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Took my car to work today for the first and last time after picking it up from Jocaro for my Bilstein fitting, had less than 2 hours to leave it alone and as luck would have some F&%$ backed into and hit my front bumper. 


When and if I catch the M*&^%#r F(@&#%r who hit me on Union St Malvern today, bloody look out.


No number left, no details left, just a dirty great scratch on my front bumper.



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You want a vent?  Try this.

Early Sunday, I went to our local Woolies.  In my pristine 1929 motor car.  (yes, 1929)


The car park slopes.


When I returned to my car the person (sh1t head?) parked immediately uphill was off loading his full supermarket trolley into his VW station wagon.  He had parked the trolley against my hand formed, perfect aluminium wing.  Stopped it rolling, see.  And he didn't have to hassle to hold it, my car was so convenient.

Sydr, I'm surprised there wasn't a death notice in the paper after this. Unfortunately you know before you get up close you are dealing with a large vacancy between the ears, so nothing you can say that relates to logic, the world around you or some level of consideration of other peoples property will even register with these morons, better still, given their level of awareness of the world around them we let them have a licence & drive. I feel so much safer on the road now, does this mean I have to add VW drivers to the Camry alert list?

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Niko, I'm trying to see the positive side, trying very hard.


Think I'll do some snooping in the area tomorrow and look for a 4WD with silver paint under it's rear end.


The new shocks are great, firmer ride (my front 2 were shot), the car feels great. I didn't lower it much at all, 15mm but really happy with the ride now.


Next job is the RS engine mounts soon as I get the missing parts sorted.

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Niko, I'm trying to see the positive side, trying very hard.


Think I'll do some snooping in the area tomorrow and look for a 4WD with silver paint under it's rear end.


The new shocks are great, firmer ride (my front 2 were shot), the car feels great. I didn't lower it much at all, 15mm but really happy with the ride now.


Next job is the RS engine mounts soon as I get the missing parts sorted.

Good to hear the shocks have eased a bit of the pain.


While your doing some snooping, check out anywhere nearby that may have some CCTV operating from their house or business.

You never know ....it has certainly been of value of late.


Good luck with the hunt...

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Ok I have a vent for today,

Why is it you can no longer walk through the Sydney CBD without being accosted every 10 steps by a group of people trying to sign you up for something or another. It's the way they try and step in front of you and force you to shake their hands or try and make you feel guilty for not stopping... expecting you to provide them with a reason not to stop.

If I stopped everytime it would take me hours to walk from one end of the Pitt Street Mall to the other. I do understand some of the people are there for various very deserving charities but I question the logic of having these guys and girls on the street and trying to market in such an agressive way, I doubt that they have a very good response, it may even go so far as to put people off.

Surely there must be better ways of raising awareness (and money) than sending a bunch of kids on the the streets and purposly disturbing people as they are just going about their daily business. I'm just tired of every minute saying 'no thank you' or having to lie by claiming 'I'm already running late' or 'I'm on my way to a meeting'. Would having some form of stand where you can choose to donate be more effective and less confronting?.

Oh and number 2... I hate losing to the Aussies in the Ashes.... That really hurts, not that I expect ANY sympathy from my fellow members here :-)

Have a good day.

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Why is it you can no longer walk through the Sydney CBD without being accosted every 10 steps by a group of people trying to sign you up for something or another. It's the way they try and step in front of you and force you to shake their hands or try and make you feel guilty for not stopping... expecting you to provide them with a reason not to stop.


 Wear one of these http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/like/140968816930?lpid=87 and say "gday bro!" to each and every one. Guaranteed they aren't out looking for a proper job.

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