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Where did you drive your Porsche today?


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Took off to Berry, left the family at home. Just me, the Targa, some old tunes and the road. Before I knew it I had done two tanks of fuel and that was just the way there. Might have been a few sneaky side roads. The roads down south are just awesome, the new road into Berry just opened up (no by pass yet)... beautiful piece of road but the speed creeps up there! Stayed at The Berry Lake House - my kind of heaven!



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Eldest son & I went on a club run yesterday to the southwest wilderness area. About 2.5hrs from home , but a million miles from reality! All sealed roads. You have to be wary of roadkill , damp unpredictable road conditions and mist , campervans and motorcyclists doing hairy overtaking. There are no designated overtaking lanes.
Overall though a very worthwhile trip for visitors and locals alike. Even if you aren't into industrial heritage, it is sort of awe inspiring.

I haven't visited Strathgordon for 30 years , terrible I know. But I remember the incredible dam , plus lived through all the controversy of Tassy dam building in the 70s. I also knew the chief engineer , a gifted fellow if ever there was. The whole dam building business (whether rockfill , concrete etc) is a fascinating topic. Obviously more complex when you add a power station into the mix. Even getting geoiogists , engineers and the various construction workers into that inhospitable environment for years at a time is a feat in itself.

En route , the Sentinel Range


Part of the group, making up our own flag colour


Double arch dam , essentially like the end of an egg , incredible strong and uses ~1/10th the concrete it would otherwise. Building dams like these is no longer economically feasible.


No, there is no gift shop or cafe here. The wilderness lodge (ex workers' mess & quarters etc) is about 5 minutes drive before.


Used to go to where the flying fox was bolted on. Now , for intrepid tourists only.


You can book the world's tallest commercial abseil if you wish; just $210


Let's stop the ravine next to the dam face collapsing by bolting on 4 metal strips...


And in the tone of Jeremy Clarkson,  "POWER!"







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More power to ya Tassie! A greenie I am not - I eat as much steak as I can, yet I recycle as much as the next concientiuos bloke, I drive old petrol guzzling cars n bikes yet I wont turn on air cond or heating unless I absolutely have to (and I'm a kids turn your light off nazi!) I love the beach  (and leave the sharks that bite everyone the fuch alone!)  yet I want a cafe on the sand that sells me beer and cofffee . I love to hear a porsche or anything loud blasting air and noise pollution into the bush and mountains, but love fishing in tranquility in clear drinkable mountain stream water. I am always amazed when I look at phenominable huge creations at what man can achieve thinking dreaming engineering inventing and creative, And I mean man, not woman. They dont think dream ponder create organise, cut through the bullshit,  make unbelievable things happen. Now I'm just off on a tangent rambling my mind. Yep, that's certainly worth celebrating, enjoying and revelling in the amazingness of the whole dam thing there.... and enjoying it all in an old antiquated AC 911 - way to go mate!!!!

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enjoying and revalling in the amazingness of the whole dam thing there

This makes for interesting reading https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/portal/system/files/engineering-heritage-australia/nomination-title/HRP.Gordon Dam.Nomination with Images.Nov 2000.pdf

And FWIW , I follow a vegan diet as well as a carnivorous one ;)

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Geezuz Tassie do you stay up all night searching this stuff out? You're diet is an oxymoron as are you as are I -,I'll have a quinioa  pommegranite breakfast same as a beta,  and follow it up at dinner after MMA training with a steak and beer (low carb!) fit for an alpha!

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Geezuz Tassie do you stay up all night searching this stuff out? You're diet is an oxymoron as are you as are I -,I'll have a quinioa  pommegranite breakfast same as a beta,  and follow it up at dinner after MMA training with a steak and beer (low carb!) fit for an alpha!

I have a thirst for knowledge. My appetite after training also knows no boundaries. But I don't do hipster stuff, just normal food. This has,  you realise , got nothing to do with Porsches?

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I took my 996 down to Torquay for 3 days and to Lorne and Anglesea... what a nightmare and slow drive that was :(. it took 2 hours to get from Airleys Inlet to Lorne to only have NO WHERE to park and turn back to the resort. 

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I took my 996 down to Torquay for 3 days and to Lorne and Anglesea... what a nightmare and slow drive that was :(. it took 2 hours to get from Airleys Inlet to Lorne to only have NO WHERE to park and turn back to the resort. 

The Great Ocean Road, as romantic as it is, is generally a no go zone for decent drives during normal waking hours.  I've spent countless frustrating hours dawdling behind a queue of tourists.  That said, I've also had some cracking dawn runs between Lorne and Apollo Bay during 'out of season' times (including one memorable thrash in a Mk1 Focus STI - geez that was a terrific little car).  Pick your moments, Pokiou, and you will be rewarded.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Needed to "run some errands" last night.

Funny how many nights I think of something I urgently need to attend to that simply can't wait until tomorrow. I've got a bit of a local circuit including Lysterfield road that's good for a half hour spin but decided to stop and get a photo down the road.


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Well I really do feel like I'm going to struggle staying under my 90 days on the club plate!

Woke up this morning and figured I'd go for a spin before my son's basketball game. Lysterfield to Emerald, then onto Monbulk, Kallista, Ferny Creek then back down the hill. Roads were nice and quiet and mostly dry. Stunning time of year to be driving through the hills - came around a few curves with Autumn leaves falling as i drove through and felt like I was in Europe or the American East coast.

Just love driving this machine - everything about it! The performance, the grip, the sound, even the smell. It's just spectacular. Amazing too how the colour changes in different lights. Sometimes it looks almost black.FullSizeRender 15 copy

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How good does that look with a light mist in the valley and the morning sun streaming through the trees onto the car...

think I should have made time this morning and done the same ?

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How good does that look with a light mist in the valley and the morning sun streaming through the trees onto the car...

think I should have made time this morning and done the same ?

Yeah it was a stunning morning. I think tomorrow could be quite similar ?

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Roughly 1350 Kms this weekend, only had to dive the boring  Hwy bits on my own the rest was with a great group of PFA er's


Friday day one


Saturday morning


Saturday afternoon


Sunday morning



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