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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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I got to say i really cannot understand the price gouging comments about the 991 R. It's an uprated GT3 chassis with a GT3 RS engine, a unique gearbox, comes with ceramic brakes as standard (and that does make a huge difference to how a car handles). It has been lightened, it has a who raft of special equipment and every journo who has driven it says it is far more interesting to drive than either the GT3 or the RS. The Sports Classic is price gouging, but when you compare the specs of the 911R to the others, it stacks up. And what's not to like? A better drivers car that sounds better and feels like a smaller, lighter 911. To me, this is what Porsche should have done years ago, but instead, the 911 has got bigger and heavier, countered by adding more and more power.

IMO, every great 911 has a common theme - its a true lightweight and it maximises the connections and feel between the driver, the car and the road. The recent generations of RS have lost that focus, which is why I prefer the earlier 996/7 RS's (of the water cooled generation). 911's in general have become too big and bloated - the Cayman is the same size as the air cooled cars and Porsche had to be careful not to develop the GT4 too much or else they will be quicker than the RS.

Now, if they did the weight reduction stuff to the RS and added a manual gearbox.......oh, wait, that's the 911R.:P

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Simon, I think the price gouging comments may refer to people who missed out on an R, paying over MSRP for the 911 R from those with allocations or cars. 

It's also about limiting supply to create exclusivity and values which benefits?....Rich customers and the brand.  I thought all Porsche's were supposed to be sports cars as described above by Simon.  Oh wait, it's about the $$$ now.  Everyone else is at it so why not them.  Sell sell sell.

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That is pretty awesome.  I have a soft spot for 80's tuner cars.

That said, its over-priced by a factor of 3 or 4...

The interior in that car looks pretty damn nice! I've been tempted to take a drive up there to have squiz. 

You are right, way too pricey.. but don right, that could be amazing! 

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just me or is that red targa good value? Seems very reasonable for an Aussie delivered car

Hey! This is the WFSIAAI thread!

I think the recent banter in this thread says a lot about the stock in the market these days....

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928 S4 being auctioned next week, seems to be a general auctioneers and very little info about the car other than 134k and not drivable... I might try and go for a look at it next week, looks like it might have a bit of body damage behind the passengers side front wheel but that might be the lighting.


Edited by Mike-S
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928 S4 being auctioned next week, seems to be a general auctioneers and very little info about the car other than 134k and not drivable... I might try and go for a look at it next week, looks like it might have a bit of body damage behind the passengers side front wheel but that might be the lighting.


Yes, seems maybe guard, bottom of door and sill. Not awful and quite repairable. Wonder if it's an economic write off ?

Interior looks very good, that's a well looked after car, could be a bargain

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ah the super rare SS928, just like the SS Minnow?

always appealing when the ad photos show the car on a hoist.

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