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 pimply faced boy racers in WRX's who always seem to want to race

Add a backwards cap and you have a race of certified idiots who will one day be driving Porsches :D

Experience has taught me to put the virtual blinkers on and not engage even eye contact. As soon as they have seen you they assume "wanker" , and I might add , vice versa. No good can come of these interactions.

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Builders wasting my f&*%ing time! house is 2 months behind and I keep get called upon to go around and sort stuff out. That is why I am paying them!!

 Just had the same thing when I arrived onsite at a home reno site with the builder saying 'He must be here by 8am' 

Got onsite at 7.45, gyprock hasn't been flushed, no paint on the walls, nor skirting or cornice installed. 

Builder. Oh well, you'll just have to come back next week.

Me. No chance mate. We're booked 3 weeks ahead.

Builder. Want the work or not? 

Me. Not my problem. You haven't project managed it right, so seeya! Oh, and there will be a cancellation and rebook fee by the company I contract to. $200. 

Builder. Install it.

Me. Ok. (After I finish job) Have a nice day mate!

Builder. Yeah whatever

Most builders are full of shit. Never believe a word they say when things get delayed, as its their responsibility to ensure its on target and budget

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AGL can go get "£$%^&!

January monthly bill $132

February bill. $203

This last 30 day bill $850!

Rang them, and they're saying they've been under charging me between June and December last year, so they've backdated it to recoup the difference. Now that's weird, because on 2/12/2015, I received an email stating 'We're sorry Lee. We have overcharged you $507 over the past 4 months. There is nothing you need to do, and we will credit it back to you. Kind regards, AGL

Me to AGL operator. Don't you think $850 is a bit excessive?

Her. Absolutely, yet you have been undercharged.

Me. Think I give a shit? That's your problem, not mine. Check the email you sent me on 2/12/2105

Her. Ah yes, that is strange. I will escalate your request, and have someone contact you tomorrow

Me. Cool. Just advise them I will be abusive if they try to get me to pay it!  I'll be contacting my ombudsman, then seeking another power supplier



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He beat you.

Ha!!! That he did!

Saw him in the rear vision speeding up and then cutting in behind me as I was changing lanes. Eventually got in front and zig zagged through a couple of other cars until we were both at the front at red lights. Lights change and he smashes this thing out of the blocks as my youngest and I just cruised out. Next thing you know he gestures his hand up and out of the window as if to say "is that all you've got?". As I catch up at the next lights, I look at him with a smirk and shaking my head, mouthing "what a dick". 

I must saw though that it was a pleasant change as up here in the northern burbs it's usually the Holdens and Fords I need to worry about!

Talk to T2 about a nitrous kit


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Builders wasting my f&*%ing time! house is 2 months behind and I keep get called upon to go around and sort stuff out. That is why I am paying them!!

When we built a house some years ago I was constantly getting calls from the supervisor to come and look at things.  One day he rang me about a window.  They had ordered the wrong height window for the kitchen.  So he said we have 2 options.  Either raise the window to match the other windows and sliding door on that outside wall.  This would have produced a ledge in the kitchen above the bench top.  Or get this. We can lower the window, but that would mean the bottom of the window would be below the bench top, ending up with a well. WTF?  My own moat.  I said I'd take option 3, which was get the right size window.  I explained in detail that I thought that was the only option in the first place.  Guy was a total incompetent dickhead.  He got sacked just after our handover.  Rang me with threats and all.  He cost me a lot of time and headaches, and the builder a lot of money on a number of houses.

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Close. Starts with Ross, and ends with Dale.  That jerk gave them a bad rep with me.

Pretty sure they are one and the same mate. Hickys bought out a few builders, yet still trade under the name. I was solely installing all Hicky and Rossdale's robes. Same idiot building inspector and the same paperwork etc

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no idea where to put this post, but figure this is as good a thread as any. so i'm driving around the mean streets of redfern today when i happened to drive past this ford. ok, so the average ford deserves no respect in my book, but this is taking lack of respect to a new level. i'm no fan of fords, but could the owner of this ford at least give his car the occasional wash. i've never seen this much bird shit on a single car in my life.


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no idea where to put this post, but figure this is as good a thread as any. so i'm driving around the mean streets of redfern today when i happened to drive past this ford. ok, so the average ford deserves no respect in my book, but this is taking lack of respect to a new level. i'm no fan of fords, but could the owner of this ford at least give his car the occasional wash. i've never seen this much bird shit on a single car in my life.


What a load of shit.  That car looks like it hasn't move in ages.

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2015 !!!  glad it's over, but it goes on.

This is my year….A prostate infection, heart tests (father), two heart stents (father), two broken hips (mother), alzhiemers (mother), type 2 diabetes (uncle), kidney and bladder bleeding (same uncle) causing death (on warfarin), neighbour died of kidney failure and internal bleeding (on warfarin). Ok, the uncle was 89 and the neighbour was 92, and an aunty collapsed and ended up in hospital.

If you know of anyone on Warfarin (an anticoagulant) get them off it.

and spent the last 6 weeks working with a builder, to rebuild a swimming pool, so it can free him up to refurbish the parents bathroom (see above reasons)

and his is why it has taken so long to instal an air con system into a 930 and stopped me from attending PFA events.

Appologies but I have had a couple of scotches tonight and feeling a bit agro and needed to vent

Errgghhh time for the local polizia to pop the boot...me thinks

In the parents street there is a car, of unknown origin, parked on the footpath, which has been reported to police, but they cannot do anything, so have passed it onto the warden.  Useless !!




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