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Interesting call from a specialist dealer who I had emailed to advise the Carsales ad they were running on a particular car was incorrect - it doesn’t have PASM (as highlighted in the write up) but rather the X73 option and you might like to correct that. The sales guy who made contact clearly had not read my email so advised him upfront I was not a potential purchaser but simply suggesting the ad required correction. 

A rather ungracious response from this guy - “that has just cost us $60 - email us directly next time and not via Carsales”. Ok, sorry, I thought I was doing you a favour - if the ad was correct, I would not have felt motivated to make contact but won’t bother to do so again. To which he replied “ how we advertise our cars is our business”. Go figure!


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Yeah, do it again and ask if that makes it $120 or if the $60 covers both emails. 😂


I've seen super dumb stuff like PDK equipped cars listed as manuals plenty of times by "high end" dealers, I don't think many of them have much care factor in regards to getting the smaller details correct in the listing.

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Yes, tempting to bombard them with “sales” enquiries - incredibly, the ad asks not to ring them but send a message - some other errors & omissions I didn’t bother with but you reasonably expect a bit more accuracy/care from a Porsche specialist selling to an enthusiast market. 

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36 minutes ago, jakroo said:

Or, you could leave it be. They have been given the heads up on an error so the job is done.

Wasting peoples money cos they didn't react the way you wanted them to.....good grief. Turn your  attention to fire and drought relief.

 Just a joke mate 👍

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I don’t think anyone was really going to flood the guy with emails.

I do feel for the car dealers.  Carsales is a dumpster fire of a website and business model.  It will implode the minute a half decent alternative appears.

$60 per lead is ridiculous, especially given it doesn’t filter for location.  A few are putting it in the ads to not email unless serious but that is a terrible sales strategy.

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2 hours ago, rafikdous said:

Common guys, everyone is doing it tough. No need to make it every more difficult for a guy who's trying to make a living

I am referring to flooding him with emails. Of course false advertising is not on

 Again as above your post, its a joke mate. Was the laughing emoji not enough? If you don't know me by now, maybe I should put a disclaimer at the bottom of all of my sarcastic posts to ensure noone gets offended 

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18 minutes ago, LeeM said:

 Again as above your post, its a joke mate. Was the laughing emoji not enough? If you don't know me by now, maybe I should put a disclaimer at the bottom of all of my sarcastic posts to ensure noone gets offended 

How dare you make a joke 

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99.9percent of comments on this forum are great, and importantly, useful or entertaining. A little bit of latitude towards others goes a long way. Great that everyone made up. Would hate to see some very experienced campaigners not post their thoughts and share their knowledge.  

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