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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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I haven't actually picked up one or driven one as of yet. Still kicking the can down the road at my pace and thinking Tazzieman's pretty wise in noting its generally  a "Buyers Market"(rarer/ classic marks excepted)  Based on my ledger,  only seeing signs of three examples disappearing off car sales in the last 14 weeks (one being the most expensive stock 996tt I have seen advertised on car sales and has form as being tagged as removed / sold  and reappearing with the same owner details, one in Tassie and a red one that appears to have been dumped, re-pumped and off loaded) 

In the spirit of the above post of "Massive Interest in 996tt's" and coupled with,  "Seems the UK are looking for anything Porsche, and willing to pay a premium", thanks for indirectly shedding some light on one of my previous posts enquiring where the most expensive 996tt stock coupe on Cars Sales  within 2 years (peaked at 147.5k) that has recently be flagged as sold MAY have ended up.  The Oz seller's air of confidence (spurred on some fans in this arena), was perhaps being fueled by the UK company behind the link below.  The OZ owner had been playing them off against potential local buyers like myself.  However, after giving up on the local market, perhaps the sale was locked in with this UK company.  However, I would suspect that a company audit found that the accountant (no longer works for the UK company)  suffered a case of dyslexic typing in their costing spreadsheet and transposed the GBP to AUD fx rate.  They adopted 4.02 instead of 2.04.  The resulting bottom line number in the spreadsheet showed a bit of margin before dealers premium after allowing for all costs inclusive of the agreed sales price in AUD and duties and shipping from OZ back to the UK,  compared to having to outlay GBP 50k per their add for similar exceptional local examples.


What is also interesting is perhaps this UK premium call.   UK premium guestimate in this case  = circa AUD 39.5K  ( 147.5k (maximum advertised price) less 8k (argy bargy negotiation) less 100k (GBP50k pretty damn good local market price based on being the highest price I could see on uk's pistons heads for a stock 996tt x 2 (fx rate)).

Pretty jaw dropping as I see it, we would usually expect a deduct for a 996tt UK import of circa 10% here in Oz, but those POM's markup  a AUD delivered car by circa 40%

Perhaps that's why the audit report said  based on the purchase price of the AUD car, it would need to be sold at circa GBP 86k (139.5k/2 (oz purchase price) + circa 5k (shipping transport duties etc) x 1.15 (circa 15% dealers markup)).  The auditor , in front of the owner of the company,  said to the accountant WTF were you thinking.  I just jumped onto piston heads and the highest 996tt I can find is GBP 77k and its a f%^&*& collectors 996 turbo S.  You guys sold me a 996 turbo S and even they ain't worth 77k either.  Owner agreed what a cock up and fired the accountants arse on the spot. OZ owner sitting with the Mrs at their favourite holiday spot enjoying the spoils


But, yes, I clearly got the message that I'm just the newbie and my reading of the market and valuations (based on actually pounding the pavement  (albeit remotely)) was a clanger of a first post.  An obvious groundswell of support letting the poor newbie know they are in LA LA land (996tt's are circa AUD 80k their based on usd fx rates) and out of touch with reality.  Just get you wallet out, who cars about 20k or 30k, and an go and buy those fine specimens that have never seen a track or entered an hill climbing event or have an eye popping Porsche servicing invoice receipt  for replacement of electrical wiring.(how much was replaced again)

Your post has also further shed light why I am not a believer that  Megzer motors are bullet  proof in absence of the fine print.  i.e  as long as you don't go silly on upping torque and given their age, probably wise to do service intervals much earlier and more frequently than what the service books say .  Perhaps I need to go back and get a refund on that PPI I had done for them  not finding and disclosuring on it, "MOTOR IS FAKE ITS GOT A "MAESTRO" MOTOR NOT a "MEGZER".  All I can say it caveat emptor in a world of princesses with an assortment of licorice allsorts owners on offer.  I'm glad I didn't skimp on that compression and leak down test 

FYI, pounding the pavement and kicking the can down the road involves running the ruler (including forensic google search's) over the example on offer as best I car without seeing it,( not jumping on princesses out their because they  look pretty or have a history not to my liking), getting a shortlist  down and working the shortlist.  That involves establishing what price I am willing to bear based on what is on offer, reading the seller and working them in absence of car not being already sold to where both myself and the owner are comfortable to proceed with the next step of me dropping some cash on a PPI.  You guys did spook me a little bit, well done.  I got a bit impatient and settled for something not my first choice, but with plan to boot, ticked a heck of a lot of boxes.  But I knew to fold the cards so to speak and run onto plan B

You have your opinions on what 996tt's are worth, but I will stick to mine given I have it on good authority (stolen from DJM ) if you get the process right in the current market and play your cards rights , working from a baseline of circa 100k for fair  stock plain jane AUD example, (purely coincidence that best example UK pricing  x 2, (fx) = circa 100k aud) , you can at least get a seat at the table to have a serious crack on the odd car available an not pay massive premiums  in terms of % over prices circa 10 to 12 months ago .  So in absence of actual sales,  I was and always have been in the camp opining  that these currently advertised prices (three months ago, three weeks ago and still today) for a 996tt got caught up in the world had gone mad scenario.

Cars will transact at prices based what buyers and sellers are willing to bear.  My budget is set at a level where I see value.  What I can bear depends on whats on offer within that budget.   As the wise Tazzieman advised, with a wallet full of some cash, negotiate hard.  That can help increase the value proposition and perhaps get you into something you thought was out of your reach.   But I was doing that well before my first post  (lots of really was going in my mind as I eagerly watched  these posts come with the famesuit on)  and well before Tazzieman post offering that advice.

In the 996tt market, I not seeing it to differently than  Tazzieman, on the basis that if you had you Rosy coloured glasses on and  your initial reference point is advertised prices, its a looks to be a buyers market. For the examples that  interest  me, I am just seeing moderate premium increases to pre world has gone mad prices (i.e prices 10 to 12 months ago)

I forgot, I'm just the poor newbie with a 2 cent opinion with zero credibility given I haven't actually picked up the Porsche 996tt or even driven it.  I only posted my first post in response to seeing the words " 996tt prices occupying mid 100's" with nothing behind it.  So with no one taking an opposing view to that or calling it out so I can just hit the "like" button,  I thought that lacked credibility and I couldn't let it slide, and it warranted an opposing view in my humble opinion.  Yet in this fine institution that aspires to having a thirst and passion for seeking out and calling out the detail when it is absent, misleading or wrong  (996tt prices  ( more than one car) and occupying (present) 150k in absence of a time frame or examples, come again does that not need calling out.  Well that's how I read it and may have been out of context, and I may not of even battered an eye lid if said 996tt's heading to mid 100's), when some detail is provided, it appears to be quickly dismissed like its coming from a two year old or scorned upon (albeit it was presented in a piss poor form with respect to post length , sentence length and structuring, spelling (where is the spell checker icon again)dyslexic typing, grammar , punctuation etc yes it was a quick brain dump,typed very quickly)  

So some more infotainment to ponder, decipher, pull apart and hang s$% on.  But all is good, I am enjoying the journey thus far





Mr smit2100

WTF. Toooooooo long. Pack all this in, go try a car, see what you think, if its too fast go C2. If its not what you thought it would be, go buy a Golf/Corrola/Barrina, whatever & stop writing all this shit, its annoying ( maybe thats your point)

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Mr smit2100

WTF. Toooooooo long. Pack all this in, go try a car, see what you think, if its too fast go C2. If its not what you thought it would be, go buy a Golf/Corrola/Barrina, whatever & stop writing all this shit, its annoying ( maybe thats your point)

Yeah, smit2100

Stop being you ?

ZemustbelikeusorelZ ?


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 ......So with no one taking an opposing view to that or calling it out so I can just hit the "like" button,  I thought that lacked credibility and I couldn't let it slide, and it warranted an opposing view in my humble opinion.  Yet in this fine institution that aspires to having a thirst and passion for seeking out and calling out the detail when it is absent, misleading or wrong....


Love your work!  Whilst I agree that you could be a little more succinct in putting your arguments forward, I like that you don't just swallow the bullshit that is often put forward as fact by surprise surprise, those with vested interests.   

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you think the Welsh are holding out on us Pete? World class tenor voices and stockpilers of 996tt's??

I would say it's not unusual for that sort of caper. As Tom sings it :

Today he traded his '98 Oldsmobile 
He got a heck of a deal on a new Porsche car 
He isn't wearing his usual gray business suits 
He's got jeans and high boots with an embroidered star 
Cause today he's 40 years old, going on 20 
But don't look for the gray in his hair 
Cause he ain't got any 
He's got a young thing beside him 
That just melts in his hands 
And he's middle aged crazy 
Trying to prove he still can 
He's got a woman he's loved for a long, long time at home 
But the thrill is all gone, when they turn down the lights 
And today he's 40 years old, going on 20 
And don't look for the gray in his hair 
Cause he ain't got any 
And that young thing beside him, you know she understands 
He's just middle aged crazy 
Trying to prove he still can 
Yes, he's middle aged crazy 
Trying to prove he still can.  


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Smit ..I too had to get coffee to digest ..but admire you strength to get in the back saddle and try communicate with us virtual gunslingers.

My two cents worth , this forum and this thread in particular has BS tenfold about copy, grammar and prices , along side my own sarcasm and bad typing of course.

Retail too is against my principles in many areas of my life and god knows we work bloody hard to get our own little corner of car and beer tokens.

I have said it before there arent really any reliable market drivers and indicators that are consistent  Bull markets have lots of Bullshit.

I think its fair to say it sometimes looks like shit , smells like shit , but remember some things grow with that kinda fertiliser

People from the outside have many times quoted to me the looking in on PFA as a reference and they arent even members that pay or contribute .  We have created a lot of hype about this market and an even more hot air. The aussie market will falter like the AUD and the cars will trade like footy cars , but we will still love em.

I for one would welcome to see anyone out on the road to join in the smile club of driving their Porsche and hope to see you , thats where its at.

Im off to the bucket , gonna blast to Byron C+C , burn fossil fuels and bash my credit card at the 98 or E85 bowser. Ah I think I will slip a Bacon roll in their somewhere although its not very politically correct here.

If you buy the beer, Im open and give an  invitation to talk market, our wins and losses . If you you wanna race , lets do that before we drink beer please

If someone poked me with a stick I would probably take a baseball bat out or a sawn off shot gun , that what us pommie blokes are like ;) I could find the emoticon for displaying my emotion of being a shit stirrer, TRY CAPITALS .. That really pisses everyone off and its doesnt seem that real numbers is a concern on the vitual tyre kickers association.

As Next Gen Newage Byronian , Peace Love and Porsches

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salt water pool?



Whatever turns you on young fella!




Now , back to what's FS ...or go for a fang


I think I will slip a Bacon roll in their somewhere although its not very politically correct here.

Now that IS an example of bullshit! Every Porker lover is a fan of bacon, that's a given. 

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you think the Welsh are holding out on us Pete? World class tenor voices and stockpilers of 996tt's??

And the hills to race them through..

off topic:  I remember as a kid in the late 70's living on the Epynt in mid wales and watching the rally cars blast sideways past our house..  The Porsche's, and the Lancias. the Escosrts (meh) and the others.  Such great memories.


Unreal - look at what I just found on Youtube..!   At 28 seconds you can see our house on the right and that left hooker is the way they all went - fully sideways and screaming..  

Back in 10, got to watch this vid in full.  I hope its good - I'm still paused on 28 seconds. :)



<edit>  Old mate should take his hat off and wind down the windows..

/on topic


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Mr smit2100

WTF. Toooooooo long. Pack all this in, go try a car, see what you think, if its too fast go C2. If its not what you thought it would be, go buy a Golf/Corrola/Barrina, whatever & stop writing all this shit, its annoying ( maybe thats your point)

Hey Arnage, don't interrupt I'm still working my way through this record setting loooooooooooong post:) 

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I think smit just enjoys the process of the purchase. Nothing wrong with that and if you have the time on your hands for all of the "forensics" then good luck to you. just make sure you don't miss out on your original goal by getting too caught up in the curtain raiser. 


Reminds me of this guy I played poker tournaments against. He could reel off the percentages for the hand no matter what cards were showing, and he was pretty spot on. But he rarely played a hand and never come anywhere close to winning a tournament.... He never took the risk even when the percentages were with him!

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salt water pool?



 You in Thailand recently? 

that 'T' at CTS sure is interesting even if the colour is more pigeon than McQueen - SMIT 100 loving the work. You've livened up albeit temporarily what is at times a  maudlin post 6 o'clock swill 


BTW gents if you haven't heard it indoors today ...Happy Valentine's 

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