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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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I know a lot of buyers would be put off by the supercharger... what's everyone's thoughts on this? If properly installed and serviced, is it really an issue?

And I'm one of those buyers.

It looks tidy, and I'm sure it would be very quick. But I just wouldn't touch it.

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And I'm one of those buyers.

It looks tidy, and I'm sure it would be very quick. But I just wouldn't touch it.

Thanks Peter and Michael. I will leave it alone too.

Stark contrast to the seal grey Carrera 2S that came up for sale on Carsales last week for $85,888 and sold within 24hrs. I didn't even get time to call.

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I reckon 180k for a 997.1 GT3 CS is astute buying  if you can land one in good condition for that headline number  and gives you plenty of time to slowly change out the  rubber bits for a bit of change behind the wheel if you need to freshen it up a bit over the longer term.   Me thinks with your gt2 watercooled foreray and sticking to your initial 125k outlay, you have a partial free carry (I'm more into bottom line numbers as opposed to headline numbers - based on my bank account, even tinkering with megzer motor parts at the fringes adds up quickly) and you probably only need to stump up circa Toyota camry run out dollars to incremenatally step into a 997.1 gt3  cs in relative terms if you have a mindset shift and that 125k is thought of as sunk.   All about timing with your Minister of Finance as I see it, and time to strike after your family OS Junket.   (eg bear with a sore head, eg  been working your ass off and need a newer toy to see the fruits of that labour, plus reckon much better to convert time looking on line for something to actually getting behind the wheel and tinkering with one (but not straying too far from strictly genuine factory part numbers).  Me thinks  if I had circa 200k to drop on one car, its on a 997.1 gt3 cs at a headline number of 180k  that  represents best bang  for buck  (never driven one and don't subscribe to the need to drive one if your done your homework, particularly if your got one that ticks 8/10 boxes and the price is right where if you snooze and you loose).  Yes screw aircooled hotrods and laggy slow arse turbo's, just buy a factory watercooled hotrod for best butt dyno bang for buck).  A  180k headline number gets you to circa 200k bottom line number, and reckon no need to ever go below that number on you personnel net assets ledger anytime in the future..  Me also thinks mezger motor is cost agnostic between 996 or 997 compliance plate stampings in terms ongoing maintenance, preventative maintenance or any tinkereing,  so no extra  P model tax there.

A man who speaks in tongues and has a bottom fetish?


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In case anyone is looking for one.... Porsche Centre Brisbane has a 2005 guards red 997 Carrera 2, with 60,000km, full main dealer service history. Has a GT3 style front bumper (looks factory to me, but I'm no expert) and the wheels are painted black. Poverty spec - hardly any options. They're asking $89,900. Their add is up on Carsales but have no pics yet.


I've been to look at it in person and it appeared to be in great nick. I was very tempted but holding out for a 3.8S - and I learned that my wife hates red for some reason. Also, would be nice to have some options. Was difficult to walk away from it.

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FFS after all the "sky is falling" bubble talk, now the best scare mongering they can muster is that GROWTH (not prices) will fall.  Ooh, scary, so Melbourne won't grow at 15.5% like it did in the last 12 months.   Holy shit i better cash in rather than suffer 12% capital growth this year.   Put the cash in the bank at 1.5% that'll be good.

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FFS after all the "sky is falling" bubble talk, now the best scare mongering they can muster is that GROWTH (not prices) will fall.  Ooh, scary, so Melbourne won't grow at 15.5% like it did in the last 12 months.   Holy shit i better cash in rather than suffer 12% capital growth this year.   Put the cash in the bank at 1.5% that'll be good.

Ahh come on im just trying to provoke you to enter the market ;)  12% growth in the excitement bank.  Just negotiate hard.. 

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FFS after all the "sky is falling" bubble talk, now the best scare mongering they can muster is that GROWTH (not prices) will fall.  Ooh, scary, so Melbourne won't grow at 15.5% like it did in the last 12 months.   Holy shit i better cash in rather than suffer 12% capital growth this year.   Put the cash in the bank at 1.5% that'll be good.

lol gold! ?

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FFS after all the "sky is falling" bubble talk, now the best scare mongering they can muster is that GROWTH (not prices) will fall.  Ooh, scary, so Melbourne won't grow at 15.5% like it did in the last 12 months.   Holy shit i better cash in rather than suffer 12% capital growth this year.   Put the cash in the bank at 1.5% that'll be good.

I'd best put off knocking our place over and replacing it with one of yours for a bit longer then, that 1.5% won't get me the extra garage space :lol:

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2 competition cars for sale 

996 turbo s targa rally car http://www.my105.com/ListingDetails/p/1/k/porsche/id/17415 has a history 

993 Porsche cup car built to RSCS specs http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/porsche-993-cup-car-/192259188892?hash=item2cc38a689c:g:kVsAAOSw-1xZeYcj I remember this car well from the Porsche cup days.. I should have bought it when it was in Perth for $32k ;) at the current price i think a genuine Cup Car built in the factory is more appealing 

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Agreed great exterior colour....would have been my preference tbh - along with black interior / manual....would have been waiting forever though.....

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Did we ever work out how many 997.1 GT3 Clubsports ?

I think it's a similar number to 996.2 CS  delivery about 30~ so quite rare 

nothing definitive,, edgy gave an estimate, the data must exist on the web but I can't find it

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nothing definitive,, edgy gave an estimate, the data must exist on the web but I can't find it

Im off to check that paint on the calipers, if that cage is bolted or gaffer taped in …. Maybe its a fake like Tom said ;)  Did anyone else chck their data against that chart..

I demand a recount

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Nope - watched them for ages and they all sit. Most are overcooked by almost twice - my view only.

Did hear that Lorbek paid big dough for an 89 Speedster recently though.


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912 isnt it sitting high or is there something about the profile of the wheels/tyres? I know nothing …about em.  Looks pretty good but needs a 30% discount for the two cylinders its missing..

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912 isnt it sitting high or is there something about the profile of the wheels/tyres? I know nothing …about em.  Looks pretty good but needs a 30% discount for the two cylinders its missing..

New suspension not yet 'settled' maybe?

I'm no expert, but don't new springs take a few days before they sit right. Are torsion bars similar?


Very pretty car though.

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