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And I've just been made redundant AGAIN!  

This time tho, I have sold my MINI and have a brand new one on a ship enroute to Melbourne  

im not sure what I'm more pissed at, the loss of the job or the sale of an awesome car, or the fact I may now not be able to get the new MINI! 




I feel for you.  That's got to be a real kick in the guts. 

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And I've just been made redundant AGAIN!  

This time tho, I have sold my MINI and have a brand new one on a ship enroute to Melbourne  

im not sure what I'm more pissed at, the loss of the job or the sale of an awesome car, or the fact I may now not be able to get the new MINI! 




Hey Amanda,

Sorry to hear your news....

Ive been made redundant twice in my life and it really sucks.

but the sun will still come up, sometimes its hard to see but something will present itself.

Hang in there, that Mini still has your name on it

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the big telco's and their offshore call centres get right up my nose! why the hell do they put staff in call centres that don't even has the slightest authority to make a decision and don't get me going on the fact that their so called customer call centres seem to be stacked with people who clearly struggle to speak english. someone please put a bullet in my head--i've just spent 3 hours on the phone trying to speak with 3 people who struggle with english!  you suck optus.

Edited by Blue964
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keiren , the call centre's performance is as good as ours on that damn simulator :P

at least our lack of simulator performance gave us a laugh...optus' call centre on the other hand just gave me the absolute shits:) in retrospect, i do feel sorry for the guys that took my call as i certainly unloaded on them:(

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Telstra call centre is the same.

Oh yes sir I'll take care of that for you. They didn't, neither did the next one or the next. Finally one did take care of it for me, after I told them I'd change provider next contract. 5 calls at least 1 hour each. ?

My partner is with Vodafone. She walks into the local store and they sort everything, absolutely everything. 

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the big telco's and their offshore call centres get right up my nose! why the hell do they put staff in call centres that don't even has the slightest authority to make a decision and don't get me going on the fact that their so called customer call centres seem to be stacked with people who clearly struggle to speak english. someone please put a bullet in my head--i've just spent 3 hours on the phone trying to speak with 3 people who struggle with english!  you suck optus.

You can ask to speak to someone in Australia, no matter what telco that you deal with…..but getting someone that speaks english could still be a problem.

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Driving down the road.

Pedestrian crossing light changes red.

All cars stop,

No one crosses.

Why? Because the pedestrian who pressed the button is looking at his phone.

Light changes back to green.

As I drive off I laugh at the expression on the Pedestrians face as he tries to figure out what just happened.... He looks up as it goes from green man to red man and he presses the button looking all puzzled.


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My wife's been waiting 1/2 a day for the NBN man to turn up. I told her not to hold her breath.


here's the transcript of my call with Optus and I kid you not, this is how part of my discussion went:

OPTUS: it's okay sir, i've just done a line test and I think your cable modem might be faulty.

ME: oh, so how can i get the modem fixed?

OPTUS: don't worry sir, we will send one of our experienced technicians out to look at your modem

ME: <thinking to myself> thank god all your inexperienced technicians are too busy to visit me <stop thinking to myself> that's great, when will your technician come out?

OPTUS: we can send our technician out on Wednesday

ME: oh, that's great. I'm very busy on Wednesday but can get away from work to let the technician in the house. Can you tell me what time the technician will visit?

OPTUS: absolutely sir, the technician will visit you sometime between 7am and 6pm.

ME: you're shitting me, right!

OPTUS: I'm sorry sir, what do you me?

ME: Can't you be any more bloody specific with your time?

OPTUS: oh yes sir I can do that for you......

ME: ok then, when?

OPTUS: yes, this week.

ME: what do you bloody mean by this week?

OPTUS: well sir, between 7am and 6pm Wednesday this week.

ME: you're an idiot...put me through to your disconnection people!

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We have had enough of waiting for the NBN man , so it's off to bed!

I'm expecting the same result tomorrow. If you want something done properly and in a timely manner , DIY.

I mean , it isn't rocket science is it? Maybe satellite science,  but not RS. Except the service. Where's the manual?

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iiNet call when my internet kept dropping out

 Hey mate, i think my modem is buggered

'No problem sir, we send a new one' 


'Thank you, I will check (10 minutes silence) Thank you for holding sir. That will be 12 days until we can get it to you'

Why so long?  

Thank you sir. Postage takes time. We will need the modem back within 3 days, or you will be charged to full price plus freight'

Don't bother, I'll go buy one. Click

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iiNet call when my internet kept dropping out

 Hey mate, i think my modem is buggered

'No problem sir, we send a new one' 


'Thank you, I will check (10 minutes silence) Thank you for holding sir. That will be 12 days until we can get it to you'

Why so long?  

Thank you sir. Postage takes time. We will need the modem back within 3 days, or you will be charged to full price plus freight'

Don't bother, I'll go buy one. Click

Lee, I have a couple of spare WiFi modems if you want to borrow one to confirm the fault.  I'll be in your area on Friday, between 8 AM and 4.30 PM.  Of this week.

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Lee, I have a couple of spare WiFi modems if you want to borrow one to confirm the fault.  I'll be in your area on Friday, between 8 AM and 4.30 PM.  Of this week.


 Already bought one mate. Cheers anyway

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I bought Keen Footwear work safety boots. Detroit mid ST. They are a great fit. In the store they seemed a bit firm but the owner says, "give them a week they'll be the best boots you ever put on your feet, Podiatrists send people to buy them". $200

No they're not. They are crippling my feet, ankles, calves and knees. So I buy shock insoles for them, $50. Much better, but still crippling. 

I go back to the store. "You should persevere, they'll come good". I say, " no, they're not uncomfortable, they are crippling". "Well there's no comfort garrantee so I can't give a refund". "Give me the reps number, I'll call them".

Hello rep, bla bla. No refund as there is no manufacturers fault.

Not over yet.



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I bought Keen Footwear work safety boots. Detroit mid ST. They are a great fit. In the store they seemed a bit firm but the owner says, "give them a week they'll be the best boots you ever put on your feet, Podiatrists send people to buy them". $200

No they're not. They are crippling my feet, ankles, calves and knees. So I buy shock insoles for them, $50. Much better, but still crippling. 

I go back to the store. "You should persevere, they'll come good". I say, " no, they're not uncomfortable, they are crippling". "Well there's no comfort garrantee so I can't give a refund". "Give me the reps number, I'll call them".

Hello rep, bla bla. No refund as there is no manufacturers fault.

Not over yet.

I have bought many pairs of Keen's shoes over the years and they are a very comfortable shoe, but they should be so before you leave the shop! Sounds like the sales person was not very good! Every shoe shop I have ever been to, especially when buying the more expensive shoes, let you take the shoes home and as long as you only wear them around the house on carpet will let you return them. Keen sellers should tell you this.

Good luck!

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while this sounds like a monty python skit it really happened;

My neighbour wanted to get ADSL2 (ok its a while ago) I had it on one side and our other neighbour also had it on the other side but with a different ISP

Hello Telstra i'd like to get ADSL pls

Sorry you can't you're too far away from the exchange

But my neighbours have it on either side of me

no they don't 

They do!

no they don't its not possible

what? at that point he hangs up and tells me he can't get it.

two months pass and he receives a letter from Telstra saying they are trialling ADSL2 in the area and would he like to be involved in a test?

yes of course thank you, they come in, connect it and say we'll be back in two months to see what you think.

The system works perfectly for 4 months and Telstra come back pick up their modem and say cya

Can I get ADSL now?

Sure just contact Telstra sales office

you can see what going to happen right ;)

Hello i'd like to get ADSL2

you can you're too far away from the exchange

but i just had it with you on trial

no you didn't,

I did

no its not possible

but I had it connected for the last four months!!

no you didn't

At this point I would have gone postal but he hung up and gave up

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