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Left lane 90, right lane 110.  Permanent speed cameras on the passing stretch.  At least there would be consequences for slow cars accelerating and passing cars get a fair chance of getting ahead.  

Probably too sensible for the nannies though.  

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Left lane 90, right lane 110.  Permanent speed cameras on the passing stretch.  At least there would be consequences for slow cars accelerating and passing cars get a fair chance of getting ahead.  

On a related note, I put another car on my Shannon's policy today. Asked the 5 year question , I admitted to my last small speeding fine in 2013 and joked I must be the worst Porsche driver in Australia. The guy said big deal ,  I must be about the only one who hasn't had his/her license suspended. I guess with the disclosure clause,  the insurance guys know who does what and when! I'll bet more than a few of you are on the "best behaviour" precipice . Of course , living in nanny states doesn't help the cause.

Oh , and bugger all Honda drivers. I hate you , as usual.

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Heading into Adelaide on the SE Freeway in the missus Subaru today. 

Approaching the Tolgate I spot a black 996 turbo coming down the hill behind me, well over the speed limit, weaving in and out of traffic, not once indicating across 3 lanes, basically being a disrespectful nuance.

When we get to the lights at the bottom of the hill. I looked over hoping I don't know the guy. He makes a wanking motion at me out the window at me!

Everybody at the lights that had been past by this guy. Thought a lot less of this guy than he thinks of himself. 

Choose your time and place to enjoy your Porsche people,  just don't be this guy. You'll make us all look bad.


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SWMBO works at Auspost and despite millions spent on new parcel facilities and staff training, her advice is only post things if you are willing to drop it on concrete from shoulder height.

Ok, sent the speedo back and the odometer reset had been broken, so it was repaired again, free of charge.  It was then sent back to me and you wouldn't believe it, the box is crushed again !!

Opened it at the PO and checked it for damage.  Lucky this time, packed properly and no damage.

What do these morons think the fragile stickers mean ?.........don't say anything, I know the answer <_<

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So grannies 2008 ford focus was overheating and mechanics scared her saying oh could be thousands to fix so she bought a new car. She wouldn't take it to ford dealer as she'd been ripped by them in the past.

I told her I'd sort it out and sell it for her.

I traced the fault to a cooling fan control module located on the fan shroud. Rang Mr ford dealer. They sell the fan, shroud and module in one piece 900 bucks. ?

Ahhhh, the module is held by two lugs and one screw.' I don't make em mate just supply parts' was the reply. I have the oem part number on this one will that help you track it down? NO

Surely they are breaking some kind of consumer law here. There are 3 easily removed parts involved. 

So I google the part number. Available for $39.99 US with free shipping.

Up yours says granny.


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So grannies 2008 ford focus was overheating and mechanics scared her saying oh could be thousands to fix so she bought a new car. She wouldn't take it to ford dealer as she'd been ripped by them in the past.

I told her I'd sort it out and sell it for her.

I traced the fault to a cooling fan control module located on the fan shroud. Rang Mr ford dealer. They sell the fan, shroud and module in one piece 900 bucks. ?

Ahhhh, the module is held by two lugs and one screw.' I don't make em mate just supply parts' was the reply. I have the oem part number on this one will that help you track it down? NO

Surely they are breaking some kind of consumer law here. There are 3 easily removed parts involved. 

So I google the part number. Available for $39.99 US with free shipping.

Up yours says granny.


Image result for granny flipping the bird

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working for a client on a project for over a year now.  Changing the design of this, that and the other because the 3rd party people (it's a joint venture project) can't make up their minds. Plus some of the initial  concept design prior to me coming on board left a bit to be desired.  Lots of omissions that are hard to incorporate this late in the program. So today they say some of the bolts are too short and I need to change the drawing. Turns out they have been putting the wrong length bolts in since the start. So me today - "here's an idea. How about we build it to the f'n drawings instead of just doing whatever you want".  StewF looses his s#!t again.

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Driving home the other day on a perfectly clear night and I notice an extremely bright red tail light a few cars ahead... no it is not their brake lights but some moron with his rear fog light on. Why do people think it's ok to use those lights when their isn't fog? It's not safer in fact it's a bloody distraction for anyone behind because of their intensity.

Last time I looked it was illegal for fog lights (either front or rear) to be used if there is no fog (inclement climatic conditions) but heaven forbid for one of our finest to pull someone over for that, no they would rather get you for totally reckless speeding 3kph over the posted limit...

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Driving home the other day on a perfectly clear night and I notice an extremely bright red tail light a few cars ahead... no it is not their brake lights but some moron with his rear fog light on. Why do people think it's ok to use those lights when their isn't fog? It's not safer in fact it's a bloody distraction for anyone behind because of their intensity.

Last time I looked it was illegal for fog lights (either front or rear) to be used if there is no fog (inclement climatic conditions) but heaven forbid for one of our finest to pull someone over for that, no they would rather get you for totally reckless speeding 3kph over the posted limit...



Driving at night, slight rain in a street light area there's a massive orange blinding flickering light. Every free space on it had orange LED's flashing. Tow truck...

Ffs it's waaaaay overkill. 

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Driving home the other day on a perfectly clear night and I notice an extremely bright red tail light a few cars ahead... no it is not their brake lights but some moron with his rear fog light on. 

Wasn't a white Renault megane was it? Sometimes I forget to turn mine off.

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Venting, is that the same as complaining? My asshole cat brought in a live rat last night. I can't tell you how much rodents give the heeby jeebys. The cat could not be coerced into taking it outside, and i wasn't going near it. The cat was just taunting it, and over the space of a few hours it had climbed up and down the curtains, got into a stack of cushions i had on a chair, and finally climbed up inside the walls of my fridge. Spent the next few hours disassembling what i could of the fridge, which isn't much as they're basically glued together, only to hear it scrambling higher and further out reach. The fridge is only 5 wks old, and it was raining otherwise i would have just moved it outside. The cat is nowhere to be seen after the yelling i unleashed at it.

So today I've sealed all the gaps under the doors to all the rooms in the house, bought some rat traps, and removed the cat door. Now we wait.

On an unrelated note, i have a near-new Samsung fridge and a Bengal cat, free to a good home. PM if interested.

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We live near sugar cane = rats = snakes.

We keep cats for the rats = less snakes. 

Unfortunately they do try to bring the rats in for you to praise them. A live one is rare in our experience but it does happen.

While the rat can hear your noises in the house it'll likely stay put. Try to get it outside and it should escape.


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Driving home the other day on a perfectly clear night and I notice an extremely bright red tail light a few cars ahead... no it is not their brake lights but some moron with his rear fog light on. Why do people think it's ok to use those lights when their isn't fog? It's not safer in fact it's a bloody distraction for anyone behind because of their intensity.

Last time I looked it was illegal for fog lights (either front or rear) to be used if there is no fog (inclement climatic conditions) but heaven forbid for one of our finest to pull someone over for that, no they would rather get you for totally reckless speeding 3kph over the posted limit...

Someone i know got booked last wed morning at 3.30am in Singleton on their way to work $110 fine, just came out of the fog when the cop went the other way, not another car on the road.

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Driving home the other day on a perfectly clear night and I notice an extremely bright red tail light a few cars ahead... no it is not their brake lights but some moron with his rear fog light on. Why do people think it's ok to use those lights when their isn't fog? It's not safer in fact it's a bloody distraction for anyone behind because of their intensity.

Last time I looked it was illegal for fog lights (either front or rear) to be used if there is no fog (inclement climatic conditions) but heaven forbid for one of our finest to pull someone over for that, no they would rather get you for totally reckless speeding 3kph over the posted limit...

As I have previously posted, I spoke to a nice policeman that was giving me a defect for a rubbing tyre, I asked this very question. The reply: " if we booked everyone for this, we would be writing tickets all night"


..........it was Singleton

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Heading into Adelaide on the SE Freeway in the missus Subaru today. 

Approaching the Tolgate I spot a black 996 turbo coming down the hill behind me, well over the speed limit, weaving in and out of traffic, not once indicating across 3 lanes, basically being a disrespectful nuance.

When we get to the lights at the bottom of the hill. I looked over hoping I don't know the guy. He makes a wanking motion at me out the window at me!

Everybody at the lights that had been past by this guy. Thought a lot less of this guy than he thinks of himself. 

Choose your time and place to enjoy your Porsche people,  just don't be this guy. You'll make us all look bad.


1 guy in 1000 gives everyone a bad image

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This was bubbling up on the SMT page so I thought it best to continue here 

Maribyrnong mayor Catherine Cumming said the council was concerned about a "large number of pedestrian accidents" in the area, which involved jaywalking, pedestrians not using crossing points and other instances where the pedestrian was at fault.

 Pedestrians at fault therefore punish drivers.   How about getting stuck into the pedestrians first to see how that affects the stats?

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This was bubbling up on the SMT page so I thought it best to continue here 

Maribyrnong mayor Catherine Cumming said the council was concerned about a "large number of pedestrian accidents" in the area, which involved jaywalking, pedestrians not using crossing points and other instances where the pedestrian was at fault.

 Pedestrians at fault therefore punish drivers.   How about getting stuck into the pedestrians first to see how that affects the stats?

What about increasing the speed limit to 80kph & notify all pedestrians of the increase, sure wouldn't take too many hits to get their attention.

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As I have previously posted, I spoke to a nice policeman that was giving me a defect for a rubbing tyre, I asked this very question. The reply: " if we booked everyone for this, we would be writing tickets all night"


..........it was Singleton

  Sounds like something the SA idiots were trying to do. 50 kph on ALL major roads and 40 in side streets. Imagine the fine revenue if they did that!

So here a solution, fine all the fog light users which will boost the govt coffers so they don't have to decrease the limit to 40 (it's about money after all!)and even if they did the police would be too busy with the fog light fines. Let's be real very little of the reduction in speed limits has to do with safety... it's just about govt showing some action at a spike in a statistic that in itself is an anomaly anyway (the mean on any road would be so close to zero it doesn't matter) and in this case it costs the govt stuff all to implement (change in signs), then rakes in an awful lot of revenue when they enforce it.

What about increasing the speed limit to 80kph & notify all pedestrians of the increase, sure wouldn't take too many hits to get their attention.

Natural selection... I like it, but the creationists may have a problem ?

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