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That's a lie, I did wave eventually...

And hey when a random guy in cycling gear is jumping up and down on the side of the road in

Brighton Le Sands it's not normally something I'd recommend acknowledging....

Geez Mitch....not good news about the knees! Hope it works out for you. Bit of cycling will be much easier on the knees than running.

Speaking of segues.....I spotted a grey 911 with bicycle racks in Brighton-Le-Sands last Sunday whilst I was on a cycling day. Imagine my amazement when I saw a PFA sticker on the side window! It was Nath and he didn't wave back!!!

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Here's a complain I just put on the PCM facebook page....  yeah I am venting.... I was going to just send it to them directly but their silly website didn't let me do it, won't accept it. So... Facebook it is.....


Recently I enquired about the 997 you had advertised on carsales, your salesman did a great job I felt really well looked after and made an offer on the car that was rejected.


I then saw a nice 997 at Porsche Parramatta, I made them an offer and that was accepted. I then asked the salesman up in Parramatta if there was any way PCM (Porsche Center Melbourne) could help me with getting the car with Victorian Registration. In my mind you were both Porsche… it should be possible.


The Salesman says sure he was sure PCM could help and that his principle would call up PCM and see.


Now… since your PCM salesman did a great job of making me feel like a valued person, I emailed him and said that oh I’ve bought a Porsche up in Sydney and it would be nice if you guys could help me with the Victorian Rego.


Boy was that a mistake, this nice guy immediately turned into a foaming at the mouth tyrant and I copped a tirade of abuse on my phone for ever suggesting such a thing.


Oh you guys are competitors of course you’ll never do that etc etc etc.


Also worryingly he implied that the Sydney car wouldn’t be in good condition, how would I know if it’s been in an accident and so on.


Well… I thought Porsche had standards for 2nd hand cars that it sells? In my mind it’s a Porsche dealer right? So what if it’s a franchise? You guys do have company wide standards? It’s got Porsche warranty.. isn’t that worth something?


Hmmm … okay I was wrong about the help with the Rego.. but seriously there’s nice ways of saying that. And gee an offer to hey bring it in we’ll do the RWC and check the car out properly and so on would be nice.


After all, I am buying a Porsche, I am buying into the Melbourne Porsche family, or so I thought.


My future servicing needs and other mechanical work I would have had done by PCM ….. but now it seems I better take my bastard child of a 997 elsewhere since it wasn’t bought in PCM and is not wanted.


Just letting you know that my image of Porsche Center Melbourne has been tarnished by quite a nasty experience over the phone, and that’s a pity because next week, I pick up a 997 and become part of the Porsche family…. just one that doesn’t feel welcomed in Porsche Center Melbourne


Yours sincerely

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I agree..... disappointing, sounds like PCM were probably hoping you might up the original offer.  


Also agree they should have extended the hand and helped you with the RWC etc.   


Be interesting if you hear back from them...

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I'm not really getting the issue here.

PCM want to sell you a car, but you instead buy one from the competitor and then expect them to be all warm and fuzzy to your request to arrange the reg etc.....

Salesman is salesman, no matter what he is selling. He lost the deal. Natural reaction.

Move on. Reg the car yourself and find a good independent if you don't want to use PCM.

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The issue is that he is short sighted and not thinking about the future business I can give them re servicing etc.


Also salesman getting a hissy fit.. well I'll expect them from a toyota dealer, not a premium car dealer like porsche.


So yeah I guess it's just that, I expected better from a PCM guy been a Factory guy you know, and a very premium, up there brand too. Not just a Mazda/Subaru/Ford/Toyota brand.


Guess my expectations was incorrect.

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What's wrong with Mazda's??!! :(

Don't think you can make the assumption that just because something costs more that it will change human behavior.

Anyway, enjoy the anticipation of getting your new car, should be a great drive home for you next weekend. Quite a few of us have done done the same thing, it's a great experience and well done on the purchase.



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The issue is that he is short sighted and not thinking about the future business I can give them re servicing etc.

Also salesman getting a hissy fit.. well I'll expect them from a toyota dealer, not a premium car dealer like porsche.

So yeah I guess it's just that, I expected better from a PCM guy been a Factory guy you know, and a very premium, up there brand too. Not just a Mazda/Subaru/Ford/Toyota brand.

Guess my expectations was incorrect.

Hmm whilst the salesman sounds unprofessional, perhaps a call to the service department would have been more appropriate in hindsight?

Porsche Brighton did mine, I had my insurance and finance done via them so they happily booked the car in for RWC and Registration. I can tell you now they didn't make $$$$ off the finance deal, so wasn't like a favor - I know exactly what the commission was as it is disclosed. Why no phone them and ask them to do it all for you? I dropped off the car and picked it up next day.

PB are owned by the Preston Motor group I think they are called. Gives you a chance to test out the service of the other Porsche dealer.

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The issue is that he is short sighted and not thinking about the future business I can give them re servicing etc.


Also salesman getting a hissy fit.. well I'll expect them from a toyota dealer, not a premium car dealer like porsche.


So yeah I guess it's just that, I expected better from a PCM guy been a Factory guy you know, and a very premium, up there brand too. Not just a Mazda/Subaru/Ford/Toyota brand.


Guess my expectations was incorrect.

Rule No. 1. The customer is always right.

Rule No. 2. When the customer is wrong, refer to rule number 1.

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VENT - people that talk with their mouth full or don't eat with their mouth closed. Seriously grosses me out! As a kid my Dad drilled this into us - I must have picked up his pet hate!



One of mine to Amanda. My kids always get told they sound like cows if they happen to not eat with their   mouths closed.

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Maybe I’m going through another intolerant phase; but the amount of people sitting in the right lane lately doing 10 km under the speed limit is getting under my skin.  These are open roads, no intent to turn right and I doubt the rear view mirror is ever in use.  When having to pass on the left, they are almost in a trance, 2 inches from the steering wheel with bent elbows :angry: 


Have often thought about a sign like those old flip down blinkers between each door that says MOVE OVER SUNSHINE! or an uncensored version.  Maybe sign language would work? :o 

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My vent, people who cut off riders because they can.... riding in the cancer charity gig on the weekend (I'm stilled stunned I rode 135km before my poor bum forced me to stop) and in front of a cop, who I'd been chatting to, a guy in a green BMW (need I say more) starts to give me space and then at the last second swerves at me almost knocking me off the bike, f#@%ing prick......

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Stupid Microsoft updates!!!!     It seems every update chews up more memory and processing to run.  It's currently using about 80% memory just idling with nothing running.


I am running an old computer with XP. This used to be a top end CAD workstation, now it's just a dinosaur.  However, I'm not prepared to throw more money down the drain for a new PC that is just used for email and web browsing. 

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I lease the family truckster, for a lot of reasons but when you ask for something to be fixed cause you know its broken you expect it to be fixed..... but obviously that's to hard to ask for.

Dealership even acknowledged the car has a problem but the fleet wouldn't authorise the work saying it should be rectified with the work done during the 100,000k service, but it wasn't.

To make things worse I think my extended warranty runs out at 100,000k, so what should've been fixed under warranty will now cost me.

Tomorrow I will be putting some foot in some ass for both the lease company and the dealership.

By the way the other rant is that I wish the women would crack more skulls like I know she is capable of rather then letting me do it......

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Why can't people just go when the traffic light turns green?


Green = Go


Simple !


Really I swear people look at the green light and their brain goes:


Oh look a green light

Isn't that pretty

wait it means something

what does it mean again?


Green light where there was a Red light...

Oh Green means go!

Wait, how do I go again?

Something about the right foot.....

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Some driving instructors teach gearbox in neutral and hand brake on when you pull up at the lights.  Not very helpful when it takes 5 seconds to get going and the light only cycles green for 15.  Any one back in the traffic queue doesn't have a chance to get thru the intersection. Very frustrating!

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Why can't people just go when the traffic light turns green?


Green = Go


Simple !


Really I swear people look at the green light and their brain goes:


Oh look a green light

Isn't that pretty

wait it means something

what does it mean again?


Green light where there was a Red light...

Oh Green means go!

Wait, how do I go again?

Something about the right foot.....



They're checking text messages, watch how many people you see with their head down looking at the phone while behind the wheel.

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I have seen a driver stopped at the red, then start to proceed across the intersection on the red. Honked a warning to watch them stop and back up then accelerate again as they turned green. When I passed on the other side of the intersection she was still on the phone ! 

So I sounded my disgust as I went past the open window.

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I have seen a driver stopped at the red, then start to proceed across the intersection on the red. Honked a warning to watch them stop and back up then accelerate again as they turned green. When I passed on the other side of the intersection she was still on the phone !

So I sounded my disgust as I went past the open window.

Next time let her go thru the red and watch Darwin theory at work.
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the thing that grates me more than anything about traffic lights is the way people further back take off

the first car takes off

then the next car reacts and makes a space

then so on and so on

and not many people make it through!


the lights are up high so you idiots at the back know when to go too

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