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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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86 is arguably not the best year for a 3.2. First of the unleaded so they missed out on the earlier 231hp engine and too early for the later G50. There is a noticeable difference in performance against either earlier or later models and this to me detracts from the Porsche spirit. However with limited supplies of cars at this caliber one can ask the price and see what comes of it.


True but to be fair the '86's did get the better dash vents so it's not all downhill, lol!


Love the interior. Hope my next car has that colour or pasha...

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To me, if the interior of an older car is in almost new condition, the colour almost takes a back seat.

I mean, look how clean that interior shot is; I know my partner wouldn't understand but I would be VERY happy to drive around in an OLD car with such a clean inside.

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interior is possibly the easiest thing to restore though imo.

I don't know. While exterior is a lot of work, with modern paints you can get a factory-or-better finish. Interiors though, I have seen very few that retain a factory look after restoration. Usually it's the materials used or a mix of old and new parts, but only original interiors ever look quite right to me. Even in some top dollar restos the interior doesn't look quite right - sometimes it looks too good, like the leather being used is too high quality or something.

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Ive been enjoying playing catch up with PFA since last weeks eventing. I cant be fagged quoting the posts that stand out, but there are several things Id like to throw in the ring, with no offence intended to anyone, although that might be the result.

Since when is it immoral for a dealer to be quick on his feet, buy a car listed for sale, and then resell it for a profit? Thats why dealers exist, to make a profit, and the dealer concerned has an excellent hard-earned reputation carried forward over the years. That dealer had only two cars for sale this morning, because they had sold all the others. They know the market and enjoy it for what it is. They would also know that to stab a customer wont make them come back, so whilst they are looking for a profit they are also mindful of future sales to the same people as any business should be. I haven't dealt with them (yet) but several friends have and its always been good. Rare in the poisonous Porsche pool we all swim in.

Of what real concern is it that a knowledgeable owner, with a strong dealer connection, would list his rare low mileage 911 for sale with them at a strong price? I refer specifically to the WA 1986 911 at Chellingworth's. The owner has owned more 911's than most of us, knows what he has, knows the market better than most, and is entitled to ask his price. What is odd with that? There are already people offering to buy it at nearly the asking price, and it will sell soon because there aren't any others like it. More power to him. Id do the same. Again, I've no vested interest in this, its just a comment because I know the people concerned, although they certainly aren't close friends.

In the end, it all comes down to the same thing, just the best Porsche car you can afford. We are not buying shares, and unless we are dealers, we are buying cars for enjoyment, not to make money. Whilst our means all vary, if you buy the best car you can afford then it will work out in the end.

I do understand that people are using this forum to learn about 911's and other Porsche models. Used wisely, its a great resource and helps many of us enjoy our hobby to a greater degree. The banter is fun, the camaraderie strong, and the willingness of the old hands to step in and help the new people makes a difference. The PM system carries a fair bit of traffic and thats good. It helps us all behind the scenes. Some other forums have stumbled because of vested interests using the unfair advantage of administration. That hasn't happened here and its a credit to Kerry and his crew.

After all, its all about this....


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There's nothing illegal about a dealer flipping a car, or a private seller asking a premium.


However, for years these old air-cooled cars have been considered the everyday supercar for the everyday man, and any day of the week, I was able to track down a dozen really nice cars on carsales to admire and aspire to own.


In the last 12 months, that supply (mainly of unmodified air-cooled rear-wheel drive manual coupes) has completely dried up, and prices have soared.


That must be incredibly frustrating for salt-of-the-earth folk who have been scrounging pennies into their mid-lives to buy the poster-car of their youth, only to find increasingly that these cars are becoming out of reach.


I can understand Autohaus Hamilton charging a premium for cars that they have known and serviced over time, but even I raised a little eye-brow at the novelty of seeing what happened with that ex-Hong Kong 964 recently. Of course they're entitled, and good luck to them, but it did seem like a little change in their modus operandi. And if I was in the market for an air-cooled coupe at the moment, it would make me worry.


Equally, your acquaintance in WA who has listed the lovely Carrera 3.2, is simply adding to the exclusivity of ownership of these cars.


Don't get me wrong, I paid a relative premium for my 964 C2 three years ago and had a couple of Porsche-folk poke fun at me for doing so at the time, so I am delighted to see these cars gain a little value. But if I was shopping now instead of back then, I'd probably want to give up!

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Don't get me wrong, I paid a relative premium for my 964 C2 three years ago and had a couple of Porsche-folk poke fun at me for doing so at the time, so I am delighted to see these cars gain a little value. But if I was shopping now instead of back then, I'd probably want to give up!

Or buy a shark to swim around in Simon's poisonous pool  ;) They are somewhat undervalued.

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