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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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One Year - I recall this same ad way back in 2012 for the same price.....goes to show in this market, you can wait long enough to nearly sell it, then raise it so it still doesn't sell.

from the ad "... THE 912 WAS MORE RARER THAN A 911 OUTSOLD THE 911 ..."


so, it was "more rarer" but "outsold the 911".   of course it did.

meant to post this, happy someone already did.

higher selling cars are always rarer, doncha know? Just try and find a Mazda 3 these days! Rare as anything I tells ya!

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As the motor is at the back 90% of the braking is done that end.:unsure:

911's have front brake bias out of the factory.

Not sure what gt3's use but the older 911's are about 1.6 from memory.

if 90% of your braking is being done at the back there is some seriously odd physics and handling happening. 

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Same kinda blues ... different shoes?

looks familiar



Looks ok … pricey though or would you put a 911E in that form in the collectable category , it is a fine looking thing 

If my memory serves me correctly, it's doubled in price in a short few months

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