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Waiting at the roundabout the other evening and the driver of the Astra in front of me was either sleeping or distracted so I gave a polite honk. Well that was a mistake. Hero driver in the Astra proceeded in front of me at 50 kms and changed lanes and cut me off every time I attempted to get past. Was very tempted to drive over the top with the Hilux but kept me cool.

After all.....I was in the Northern burbs and who knows what idiot could have been behind the wheel.

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Customers who don't know what they want, till you do the work, then they say "I didn't want it like that".  Tell me what you damn well want.  And customers who don't provide ALL of the information to do the job, then they piss off somewhere and leave you to it.  Leave me to what? Damn it!

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Ah yes, I had that on Saturday. 

Client/friend of a friend wanted mocha doors for her laundry overheads I was installing. I was told the colour name and ordered the same, yet it wasnt a match, as she gave me the kitchen colour swatch, not the bathroom colour that she wanted matched! 

 Now she wants plain white doors! Guess who has to wear that cost? Grrrrrr


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Well I was driving up a particularly steep section of road, thinking what a great, interruption free it had been.  And then there was an old-model Barina, going extremely slowly up the hill.  I tried slowing down and falling back, to give some space up the hill.  That worked for about 2 seconds.  I came up behind him again.  I thought 'this guy is intentionally going at 5mph to slow me down'.  It was inconceivable how slow this car was going.

Then I realised he couldn't actually go any faster.  So I overtook him at full throttle and left him to presumably make some type of remark about it.

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Well I was driving up a particularly steep section of road, thinking what a great, interruption free it had been.  And then there was an old-model Barina, going extremely slowly up the hill.  I tried slowing down and falling back, to give some space up the hill.  That worked for about 2 seconds.  I came up behind him again.  I thought 'this guy is intentionally going at 5mph to slow me down'.  It was inconceivable how slow this car was going.

Then I realised he couldn't actually go any faster.  So I overtook him at full throttle and left him to presumably make some type of remark about it.

my grandpa had a mate who used to ride his bike like that. Pop always reckoned if the bloke went any slower he'd fall off. :lol:

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Driving in Queensland......there - I've said it.

Apparently the right lane on the Motorway is for driving at 105km/h in a 110 km/h zone.    Sitting next to other cars doing 103km/h in the same zone, takes a LONG time to overtake.   They never notice the HUGE queue behind them, nor do they notice the reasonable gaps for them to move into on the left.  Here is my dashcam shot......clear space to the left of the car, and clear space in front.


Then there is this dude.  Decided to merge left onto my front right corner.  At 80km/h.  Without looking.  At least he indicated AS HE MERGED.   I braked and missed him.

19941373883_df9164069f_z.jpgDope by Chris Dwyer, on Flickr

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Red cars.

i've owned all colours of cars in my life, my last 2 were silver and black.

My wife liked the red Audi, said it was easier to find in the car park (having lost hers a few times, her Audi is grey).

The question is do red cars attract dickheads?

It's just coming up to 2 years old, so far

Sideswiped by a bus while parked.

Had some dickhead back into the grill with a hot exhaust (I think) and melted a couple of grill bars while parked.

Had a dickhead either sit on the bonnet or punch it in while parked.

On Sunday had another dickhead backed into the front with what may have been a tow bar and has put a sharp crimp in the plastic bumper while parked.

Now I'm a bit fussy with my cars, something I got from a father whose cars always looked better than new evan after 10 years on the road.

But this is starting to give me the shits.

Is it the colour?

Just so happens the FrankenP is Guards Red but because it's in storage a lot it and doesn't get left alone, so far only had the wife drop a clothes rack on it.

Vent vent!

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If you're referring to the run up the M1 bypassing the Goldy to Brisvegus, I call it the fu zone. A big percentage of the drivers have that, " I'm allowed" attitude. I'd like to see the cops blitz the run for a little while to wake them up. That and no indicator. 

I think every city or region has a FU zone or particular demographic who are the most hated drivers.   I've had an idea for while to try and counter this poor road behaviour.  Traffic Cop For A Day.  After say, 10 years as a continually licensed driver, you get one full day riding along in an unmarked cop car to nail every dickhead you see.  Imagine the satisfaction.  Surely the self important tradies, couriers, taxi drivers, dickheads might think twice if they knew there was someone on the road whose sole mission was road revenge with maximum prejudice.

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I think every city or region has a FU zone or particular demographic who are the most hated drivers.   I've had an idea for while to try and counter this poor road behaviour.  Traffic Cop For A Day.  After say, 10 years as a continually licensed driver, you get one full day riding along in an unmarked cop car to nail every dickhead you see.  Imagine the satisfaction.  Surely the self important tradies, couriers, taxi drivers, dickheads might think twice if they knew there was someone on the road whose sole mission was road revenge with maximum prejudice.

sign me up 

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So there I am working away designing this sewage treatment installation during the week.  The client engaged a structural engineer to check the calcs on the structural steel work.  The dude comes back with a FULL BLOWN REDESIGN OF THE ENTIRE JOB.  Not just the steel work, tanks, pipework, etc.  AND, he redid all the hydraulic calculations as well.  Champ, what are you doing???  He said he spent about 30 hours on it over last weekend and Monday/Tuesday.  WTFF?

But after all that, he forgot to check the structural calculations on his new steel work recommendations.  I ran a simulation on his new frame with a 22 tonne combined static weight with some potential inertia loads (from minor wave action in the tank), and it sheared the anchor bolts on the foot plates and collapsed like a lame giraffe.  Back to engineer school for him me thinks.

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I had some enormous dude in a falcon today cut the corner when doing a right hand turn as I'm turning left... he cut the corner so bad I had to jam the brakes on so he didnt run over the corner of my MINI.  He was so big that it looked like he could barely sit behind the steering wheel - and looked at me like I was the one that couldn't drive!

Oh a week ago on my way to work, I had a woman just walk straight across the road in front of me. Luckily I was doing about 40, had to hit the anchors so I didn't hit her... I got on the horn and she, dressed up in her suit flips ME the bird???  WTF???  I nearly did a U'ey and went looking for her!

Then I figured if that is how she crossed the  road, she'll get squished soon enough.

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Remmber when Volvo drivers were universally accepted as the worst drivers.  I have a new contender for that title. Hyundai Excel/Accent sedan drivers.  OMFG!  Do they have any idea what the are doing? 

That`s discrimination Havs, I personally consider EVERY other driver (including fellow Porsche drivers)to be a totally useless F/wits who are out to kill me, until proven otherwise.

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I maintain most locally born drivers of Camrys grew up in the back seat of a Volvo :huh:

However young female red P plate Hyundai drivers are at the other end of the spectrum.

They seem to be able to defy the laws of physics with their lane changing manoeuvres...  Or at least try <_<

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I gotta agree with you on Camrys. Carollas as well... then I drove a recent auto model and realised why they were so slow. Dam CVT just makes an awful noise and slowly lets you accelerate when your foot is mashed into the floor. What ever happened to some of the racing pedigree in Carollas

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I would add some 'barely speak Engrish' taxi drivers to that list Harvs.

 One day, mark my words, one day I will lose it

please send your taxi drivers to Melbourne ASAP - "Barely" would make one assume they have some basic degree of English that taxi drivers in Melbourne don't have......

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That`s discrimination Havs, I personally consider EVERY other driver (including fellow Porsche drivers)to be a totally useless F/wits who are out to kill me, until proven otherwise.

It's more of an observation than a discriminating opinion. I've come across a few lately that made me wonder how they got their licences.  Also, I totally agree on the road assassins in every type of car.  I drive with the same "they're out to kill me" attitude after being cleaned up on numerous occasions by the poor/dangerous/stupid driving of others.

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no, but it wasn`t from lack of trying 


no, but it wasn`t from lack of trying 

this mixed up quoting thing is doping my head in

It's more of an observation than a discriminating opinion. I've come across a few lately that made me wonder how they got their licences.  Also, I totally agree on the road assassins in every type of car.  I drive with the same "they're out to kill me" attitude after being cleaned up on numerous occasions by the poor/dangerous/stupid driving of others.

try doing a couple of hundred thousand k`s on bikes to really know how little you mean to other road users.

my vote for the worst people to share the road with is bloody tradies in their v8 utes 

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