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Let me ask you guys a question.


At a set of traffic lights with say a left lane, a right lane and a turn lane.


Most people line up on the right lane, and the left lane is left kinda empty because it's a turn lane left, and the road merges back to single lane after the lights.


You will get people zooming down the left lane and then pushing in after the lights.


Now I was at these traffic lights last night, and there's a big accident at the intersection so the left lane is blocked. A young guy zooms down the left, finds out the lane is blocked and tries to push into the line of cars on the right lane. I don't let him in, cause at the moment I feel he's been queue jumping. He gets annoyed.


Yeah traffic had been at a standstill and I had been patiently waiting for my time to go and didn't want him to cut me off after jumping the queue of cars.


Was I wrong to not let him in?
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Let me ask you guys a question.


At a set of traffic lights with say a left lane, a right lane and a turn lane.


Most people line up on the right lane, and the left lane is left kinda empty because it's a turn lane left, and the road merges back to single lane after the lights.


You will get people zooming down the left lane and then pushing in after the lights.


Now I was at these traffic lights last night, and there's a big accident at the intersection so the left lane is blocked. A young guy zooms down the left, finds out the lane is blocked and tries to push into the line of cars on the right lane. I don't let him in, cause at the moment I feel he's been queue jumping. He gets annoyed.


Yeah traffic had been at a standstill and I had been patiently waiting for my time to go and didn't want him to cut me off after jumping the queue of cars.


Was I wrong to not let him in?


I've given up trying to understand road rules


" if they both want the same thing surely they should be friends?"


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As infuriating as queue jumpers are, I try to just let 'em go and avoid any potential confrontation or negative reaction.  5 seconds later they are forgotten, I'm relaxed and getting on with my day.  It's not worth the angst to engage just to prove a point to someone who obviously has no respect for others anyway. 

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As infuriating as queue jumpers are, I try to just let 'em go and avoid any potential confrontation or negative reaction.  5 seconds later they are forgotten, I'm relaxed and getting on with my day.  It's not worth the angst to engage just to prove a point to someone who obviously has no respect for others anyway. 


+ the benefit of the fact that merging like a zip means traffic flows more freely than lanes starting and stopping. If queue jumpers aren't ready to merge like a zip I generally close the gap and they can wait.

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I think some of you guys need to chillout behind the wheel. Take JustJames advice. -smile and wave.


There are always going to be idiots doing idiotic things on the road - do some defensive driving, drop back and give them space, let them out of your life.  Taking each one as a personal insult worthy of pistols at dawn just raises your blood pressure, increases the likelihood of you doing something stupid, and doesn't' change the behaviour of the idiot one bit.


The only time it's worth getting agro in a car is when you're on the final lap of Bathurst and victory is in sight.


Smile and wave, smile and wave!  It's only a trip to the shops/drive home from work.

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As infuriating as queue jumpers are, I try to just let 'em go and avoid any potential confrontation or negative reaction.  5 seconds later they are forgotten, I'm relaxed and getting on with my day.  It's not worth the angst to engage just to prove a point to someone who obviously has no respect for others anyway. 


All of this ^^ 


I always laugh at these idiots who just have get in front of you, weave i and out of traffic and come the next red light, they the car in front of you... hardly worth the effort. 

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How about taking the same scenario and placing it somewhere different, but just as pertinent....


You are out doing your weekly shopping at Woolies and have been standing in line for 20 minutes at the checkout because there is only 2 checkouts open....then someone walks up and pushes their trolley in front of you?

Do you just go, whatever, and just wave at them...let them think that they don't have to wait, that it is OK for them to carry on doing it?


Just a question..... :P  :lol:  :D

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All of this ^^ 


I always laugh at these idiots who just have get in front of you, weave i and out of traffic and come the next red light, they the car in front of you... hardly worth the effort. 


Someone done this to me not long ago, i was in my 944t. i was doing the limit.. then he started highbeaming me and the finger came out. i didn't react to him. just shook my head. 

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How about taking the same scenario and placing it somewhere different, but just as pertinent....


You are out doing your weekly shopping at Woolies and have been standing in line for 20 minutes at the checkout because there is only 2 checkouts open....then someone walks up and pushes their trolley in front of you?

Do you just go, whatever, and just wave at them...let them think that they don't have to wait, that it is OK for them to carry on doing it?


Just a question..... :P  :lol:  :D

Rocket, it's a bad analogy because in the traffic scenarios there are two lanes, both open for use, which then merge into one.

So, given that there are two lanes, and the left lane merges into the right...why would you not use the left lane? Isn't that the best use of the available infrastructure?

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Rocket, it's a bad analogy because in the traffic scenarios there are two lanes, both open for use, which then merge into one.

So, given that there are two lanes, and the left lane merges into the right...why would you not use the left lane? Isn't that the best use of the available infrastructure?


I get that....but its not uncommon for people zipping up the "Left lane must turn left" lane and cutting in front...I thought thats what the original poster was referring too.


Was just a question....9 times out of 10, I let people in anyway.... :D

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Y'see I use the left lane where it's legal to do so. People in general seem scared to filter into the lane to their right. Which is great for me 'cause it becomes my express lane.

But (and it's a big Kardashian-sized but), using a 'must turn left' lane to cut in front is just plain wrong.

Group interweb hugs all 'round.

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Of course....the left lane is not for those "who are scared of the accelerator pedal"....LOL


Same with people who will keep driving up the breakdown lane after the left lane has finished...just because they are more important.. :P  :D

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How about taking the same scenario and placing it somewhere different, but just as pertinent....


You are out doing your weekly shopping at Woolies and have been standing in line for 20 minutes at the checkout because there is only 2 checkouts open....then someone walks up and pushes their trolley in front of you?

Do you just go, whatever, and just wave at them...let them think that they don't have to wait, that it is OK for them to carry on doing it?


Just a question..... :P  :lol:  :D

This isn't a problem that happens too often that I've seen.  In the unlikely event that is does, a runaway trolley in the back of the ankles usually sorts them out..."oops, sorry about that" 

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I forgot the missus birthday today (thought it was tomorrow) then after a day from hell in what has to be the WORST house I have ever worked in (dried dog pooh on the floor in 2 bedrooms!), fall off a ladder, lock up my drop saw when an aluminium rod tried to take my eye out and wedged itself in the blade, other tradies onsite getting in my way, then all I get on the 30 minute drive home is every moron in the right lane doing 45 or 50 in a 60 zone!

Is it national DRIVE LIKE A SNAIL DAY today?

Jeeeeebus its annoying.

And trucks hogging 2 lanes at 50 kph pisses me off!

End of week, rant over, I'm gunna drag out the Drambuie!

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I just avoid woolies at all costs especially their fresh products its rubbish... For meat, cut out the retailer and get the good gear in bulk from my wholesaler/s, fruit n veg from the green grocer, consumables in bulk from Costco. 


My local woolies is a Zoo if I've ever seen one (but then again so is costco) and it does my head in going in there, but if there is a need to go there, I just send the mrs...  :lol: 

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I forgot the missus birthday today (thought it was tomorrow) then after a day from hell in what has to be the WORST house I have ever worked in (dried dog pooh on the floor in 2 bedrooms!), fall off a ladder, lock up my drop saw when an aluminium rod tried to take my eye out and wedged itself in the blade, other tradies onsite getting in my way, then all I get on the 30 minute drive home is every moron in the right lane doing 45 or 50 in a 60 zone!

Is it national DRIVE LIKE A SNAIL DAY today?

Jeeeeebus its annoying.

And trucks hogging 2 lanes at 50 kph pisses me off!

End of week, rant over, I'm gunna drag out the Drambuie!



Picture this a couple of weeks ago our evap air unit (Breezaire) gave up the ghost.    


Call out the company that has been servicing it for last three or four years.    


He comes out, hops up on the roof, for no more than 5 minutes, comes down and tells me its terminal.

New motor required.  


Then spends ten minutes making phone call and enquiries on price for repair compared to just replacing the entire box unit.  


It is 18 years old.    


In the quote he says probably about three to four hours labour to replace the unit @ $140.00 per hour, so add that onto the price of the new unit.  


He then says,...so all you need to pay me for today is the service call, $155.00 thank you very much.    


For no more than twenty minutes.   Yet their hourly rate is only $140.00


OK Well they aren't going to get the job.


Call another BREEZAIRE supplier recommended from the web site.  


They were good, no service charge if I am happy to wait until they are in the area to check what is wrong with it.


Agreed to that, they came out last week, checked it and same diagnosis.   It is rooted.


No worries, quote done, and its a couple of hundred dollars cheaper than original company.


So we go with them.   Do the job.   Monday comes, and the install of the new unit is under way at the organised time.


During the install, one asks to use the toilet.   Show him where it is and the bathroom.


Then one of them puts the control panel on the wall in the lounge room. 


He calls me in and gives me a run through how it works.  


THEN he says oh yeah, while I was putting in the panel I had to lean my knee on your lounge room suite.  


(Which is 8 months old and chalk in colour).


I look at where he points out and the armrest has a large black mark as big as your fist on the fabric.


I said Mate, are you serious, Cheezus, my wife is going to go ape droppings.


He replies "You should have some stuff to take it off."    WTF


They then leave.... job done AND PAID IN FULL FOR ....


Wife does go ape droppings when she gets home.  Still haven't been able to get the entire mark out.


Then she goes into the bathroom and abuses me for leaving black marks everywhere.


Seems the chap who used the toilet washes his hands and just shook them dry, resulting in black crap over the walls and tiles.


The worst part of the whole scenario is, we purchased the suite from Roth Newton in May last year, we don't like it and I had put it on Gumtree the day before this happened saying it was in show room condition which it was....before these tardy tradies turned up.


Doesn't anybody show respect for other peoples property when you hire them any more.


I just can't believe the attitude of these companies.......


My missus is still spewin and I am the one in the firing line.


The office of the tradies didn't want to know about it, just wished us luck in getting the mark out.




Phew I feel better now.

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