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So, we have just arrived in Yeppoon on our OZ road trip a couple of hours ago, after a reasonably long day on the road from Beautiful Bowen.:D

Now   Now before I rant and vent here, I apologize if whoever may read this is a smoker.

so we book in, ........great accommodation/apartments, young lady at reception mentions there are better rooms available with better views and amenities etc for an extra charge to what we had booked.   We decide to take the offer.....an extra $50 per night but wow, sensational.   Even have a fantastic balcony, with table and chairs overlooking all of the ocean.  Unreal love it.

Go for a wander into town, by some great steaks from an actual butcher would you believe.

Mrs Niko cooks them up to perfection.  I open a nice bottle of wine, the weather is perfect.

We go out to the balcony, to have tea

(that would be dinner for the more toffier amongst us:P)

AAAAAARRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH.   People in the apartment next door are also out, on their balcony.    Choofing away.   The beautiful fresh breeze coming off the sea now carries their used smoke right into our area......

Wife who has a serious lung problem immediately starts coughing and has to go inside.

followed by me....

Well that nicely buggered the romantic start to the evening...:unsure:

ok maybe I'm a bit tough on smokers, but sheeese, I know it's legal, I know they are doing the right thing and not smoking in their room, but it should be outlawed in my opinion.

or have rooms where all the smokers can smoke together...

i lost my one and only sister to lung cancer due to smoking and I can't for the life of me understand why people pay exuberant prices for cigarettes to kill themselves.

As I said, sorry,  if I have put any smokers noses out of joint here, but I don't see why  we should miss out on enjoying fresh air and life in general because someone lights up a smoke.

There, that should throw a pussy amongst the pigeons.



Edited by Niko
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+1  on the anti-smoking.   It may be legal (for now) but it does impact everyone around the smoker, from slight annoyance to detrimental health.   I almost went into witness protection at work.  Smoking was banned in the building following my one complaint about others smoking and leaving butts around the office.  No regrets, if I hadn't said something then nothing would have improved.

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I once rented a spa bath room at a motel. 5 minutes into the spa at about 8pm at night reception asks us to turn it off because people are complaining about the noise that the spa pumps are creating. Next morning they expected me to still pay full price. We only were there for one night - a total of about 14 hours and we were up sold on the spa. 

I'm sure if people can complain about me using something that I had paid for you've got every right to do the same with smokers Niko. ;)

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I would have thought that the balcony would have been non smoking as well since it's part of the room.

On a different topic, yesterday I went out to lunch with my cousin and her husband. Nice meal and all, but it shits me when they say on the menu that the meal comes with a "salad" and when it arrives it's just a small bowl of rocket. That ain't no salad. And the poor girl, she's allergic to rocket.







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 As a smoker myself (that is trying to kick it), I had typed out a page long reply defending 'myself' (not smokers in general, as I know most are inconsiderate, yet I am very considerate), but I have deleted it for fear of starting an argument which would be pointless.

All I'll say is that Mike, I'm sorry you had to put up with that, as it would be very annoying for non smokers

 Please don't post links or photo's of the ramifications smoking can create, as I'm very aware of them, as I'm aware of what alcohol can do to people, legally

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 As a smoker myself (that is trying to kick it), I had typed out a page long reply defending 'myself' (not smokers in general, as I know most are inconsiderate, yet I am very considerate), but I have deleted it for fear of starting an argument which would be pointless.

All I'll say is that Mike, I'm sorry you had to put up with that, as it would be very annoying for non smokers

 Please don't post links or photo's of the ramifications smoking can create, as I'm very aware of them, as I'm aware of what alcohol can do to people, legally

Trust me on this. E cigs  make it much easier 

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Lee, I am not trying to make this into a personal attack on smokers.

it is legal, it is your choice, and you (smokers) have the right to smoke, wherever, you are allowed.  (I just wish my big sister never chose to take it up)

 I have no problem with that, so no need to defend yourself.   We are still a country that allows us to make our own choices, although the Nanny State rules and regulations on various issues are starting to take over, some for good, some for not so good, in my opinion.

it is more the consideration issue I am raising I guess, and I'm sure if there were more like you, life would be easier for people who have problems with smoke, or are just against breathing it in.

One of my previous lives was in the Army, which was full of smokers, in fact it was encouraged. I can still recall the NCO's addressing the platoon when it was standing "easy" saying ..."smoke if you've got them, carry out the actions if you haven't".

Good luck in trying to "kick it" Lee, from what I have heard it is harder for a heavy smoker to give up smoking than it is for a Heroin addict to give up their habit, so again I hope you can beat it.  

Stew, unfortunately, for us the balcony is an acceptable place for smoking, in fact there is an ash tray on the tables out there.   We actually just attempted to have breakfast out there, but our neighbors are out also choosing away, so that has buggered that idea.   Damn!

Mike, we will definitely mention it on check out, but I doubt if they will be too interested, even if I had have mentioned it on check in I guess it's hard for them to know who is a smoker and who isn't for their tenants.   Let alone how the breeze/wind blows it from one balcony to the next.   

I am a big Trip Adviser contributor, so will certainly mention it there, when I put my little contribution in.




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Lee, good luck on trying to give up the smokes.  I know from watching family members and friends doing it that it's bloody hard.  For some, smoking cost them their health and ultimately their lives.  Keep fighting, it's worth  it.  

I'm not having a go at individuals who choose to smoke. We all make choices, good or bad.  I just hope both sides of the smoking debate show respect. 

Most smokers will stop or move somewhere else if asked nicely.  Likewise, any business that promotes a non-smoking environment should take steps ensure that's what they are providing.  A word to management about any failings should be treated seriously and acted on appropriately. 

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No worries guys, I wasnt 'offended' or felt like it was a personal attack on me. Its more just the general consensus that most smokers are inconsiderate, and that non smokers think its easy to quit. It really isnt!

 Yep, I bought the Vaporizing E cig a few months ago for around $100 all up, and I've worked out its saving me at least $50 per week at the moment, so it was a good investment (till it started leaking the other day, so I'm waiting for a replacement) I also use the non nicotine fluid, so my detox is nicotine free. I used to smoke outside whilst working, yet I don't do that now with the Vape

 I've noticed a difference in my health for sure, and when I started the Vape, I didnt smoke a cig for a full week, yet its very easy to fall back into bad habits quickly, especially when bored or having a few sherbets. 

 I'll get there eventually, as to be honest, I'm tired of smoking (and paying the money out every day) yet theres only one person who can make the change, and thats me.

 I'll probably end up being a wino as a distraction to smoking!

 Cheers for the encouragement

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Not much of a wine drinker, yet am willing to learn! 

 Tried some Grange last year at a grand final barbie which was ok. My mate who is cashed up to the eyeballs bought a box of it, so he was marinating the barbie steaks and chops with it! Was pretty funny, as some wine buffs were pretty annoyed at him. He's one of those blokes that attends a board meeting in trackies and thongs, so he doesnt really give a toss what others think. 


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Lee. Giving up smoking is EASY!

I've done it about 4 or 5 times.

PS. The last one worked.


Ditto. Made myself a deal I would stop when I bought my Porsche. This time I stuck to it. 

That was over 3 years ago and I still feel like one every day. Was smoking about 8-10 packs a week. Actually cheaper and a heap more fun with the 993.  

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$1.28.9 for ULP at Emu Park, about 15 K South of Yeppoon, yesterday. :D

($1.43.9 in Yeppoon)

Best price we have come across on the trip.

heading For Emerald today.

We have found if you wait for the first little town after each major town you go through, the price drops dramatically (10 cents P/L in a couple of places) but from there on it jumps dramatically.

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Ditto. Made myself a deal I would stop when I bought my Porsche. This time I stuck to it. 

That was over 3 years ago and I still feel like one every day. Was smoking about 8-10 packs a week. Actually cheaper and a heap more fun with the 993.  

wow that was quite a lot!  Gad you gave them away and took up porscheing instead.  More fun and you'll be around longer !(hopefully, watch that lift off oversteer)

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Ditto. Made myself a deal I would stop when I bought my Porsche. This time I stuck to it. 

That was over 3 years ago and I still feel like one every day. Was smoking about 8-10 packs a week. Actually cheaper and a heap more fun with the 993.  

Congrats on drawing the curtains on that bad habit!

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Not much of a wine drinker, yet am willing to learn! 

 Tried some Grange last year at a grand final barbie which was ok. My mate who is cashed up to the eyeballs bought a box of it, so he was marinating the barbie steaks and chops with it! Was pretty funny, as some wine buffs were pretty annoyed at him. He's one of those blokes that attends a board meeting in trackies and thongs, so he doesnt really give a toss what others think. 


are you shitting me...marinating bbq steaks in grange! wtf...did he wash down the bbq plate with a bottle of hill of grace

Edited by Blue964
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in the city last night , kent street.. waiting in traffic to turn left into druitt, when a TAXI  races past sqeezing by on the drivers side............

BANG !!!!!!!!!!!!!  idiot takes out the mirror.... gone in pieces  

luckily he cant proceed so i manage to pull him over, he gets out and starts saying i was too far over   WTF  i was in a line stationary.... 

anyway got his details    FOB  ......

shannons on it  

only concilation it was the refrigerator and not the P  but now the papertrain begins   

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