)

I get regular random emails from people sending me invoices, or proposals and i have learnt to just dump them, but yesterday they lucked out and actually used a clients name. A bit distracted with other shit going on i just clicked on the 'invoice.'

took about 5 minutes to realize a third of our entire work network had been encrypted and the ruskis were emailing me asking for money!



Allow me to make some inquiries on your behalf....

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8.30am, and I'm sitting here parked across the road in the van waiting for the client to arrive to site. 

 Old 'gent of middle eastern appearance' parks behind me, gets out of his car and says in broken English ' You move, that my spot everyday, so you move NOW'!

 Me being the devout smartarse that I am 'Yeah right mate, have a nice day'

Gent then kicks my van and throws a wobbly in whatever language attracting his son outside who also has a go at me. Told them both to 'go forth and multiply' at the top of my lungs!

 How I didnt punch the grumpy @#$/ I'llI never know!

 Theyre still eyeballing me now! Watch this space, shits gunna happen!!!

still with us Lee

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still with us Lee

Im just trying to recall the line from Faruk out of the movie The Castle . 

Something like

"I tell him , you make trouble ,  I have cousin who have bomb , they come and blow your shit up" ;)

Be nice to the native or you might just end up under some astro turf somewhere , concrete is way to expensive nowadays 

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still with us Lee


Apparently Allah is going to sort out the western devil, or words to that effect anyway.  'I'd better get to the snackbar then' was my retort

 They didnt like that very much, though I thought it was pretty funny :-) 

 Onsite for another hour,  so ill see what happens after that. Cops are on speed dial just incase

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Some young men of a certain grouping think they own whatever place they happen to be in at the time, and in general is of the opinion their digestives product contains nothing but fragrance.

spent some time living alongside families of that type.  Little boys of about 8 walking along with the chest puffed out while mum struggles along 5 meters behind carrying all the bags.  Junior would occasionally chip mum for walking too slow.

i have no respect for a culture that treats their women like that.  So good on you for not bein a jelly back scared to offend.

You are brave stirring up shite in an airport terminal. If emotions take hold , expect a couple of burly fellows (or ladies) to delay your flight. Doesn't matter how rich or important you are , say my contacts. The airline & security industry is "tense".

And especially don't stir things up in a non-English speaking country. 

recently went through this myself.

nowhere on airport property should you expect anyone to use judgment, common sense or accept even the slightest bit of Aussie larrakin humor.  And I'm not talking about the security  lines, I'm talking everyone from the parking guys to the terminal cleaners.

The only ones without a personality lobotomy seem to be the pilots.

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  I'm all for live and let live. No matter what or who you are, I'll cut you some slack, yet when confronted as I was today (and I thought it was going to get very ugly with the big fella son, but he would've got a big surprise and a headache! ) I refuse to just give in and accept defeat. Especially to those kind of arrogant neanderthals. 

  ANYONE, regardless of age damaging my property will receive a rather stern talking to, and hand on heart, if that was my Porsche he kicked today, he wouldn't be eating any solid foods for quite a while!

 Oh, and the limited English speaking client was a pain in the arse too!

 To top my day off, my second job was in a less than salubrious area, and my van was broken into damaging the door lock whilst I was in the house working, and they flogged a bunch of change I had in the dash coin box. Time for a scotch and play with the dog to forget about the day


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  I'm all for live and let live. No matter what or who you are, I'll cut you some slack, yet when confronted as I was today (and I thought it was going to get very ugly with the big fella son, but he would've got a big surprise and a headache! ) I refuse to just give in and accept defeat. Especially to those kind of arrogant neanderthals. 

  ANYONE, regardless of age damaging my property will receive a rather stern talking to, and hand on heart, if that was my Porsche he kicked today, he wouldn't be eating any solid foods for quite a while!

 Oh, and the limited English speaking client was a pain in the arse too!

 To top my day off, my second job was in a less than salubrious area, and my van was broken into damaging the door lock whilst I was in the house working, and they flogged a bunch of change I had in the dash coin box. Time for a scotch and play with the dog to forget about the day


seeing how you know where he always parks, leave him a bacon parking ticket

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  I'm all for live and let live. No matter what or who you are, I'll cut you some slack, yet when confronted as I was today (and I thought it was going to get very ugly with the big fella son, but he would've got a big surprise and a headache! ) I refuse to just give in and accept defeat. Especially to those kind of arrogant neanderthals. 

  ANYONE, regardless of age damaging my property will receive a rather stern talking to, and hand on heart, if that was my Porsche he kicked today, he wouldn't be eating any solid foods for quite a while!

 Oh, and the limited English speaking client was a pain in the arse too!

 To top my day off, my second job was in a less than salubrious area, and my van was broken into damaging the door lock whilst I was in the house working, and they flogged a bunch of change I had in the dash coin box. Time for a scotch and play with the dog to forget about the day


We had a nasty experience with an arrogant jerk when we were moving into our house.  We had some friends and family helping, and I hired a small removal truck.  One of the friends had a station wagon, so they brought some stuff over, unloaded, and then parked the car out on the street.  I was reversing the truck in when this woman came over, looking all determined.  I was pretty sure I knew what was coming.  I said hi, I'm Stewart.  She didn't introduce herself, but instead launched at me with "how long is that car going to be parked there?"  I said, we're just going to unload this gear, then we're heading off, so 1/2 hour ought to do it.  In a huff, she turned and walked away. 

So my dad & I were in the back of the truck unloading stuff, when this rude old bastard comes over and launches one at my wife, who was sitting in her wheelchair enjoying the sunshine.  "You said that car would be gone in 1/2 an hour.  I want it moved now".  This must have been 30 minutes and 10 seconds after the obnoxious woman approached me.  Wife got quite upset because he was yelling at her.  Dad & I looked out to see what was going on.  Then this bloke starts carrying on.  "I WANT THAT F'ING CAR MOVED NOW".  He looked like he was going to blow a gasket.  My dad says Don't talk to us like that.  Who are you anyway?  Go away.  My old man grew up in troubled times as a kid, and as a result, he doesn't cop crap from anyone.  He would have made a great prize fighter.  Then the bloke starts to threaten me with violence.  Swearing, insults, etc. I'm talking threats to break my neck and stuff.  I told him to "go away" or I will ring the cops.  Dad goes "if I was 10 years younger I'd punch you in the nose".  Lol. 

By now, my wife is bawling her eyes out and yelling at this bloke.  He storms off, but before he leaves my driveway he turns around and says "Whats her problem? F'ing invalid".  So my friend said he'd go move his car. Words exchanged between friend and ahole on the street before friend moves his car. Then this prick parks a mobile home there.  Turns out that he doesn't even live there.  It's his daughter and her husband.  So a few weeks later, my wife & I were outside.  Her in her wheels, & me washing the 911.  Woman comes over and, no apology or anything, tries to be all nice.  " Hi, I'm from over there, number 12."   Wife says "oh are you?  Well how about you f off back over there then".  I had to hi five her on that one. 

It took a good 12 months for the "man" of the house to build up the balls to speak to me, but still no acknowledgement or apology for the old dude upsetting my wife.  I still keep an eye out for his motor home.  One day I might just mention it over a beer.

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So my dad & I were in the back of the truck unloading stuff, when this rude old bastard comes over and launches one at my wife, who was sitting in her wheelchair enjoying the sunshine.  "You said that car would be gone in 1/2 an hour.  I want it moved now".  This must have been 30 minutes and 10 seconds after the obnoxious woman approached me.  Wife got quite upset because he was yelling at her.  Dad & I looked out to see what was going on.  Then this bloke starts carrying on.  "I WANT THAT F'ING CAR MOVED NOW".  He looked like he was going to blow a gasket.  My dad says Don't talk to us like that.  Who are you anyway?  Go away.  My old man grew up in troubled times as a kid, and as a result, he doesn't cop crap from anyone.  He would have made a great prize fighter.  Then the bloke starts to threaten me with violence.  Swearing, insults, etc. I'm talking threats to break my neck and stuff.  I told him to "go away" or I will ring the cops.  Dad goes "if I was 10 years younger I'd punch you in the nose".  Lol. 

By now, my wife is bawling her eyes out and yelling at this bloke.  He storms off, but before he leaves my driveway he turns around and says "Whats her problem? F'ing invalid".  So my friend said he'd go move his car. Words exchanged between friend and ahole on the street before friend moves his car. Then this prick parks a mobile home there.  Turns out that he doesn't even live there.  It's his daughter and her husband.  So a few weeks later, my wife & I were outside.  Her in her wheels, & me washing the 911.  Woman comes over and, no apology or anything, tries to be all nice.  " Hi, I'm from over there, number 12."   Wife says "oh are you?  Well how about you f off back over there then".  I had to hi five her on that one. 

It took a good 12 months for the "man" of the house to build up the balls to speak to me, but still no acknowledgement or apology for the old dude upsetting my wife.  I still keep an eye out for his motor home.  One day I might just mention it over a beer.

Unreal... Well done on yourself and Dad holding back.  

I don't think I would have been able to especially with the "whats her problem" comment.

Great response from your missus, to the daughter of the morons, perfect actually.

Your a good man Stew, if you would even contemplate having a beer with the neighbour.

But I am/can be just an angry old man...

Doesn't matter whether you live in the Frankston Pines or Briiiiggghton, you can't pick your neighbours unfortunately

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  So my friend said he'd go move his car. Words exchanged between friend and ahole on the street before friend moves his car. 

It took a good 12 months for the "man" of the house to build up the balls to speak to me, but still no acknowledgement or apology for the old dude upsetting my wife.

no way would I have moved the car.  I would have just laughed and smiled and said 'yeah we will move it when we're done, you could give us a hand to make it go faster if you like'.

the one thing an angry rager hates is lauger and mocking.  It makes all their pent up rage look ridiculous, because it is.

just treat people like this the same way as you would a toddler throwing a tantrum.  Never give in, and never stoop to their level.  Because ultimately they are just toddlers throwing tantrums to get their way.

If they want to get violent get someone to produce a phone with a 'hang on, this should be good'.  Shuts things down pretty quick.

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Next time the camper appears help them out by topping up the water supply.  I doubt the filler would be too hard to reach when nature calls.

btw Perfect response from your wife.

Are you psychic or something?  Mind you, I'm only 5 1/2 feet tall.

My wife was a legend at the best of times.  She certainly didn't suffer fools. Which makes me wonder why we were married nearly 30 years.  Hmmm. 


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